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  Jul 2020 Carmen Jane
As pebbles are thrown
into the lonesome pond
laughter splashes out
And smiles run and glide
with ripples of liveliness.
Carmen Jane Jul 2020
Curl up, my dear and rest your head on my heart
Cause that's your place and it will always be
I have already loved you from the very start
You're all I could ask for, this I can clearly see!
Wrap your hands around my shoulders
That's one way you can feel my love
It feels so soft, yet it can move boulders
About you, my love, I think the world of!
In sync our heartbeats drum
And the hug we share  sets adrift in sleep
I will stay still, even if I get all numb
So you can rest; my love - it is so deep!
The smell in your hair, giggles in my brain
Oh, I'm so blessed to have you in my arms
I'd give you all, even my very last grain
Or my life, to protect you from life's harms!
  Jun 2020 Carmen Jane
Stephen E Yocum
Midnight, bright moon,
breeze slightly soothing
the heat of day.
Scent of fresh blossoms
perfume strong in the
garden air.

Crickets in fine tune,
as are the frogs,
performing their endless
concert of night music.

Reluctant to let it go,
the day is ended now,
nearly indistinguishable
from the days before,
or the one tomorrow.
Retired with too much
time on my hands, days
bleed one into another.

What did I accomplish
today? Not much by some
peoples measure, not even
my own. . . But for one,

Spent time with my youngest
grandson, we talked in earnest
of things that mattered to
him, concerns and fears,
12 year old little boy things.
I listened, cajoled, advised,
shared some mistakes and
stories of my own youth. We
laughed, oh how we laughed.

He hugged me upon leaving
with tears of happiness and
relief in his eyes, told
me he loved me, twice.

Just a small encounter,
yet I believe he will
remember, perhaps
even be a little inspired.

For me brief sweet moments
invested, filled with precious
renderings of this wonderfully
special wholly worthwhile day,
not at all wasted, or the same.

As sleep pervades my thoughts
I will recall and cherish his laughter.
Perhaps tomorrow we will do it again.
Passing it on, to those
we love that is what life
is all about.
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