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 Nov 2024 Charly
Nicole Joanne
because of you I sleep with the tv on these days
not because I think of you & can’t sleep
but because I’m scared of the dark
now that I know monsters exist.

 Nov 2024 Charly
David P Carroll
The rain is pouring down
Creating a soggy back garden
And with every drop
I just couldn't stop
And I danced in the rain
Disregarding the guard.
Raining 🌧 ☔️ ⛈️
 Nov 2024 Charly
Lizzie Bevis
You read my poetry,
then turned away,  
as if the words
had nothing to say.  
Each line was a pulse,
it was a part of me,  
yet you drift on past,
too blind to see  
that my verses ache,
hoping to be heard,  
yet silence lingers,
louder than each word.  
The ink may fade,
but my feelings remain,  
as I laid my heart bare,
was it all in vain?

©️Lizzie Bevis
 Nov 2024 Charly
Let go
 Nov 2024 Charly
Loving is like
Hanging on a cliff
Once you fall,
There's no coming back

Most try to climb up
Some succed, some fail

But, they don't understand
That there's happiness
In letting go too

Let go and who knows?
Maybe you'll fall somewhere
You'd never want to
Climb up from
 Nov 2024 Charly
 Nov 2024 Charly
I am aware
Ignorance is bliss.


I am aware.

I am too awake.

I am fully conscious!

This shall be the death
Of all my progress

I am aware!
Can you numb me again?

My mind is poisonous

I am aware

I am my own

                    worst enemy.
Introspection, too much
 Nov 2024 Charly
Mike Hauser
From the moment I was born
I was deemed terminal
And in keep with any known disease
If not kept in check, will get the best of me

The day the doctor slapped my rear
And said boy, get on out of here
I’m sure you’ll do just fine
With this crazy thing called life

And that’s exactly what this young kid did
Running the streets and loving it
Live it like there ain’t no cure
Love life like it’s terminal

The only thing to put a stop to it
Is the day you’re declared dead
No time for the bitter pill of sorrow
Live life like there’s no tomorrow

I do believe they might be right
Today is the first day of the rest of your life
So when you’re told that you should live
Do your best to make the best of it

Laugh and love, smile and hug
Like you never have enough
Live it like there ain’t no cure
Love life like it’s terminal
 Nov 2024 Charly
Easy okay?
 Nov 2024 Charly
Both our eyes have tears on cue
Let's make this easy
I miss you
You miss me
Civil talking or wild yelling
**** it, just tell me the same thing
 Nov 2024 Charly
 Nov 2024 Charly
It's absurd to claim that I don’t place my slippers by the bed every day. They’re always there, untouched, just as I left them. But still, I’ve wondered before waking up, will they be there where I left them?
 Nov 2024 Charly
Yonah Jeong
With bad habits
Deep in my right leg
A small blood vessel clogged
Because of the pain in my right leg
I couldn't walk properly
20 years ago,
after surgery
the doctor said
“You're going to wear
the strongest compression stockings
for the rest of your life
You'll always be standing on two legs
at all times.”
since then,
I've been able to stand on my feet
even when it's over 100 degrees Fahrenheit
my wife complimented me on them
I'm walking well, standing well, running well
And today,
I'm here to tell
since a year ago.
hesitating, hesitating, hesitating.
I received my wife's permission
40 years ago,
to write poetry, to do research
kicked out of the computer
I bought again it
for 150 dollars
My wife asked
“Do you really have to write on a typewriter?”
sound of the typewriter
typewriter ribbons that leave a trail of wrong things
I love them
I said
“Now typewriter is like medical stocking pair"
She laughed and held my hand.
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