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  Oct 2014 Noel Iesse
I texted you
at 12:30 a.m.
with a beer can on my bedside table,
asked you
if you remember
how my lips taste,
told you
it's been a while
since anyone's touched me
like you used to,
haha, I love you
to texts that
didn't quite make sense;

I asked for it.

That's what I keep
telling myself.
It's not ****
if I gave consent,
it's not ****
if you didn't touch me,
it's not ****
if I said yes when
you offered to make me less lonely.

I remember when
that boy you were always jealous of
told me he loved me,
I remember wanting to say it back,
I remember the smell of
my mom's *****
on his breath.

I said no.
Took his arm off my shoulder,
turned my head away,
told him not to kiss me,
told him not tonight,
told him he was drunk,
he was lying to himself,
he was just lonely,
he would not love me
in the morning.

I was right.
He told me
the last thing he remembered
was sitting down next to me,
he said
sorry if I tried anything,
I said he didn't.

My point is,

the boy I loved,
longed for,
still long for,
was giving himself to me,
his flushed cheek on my shoulder,
his hands in my hair,
my name on his lips,
and I said no.

My point is,

I, whom you knew to be vulnerable,
to be empty,
to be broken,
was begging you to save me,
my desire on your phone screen,
my scars in your memories,
my cries echoing in your eardrums,
and you asked for more.

My point is,

there comes a point
in every person's life
when they are given the choice
to do the right thing,
or do the wrong thing
and convince them self
it was the only option.

My point is,

I could have been
at your doorstep,
in your bedroom,
and the right answer
still would have been

My point is,

you did not **** me,
but you made me feel violated.
You are not a *** offender,
but you are an awful person.
I did say yes,
but you should have said no.

My point is,

I may have asked for it,
but that doesn't mean
you should've given it to me.
I am not sure if any of you have been through something similar, but it's hard to know who to blame in this type of situation. If you have any personal experiences feel free to message me.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.
  Oct 2014 Noel Iesse
Jessica Evans
When I was younger
My favorite movie was Legally Blonde
I thought she was pretty and blonde and courageous
Now I see her as an idol to look up to, a feminist
When I was little
I never let my dad open doors for me
He told me it was chivalry
I told him I had two fully capable hands
My childhood heroes were Rosa Parks
And Harriett Tubman
I thought they were braver than any man
We learned about in history
When I was fifteen I had my first boyfriend
He called my babe and woman
I dumped him
When I turned eighteen
I learned that feminist isn't a ***** word
I learned about men who wanted to wear dresses
And he strength of women who were once men
Women who are beaten and ***** because of who they are
I learned that feminism isn't just about equal pay
It's about equal rights for all
I learned that being a woman isn't defined by your ******
And that everyone should be able to express themselves
We want to smash the glass ceiling
While talking down gender roles
Stay at home mom's
Become stay at home dad's
Feminism isn't about women ruling the world
It's about a world full of expression
Without any fear
When I was young I didn't know I was a Feminist
But now I'm gonna scream it from the rooftops

— The End —