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I can accept the wrinkles
The graying of the hair
The balding spot that sits on top
The memory that goes no where

The groans I make as I start my day
Before the aches and pains subside
Yes I can accept all this and more
As just another part of life

What I can't accept is the simple fact
I'll soon leave all this behind
As I take that final wisp of breath
Rolling over to the other side

Leaving those to which I've grown close
Through the laughter, trials, and tears
As we've held each other steady
After all these many years

The closer I get to deaths edge
The more on life I ponder
Yes most of this I can accept
In one form or another

But leaving behind the ones I love
I sometimes have to wonder...
It really matters how you slather
Jelly on the bread
As it must be globed enough
To cover every inch

Of course grapes the jelly go to
No need to question why
Still for me the strawberry
Is always on stand by

And when it comes to peanut butter
The crunchy is a given
If you're in the mood to spread the smooth
I say to you,  don't even

The bread I'm not concerned with
It's just there for name sake and handles
Because without bread the above said
Would be a mess and not a sandwich

One thing that almost slipped past me
Can't believe I had forgotten
The jelly always goes on top
And peanut butter on the bottom
One guess as to what I had for lunch...
 Jul 2016 Ann M Johnson
don't wanna trophy
or be known
don't want a woman
won't stay home
don't wanna know
what you doin'
don't want another night
all alone

don't need to save no world
or be a saint
just wanna live
my life in peace
don't want much money
or gold
don't crave more
than what I get
on my own

Just wanna new world
with butterflies
and rainbows
always just wanna be
happy and calm
every now and
I want to ask
What reminds you of me?
But if you were to ask me back
I couldn't pick one thing
Because my mind likes to bring
Everything back to you
But then maybe my answer is
That I remind myself
Of you
Time to get up
Make the bed
Let some sun shine through a window
Make some coffee
Take a shower as Taylor Swift plays on the stereo
Put on some jeans
Comb my hair
Put some lipstick on my lips
Read a chapter from a novel then run some errands
so my breakfast doesn't stick to my hips
Buy some groceries
Put them away
Write some poems until the boyfriend comes home
Wash some dishes
Watch a movie
Do anything that distracts me from feeling alone
Eat dinner
Have some wine
Cuddle and kiss babe on the couch
Eat some ice cream wearing nothing but his t-shirt
while I laugh to the point my cheeks hurt
It's 11:00 pm now
Time for bed
I lie down as his arms wrap around me
I let myself drift away
praying I don't get woken up by my anxiety
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
WRITTEN ON: May 8, 2016 Sunday 10:20 PM
I don't want to get up today
Why make the bed when I know I will just mess it up later?
I just want to stay in the dark because I don't want the world to see me
I hope my shower washes away all of the uncomfortable feelings I am feeling right now
Taylor Swift always makes everything better
These jeans make my *** look big
My hair is so frizzy I wish I looked cute bald
Lipstick doesn't cure ugly but I can dream right?
I wish I could physically jump into the book I am currently reading
I don't want to go outside
I feel sick
This grocery store is making me claustrophobic
I can't figure out where anything goes
My head is full of chaos
I can't wait until my boyfriend comes home from work
Doing the dishes is so therapeutic
I can't sit still
Something is wrong
I wonder if he thinks I'm fat
I need to eat slow
I hope this wine doesn't turn me into an alcoholic
I wonder if I annoy my boyfriend
I feel so **** and fat at the same time
It feels so good to laugh
Don't stop
I wonder if he wants to break up with me
I can't sleep
Anxiety won't let me
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
WRITTEN ON: May 8 , 2016 Sunday 10:33 PM
I can't walk up to a stranger and introduce myself
without feeling out of my skin
I can't be surrounded by family
without feeling my world caving in
I can't text a person without feeling like I am bothering them
I can't open up to people
without worrying I am too weird for them
I am not putting on a show
or making up excuses
I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder
yes it is a real illness
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
WRITTEN ON: May. 9, 2016 Sunday 12:00 AM
Self deprecation
Mood deflation
Perfect jeans you had
A size too small
Looks when you wear
Clothes you love

Silent thoughts
Silent tears
Sometimes makes it worse

Wishing it wasn't like this
That your thoughts didn't turn on you

It's not about the size
Or being a zero
It's about loving your body
And I don't love me like this
I did when I was healthy
I used to love EVERYTHING about me

I feel weak
I feel used
I feel fat

The mind is powerful
It is great at deceiving
Even the strongest minds
Have a breaking point

Each person is beautiful no matter what
Because there is no one else quite like you
There is always someone who has self doubt and untrue thoughts. This is truly about myself
based on the song by Bruce Cockburn

Maybe the poet is old,
But they won't do as they're told
Maybe the poet is young
But her words you should not shun,
Maybe the poet is free
Are you blind and do not see?
Maybe the poet's a Slave
But those white flags won't be waved!
Maybe the poet is saved
Maybe the poet's a knave
But he'll shout unto the grave!

Black or white,  or coffee brown
His words will stay... they'll stick around
Tan or beige, russet red
You will recall what's been said
It will play all through your head
She will *speak until she's she's dead!

Maybe the poet is rich
And is sitting by a beach
Maybe the poet is poor
But her words you'll hear for sure
Maybe ill with no cure
Though she's dead she will endure
Homeless woman, wealthy man
They won't do as you have planned
They won't play on with the band
They'll be strong and take a stand

They'll holler til you understand!

They won't have a TV show
Won't be on your radio
But the word of mouth will go
Be it fast or be it slow

They may be killed, they may be shot
They will speak TRUTH!
Ignominy may be their lot

But they will produce some thought!

Maybe the voice of The Spirit
In which case you'd better hear it!
You may not touch it. Can't get near it.

Please don't expect applause
Don't find rejection odd...

For it is the Words of God.

(C) 7/16/2016
"Maybe the Poet" by Bruce Cockburn
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