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  Oct 2019 Carmen Jane
It’s not fair
For you to claim
That you work harder
That you strive longer
That you bear heavier
That you haven’t seen the daylight
That you haven’t touched
Your food yet
It’s not fair
For you to compare
Yours are bigger than mine

It’s not fair
For you to say
That I didn’t work harder
It’s not fair
For you to alleged
I didn’t bear
Much burden
It’s not fair
For you to say
That my struggle
Is lighter
That my nights
A longer
And my days
Are brighter

It’s not fair
To stated
That yours
Are bigger than mine

I put equal hardship
I put extra effort
I hold a bigger role
I’m the runner
Of the family
I ran day and night
Double capacity
Not a single
Sweat I complained
For the things
I would do
For family

It’s not fair
To confirm
That yours
Are bigger than mine

I struggle too
I get depressed too
I'm working too
I even do the chores
I didn't rest
I didn't whine
I didn't rebel
I even made it
As part of my shrine

It’s not fair
To validate
That yours
Are bigger than mine
  Oct 2019 Carmen Jane
You meet the right people
At the wrong times.

That thing could’ve worked
If it was a bit later,
Or maybe a bit sooner.

We would’ve worked
If it was at a different time
In a different place.
With different people

We could’ve lasted.

You were the right person
At the wrong time.
  Oct 2019 Carmen Jane
Beauty of autumn
   As I watch the sunset fades
    Yellow, mellow, gold
  Oct 2019 Carmen Jane
Mike Hauser
5:09 in the morning
I slap the alarm a second time
Guess I best be going
If I plan to catch the 6:09

That's all I seem to do these days
Is travel the salesman's life
But what else can one man do
With three kids and a wife

I hate the life I'm living
Of never being home
I know they love and cherish me
But I still feel so all alone

With the T.V. as my only companion
In this dreary hotel room
Each time I leave a part of me
Knowing I'll be back real soon

The life of a traveling salesman
Is nothing if it's not hard
Most days they barely look at me
As they hold their hand out for my card

I still must brave the days ahead
For the little ones and wife back home
To give to them a better life
Than the one in which I roam

5:09 in the morning
I slap the alarm a second time
Guess I best be going
If I plan to catch the 6:09
His skin was always so baby soft
I would sleep next to him when I felt like I was fallen apart
We where not attached at birth
In fact you couldn't wait to be away from me
You severed your life cord  
I did not nest in your  soul
I had to leave
I didn't try hard enough
Perhaps  when you where a  baby I held you like a gun
I'm your  trigger
Allowing the bullets in my head to erupt
I feel so much hatred towards the boy in a mans body
I love my son its hard even when his fists meet my face.
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