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Your sun is laughing in my heart...
...خورشید تو در قلب من می خندد
Your eyes laughing with me...
...چشم هایت با من می خندند
A light on your lips, maybe
شاید نوری روی لب هایت باشد
I don't know...
...نمی دانم
The sky doesn't smell of you
آسمان بوی تو را نمی دهد
Wanting my young and happy ******* with you
من سینه های جوان و خوشحالم را با تو می خواستم
The frenzy of my eyes, will make you fall in love?!
آیا شور چشم های من, تو را عاشق خواهند کرد!؟
The innocence of your eyes, will take me to my childhood?!
آیا معصومیت چشم های تو, مرا به کودکی هایم خواهند برد!؟
The only place that I can be a bird
تنها جایی که می توانم پرنده باشم
Learning the flying freely!
! آزاد پرواز کردن را یاد بگیرم
I've brought your hands
من دست های تو را آورده بودم
Your eyes laughing with me
چشم هایت با من می خندند
Feeling the greenness of the trees
درخت های سبز را احساس می کنم
leaves, laughing
برگ ها می خندند
and the wind,
،و باد
whispering woefullest season in my heart
غمگین ترین فصل را در قلب من نجوا می کند
The sun, should be yellow?!
خورشید، باید زرد باشد!؟
The white clouds, should be far away?!
ابرهای سفید، باید دور باشند!؟
The air is young for me...
...هوا برایم تازه است
Your hands have two jasmine flowers
دست هایت دو گل یاس دارد
and I will taste them till the end of my life
و من تا آخرعمرآن ها را خواهم چشید
Loving your eyes ''The God of jasmine flower''
'' چشم هایت را دوست دارم ''خدای گل یاسمن
I love your voice and your guitar, the God of jasmine flower...
...من صدای تو و گیتار تو را دوست دارم خدای گل یاسمن من
Layer by layer the emotions shrink
Deep in the ocean sink
Sediments of sentiments let loose
Rolled into pebbles smooth
Pieces of art on the shore
Picked and felt by the collectors and connoisseurs
B D Caissie Sep 2019
Your touch
Lights me up

Breath on breath
Seeing stars

  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
I have always thought of you as a battle I needed to win.
But, are you a war worth fighting?
  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
Summer is tired after hosting a season of parties
   She doesn’t want to pick up your empty glasses anymore
      Or take the scraps to the compost

Summer thinks barbecues are overrated
   And if she sees one more hot dog, well...
      She might have to let the wasps get her revenge

Summer is weary of politely ignoring all the skin exposed
   Not that she’s shaming any bodies
      She just can’t wait for sweaters and shoes that cover toes

Summer is done cleaning all the beach towels
    And sweeping up the sand
       that appears every time she leaves the room

Summer will always love blackberries and peaches
    But she thinks it's time for apples and pears,
        Early sunsets and pumpkin spice everywhere

Summer is not sad to go, but it’s early yet
  Still warm, maybe one last gathering will do
      Just a small, friendly goodbye barbecue...

NCL August 2019
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