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  Oct 2019 Carmen Jane
And she
said "yes!"

she will
marry me,

and it
entirely changed
the apex of
my life's point
of view.

and now there
were two.

it was like
jumping off
a cliff and
landing on
only a deep
ocean sky.

and love was all
we knew ,

my dreams
were all we

together in
everything that
we did.

and "I love you
became our
point of view.

it was
the perfect timing
of the universe.


I asked
her to marry me

and she "said Yes"
  Oct 2019 Carmen Jane
I woke up this morning and
I started counting my blessings
I found out that I'm more blessed
than I ever thought or imagined.

Even though I don't have a million dollars
in my bank account, not even 10% of that
Neither do I own a fast or luxurious car
But blessedness is not confined to that.

I haven't been in a hospital bed in years
I realized that I have a family that cares
I've never not have a roof over my head
Every night, I lay on a comfortable bed.

I have clean water running through my taps
My freedom is not restricted by bars
My mouth hasn't been short of laughs
Even the dark times were filled with stars

It dawned on me that
I have a lot to be thankful for
It's a question of where I put my focus on!
  Oct 2019 Carmen Jane
Lamar Cole
The night was made for romance.
In the night our two hearts dance.
Under the stars our lips touch.
In the garden your embrace means so much.

The night was made for love.
Our hearts cooing like a white dove.
Your eyes sparkling like diamonds so white.
I love you darling with all my might.

The night was made for caring and trust.
And darling, God made this night for us.
  Oct 2019 Carmen Jane
Emma Price
Oh, my dear
please calm my fear
by staying near
as the demons jeer
and the ghosts leer
whisper in my ear
when the coast is clear
~much love
  Oct 2019 Carmen Jane
Your words glide
Over my
Heart like a
Skater skates
On ice lakes.

Slowly you
Wear me down;
Carve your words
Onto my
Heart with blades.

One time you
Will cut through
And fall in
Through the crack
That you made.

You will try
To climb out,
But you are
Stuck in the
Void with me.

Now you'll know
Just the harm
That a few
Words can cause.
Can't you tell?
  Oct 2019 Carmen Jane
It’s not fair
For you to claim
That you work harder
That you strive longer
That you bear heavier
That you haven’t seen the daylight
That you haven’t touched
Your food yet
It’s not fair
For you to compare
Yours are bigger than mine

It’s not fair
For you to say
That I didn’t work harder
It’s not fair
For you to alleged
I didn’t bear
Much burden
It’s not fair
For you to say
That my struggle
Is lighter
That my nights
A longer
And my days
Are brighter

It’s not fair
To stated
That yours
Are bigger than mine

I put equal hardship
I put extra effort
I hold a bigger role
I’m the runner
Of the family
I ran day and night
Double capacity
Not a single
Sweat I complained
For the things
I would do
For family

It’s not fair
To confirm
That yours
Are bigger than mine

I struggle too
I get depressed too
I'm working too
I even do the chores
I didn't rest
I didn't whine
I didn't rebel
I even made it
As part of my shrine

It’s not fair
To validate
That yours
Are bigger than mine
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