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Nov 2022 · 109
Perfecting Failure
MendingPeices Nov 2022
If you ask me what my problem is
It’s hard to get a straight answer

“What ISNT my problem”
“Don’t know what’s yours”

I’ve been practicing for years
My actions became their own kind of cancer

“What do you get out of this”
“How did you think this would help”

Very few people are affected
I’m usually the one persecuted here

“I don’t know why I do it”
“Isn’t having a good time enough”

Because the only way to perfect failure
Is with self sabotage
Welcome back to the **** show, I’m my own biggest problem
Jan 2022 · 882
Yearning for your touch
MendingPeices Jan 2022
I want you to hold me
Pressing me close to your skin
I want you to press your lips to mine
So we can get lost in each others embrace

I ache to be next to you
It hurts to not be able to comfort you
I ache to be your escape
So we don’t have to stay here

I wish you understood my addiction
Just talking to you is all I have
I wish you could be inside me
Because you complete me as I do you

Thoughts in a long distance relationship
Jan 2021 · 111
Burn out
MendingPeices Jan 2021
My mind never stops
there's a fire somewhere
I can't put it out
There's a panic
Everyone loves to shout

I have to listen
To the 8 others
the are part of me
as they always have been
I just wish they weren't so loud

As I seem to lose hope
Everyone's doubt seems to hold
I feel pressed with the crowd
I can't make a sound
I'm just too burnt out
Jul 2020 · 102
Perfect to me
MendingPeices Jul 2020
You think your arms are too skinny
But they are perfect to me
Wrap them around me an i fit perfectly

You think you're too short
But you’re perfect size to me
When we cuddle you’ll fit perfectly

You think your voice is annoying
But you sound perfect to me
Just say my name again and I respond perfectly

You think all the negative things
But you are perfect to me
So don’t talk about yourself badly
Dec 2019 · 133
Fast track
MendingPeices Dec 2019
I cant sleep cuz my mind keeps racing

my lungs deflating

my heart outpacing

everything inside

and i don't want to be alive

i just cant hide

as i cant seem to hold

the tears back anymore

as they carve

tracks down my face

my mind continues to race

and i seem to lose space

inside my room

i have a sense of doom

looming over me

i can not see

anything beyond

your face

like a saving grace

pushing past my defense

as i call

out to you

but im a fool

you where never really there

and now i over think

everything you said

last night

while i sit in my bed

and we are back where we started
Nov 2019 · 224
In Love
MendingPeices Nov 2019
Remember the day we met?
And you said you'd be mu friend?
And we started to fall
In love, in love, in love

Remember the days we spent?
Talking about the end?
And how we were
In love, in love, in love

Remember the day you met?
And she said she'd be your friend?
And we were still
In love, in love, in love

Remember the day you took her to bed?
And said we could still be friends?
And how you two were
In love, in love, in love

Remember how much I hurt?
And how you had been my world?
And how i thought we were
In love, in love, in love
Nov 2019 · 170
Black and Blue
MendingPeices Nov 2019
I never thought i could fall in love
I never thought that love from me could ever be true
I kept myself distant in the hope to never hurt you
Because I am black and you are blue

I have hurt everyone who ever loved me
I keep telling you I'm bad
I have given you plenty of warnings
Because I am black and you are blue

I can't find what you see in me
I can see that you are a fool
I know its impossible to convince you otherwise
Because I am black you are blue

I asked you why you love me
I asked why i fell in love with you
I laughed at your answer
"because you are black and I am blue"
May 2019 · 978
Please listen
MendingPeices May 2019
listen to my heart
it only beats for you

listen to my voice
because i speak the truth

listen to my apology
because i really mean it

listen to my pain
because only you can stop it

listen to my love
because i have no one else to give it to

listen to my tears
because they are meant for you
May 2019 · 171
I'm Sorry (For my EX)
MendingPeices May 2019
Baby, i'm sorry for what I've done
Baby, please, don't drag this on
baby, i know i've hurt you bad
baby, think about all we've had

sweetie, i know you hate me
sweetie, i understand
sweetie, i know i'm not easy to love
sweetie, you've been like an angle sent from heaven above

honey, i'm sorry for all the pain
honey, i know that you curse my name
honey, please try to understand
honey, none of this was part of my plan

Ahron i'm sorry for what i've done
Ahron i know you wont forgive me for any of it
Ahron... i still love you...
Ahron... i could never replace you
Jan 2019 · 229
Look at Me
MendingPeices Jan 2019
Hush baby
Don't look at them
The demons closing in
Don't look at the darkness
I need you to look at me
Just look at me

Hush child
you're safe here
Just don't look away
Don't look at the shadows
Just keep your eyes on mine
Look at me

Don't worry angle
I wont let you fall
Don't look down
Don't think about falling
Don't take your eyes off me
look at me

I'll be your anchor
I'll be you light
I'll protect you
Just don't look away
i need to look at you
Look at me
Dec 2018 · 203
MendingPeices Dec 2018
Your safe in my arms
I want to make you feel safe
Let me protect you

— The End —