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Carmen Jane Aug 2020
You took your rays, you silly sun,
You thought you'd play a game
You thought that I would wait
Until you come back..

You did came back,
The second day
And I was still there
But, you just didn't recognize me
You shone your rays so you could find me
You melted glaciers for me,
But the more stronger your light,
The more blind you became
As I shone, too
  Aug 2020 Carmen Jane
to walk the path of beauty
is not to shun ugliness
but to lovingly embrace it
until we can see
how beautiful it truly is

to walk the path of beauty
is not to hate the hateful
but to smile toward them
until they see their worth
in the reflection of our eyes
both ugliness and beauty only exist in your mind.  they aren't real.  choose to see beauty
  Aug 2020 Carmen Jane
etched into my mind
you fill my dreams with pure love
let us never wake
escaping reality
  Aug 2020 Carmen Jane
Imagine life deprived of pain and lost.
Never regretting days we spend adrift.
Or love without remorse, a price, or cost.
Forever living in eternal bliss.

But life is hard and love is rare to find.
The sun it burns relentlessly above.
The night reveals uncertainty inside.
Imagine life deprived of pain and love.

As stubborn hearts grow restless, winter sets.
But they never remain the same throughout.
A journey long and painful nonetheless.
Unspoken truths never revealed aloud.

A love untouched by doubt, a heart of stone.
Imagine life unfazed by love alone.
I gave words a try
Wrote them
They helped me fly,
In my mind
Abstract, as freedom is
Now, we never stop
The words, and I
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