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Grace Grimsley
Music and poetry are a few of my passions, along with reading of course, but I am only an amateur so do not expect anything …
24/M/South Africa    Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. …
20/F/canada    Constantly devastated by the things happening around me. Constantly falling in love with the unknown. Constantly looking for the words to describe this mass of …
Analytical skitzo
28/M/Sacramento    I don't have a drug problem, I have a life problem and my solution is drugs. Experienced much but have lost much more. Luckily possessions …
Becky Jo Gibson
59/F/San Diego    My passion is poetry. I write. It is necessary! These 3 things keep me sane. God, writing and Brendy. (My 3 1/2 year old dingo …
Eddie Matikiti
Johannesburg    I am inspired by my observations...
N Schlegel
Somewhere    I like writing poems, but I figure fame is too much to ask for. So I post them here, where I can keep track of …
Thomas P Owens Sr
M/New Market, Va    Lover of poetry, film, comedy, the paranormal, OBX, Rush and women named Eve
Renee Danielle
23/Non-binary/Michigan    I have a hard time collecting my thoughts, but some of them are kept here.
Ugo Victor
Nigeria    Ambitious.
24/F/USA    a stream of consciousness
Impeccable Space Poetess
Life♡Love    I'm no good at BIOS etc But~this is SO--GOOD:);):)<333 ...thanks for posting xour lovely poems... ❤ IMPECCABLE SPACE POETESS
Chloe's Not An Angel
23/F/UK    I don't really know what I'm doing with myself, so I'll just write poetry instead of figuring it out.
Sofia Kioroglou
Greece    I am Sofia Kioroglou from Greece. I am an educational consultant, columnist, sometime feature writer, prolific blogger, poet and fiction writer. My poems have been …
Jade Welch
Bill murray
California    Old freak, cool cat chilled on back Have gotten unmannerly comment's Troll Mat is outdoors mites, gladly don't come a knocking Gramps gun will go …
A Colorado native....born in Durango, living now in Colorado Springs. Retired from Air Force. Interested in non duality relating to spirituality, religion, and modern life.
Melissa S
I am from a small town in Alabama. I use to keep a journal several years ago and quit writing altogether when I got too …
Chandrima banerjee
India    evading humans, battling depression, Following my meandering heart, In hope of a peace injected chaos...
Michael Murphy
United States    I've always written, but decided to start sharing what I write. I find now that I love anything written by my parents, grandparents... (even recipes) …
North Carolina    Poet, mother (in love with her special boys), best friend, word enthusiast, film, movie and art junky (surreal, abstract, bizzare and beautiful), undying bookworm, singer, …
Sean Hunt
Windermere, Cumbria    Irish. born in London, raised in Canada, multiple careers including, chronologically, I.T. Programmer/Analyst/Teacher, L.S.D Researcher, Carpenter, Headhunter, Vocational Counsellor, Addictions Counsellor, Psychotherapist/Psychologist, Meditating Buddhist Monk, …
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