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  Nov 2020 WordPlay
slip your fingers
where longing rages
deep between
my undiscovered

  Oct 2020 WordPlay
Kaitlyn MacIntyre
I died at my death
And that was a shame
My sun went to nova
With no one to name

I died at my death
And that was a pain
My song undersung
And nothing to gain

I died at my death
You called out my name
Weeping and broken
But no one's to blame

I died at my death
I went to the grave
What I spent of my duty
My heart couldn't save

I died at my death
They put up a stone
My flesh fall to rot
Til there's nothing but bone
  Oct 2020 WordPlay
Adam Kinsley
There's an addict in the attic
In the cobwebs of my brain
I threw a party in his name
Distress follows me every day

What reckless intention:
Regret never left
Sanctification is feverishly distraught
I never woke up from this dream

Relapse reveals relinquished regret
My God, have you forsaken me?
I am not a patient of patience
Regret recreated my reviled redemption

My heart keeps a record of my wrongs
I can't control my own mind
Rest alludes me like all of my dreams
I give up pretending to live in my reckless schemes...
  Oct 2020 WordPlay
Adam Kinsley
I wander in wonder, a kin to dysfunction
Cruel silence stole solace from these feeble fingertips
Adrift, my memories spurn my conscience, coercing calamity

All which I have retained is bitter self-loathing:
A quiet and fleeting contention to vex all I have known
My motives have melted, like wax wings in the sunlight

Catharsis is for the strong of heart, not the bullheaded
By no means have I escaped this labyrinth
My blood is on my own two hands

These erratic desires have turned bitterly against me
Discord is unbridled between these once cordial synapses
As unkempt remorse refuses to flee...
  Sep 2020 WordPlay
MT Browder
I saw a quick smile today
I hit the deck by the way
A surprise attack you see
It was pointed right at me
I'll return fire but slow
Cause I'm way low on ammo
  Sep 2020 WordPlay
Valentine Mbagu
In a world where salvation and restoration  swaps my darkness to light,
there the grace to glory in praise and grace l will embrace.

In a time where invitation and visitation  from above sweeps my groan(*******) to  grace to glory(freedom),
there the grace to glory in salvation and restoration from sin l will embrace.

In a season where manifestation and expectation becomes my hunger and thirst,
there the grace to glory in meditation and supplication l will embrace.

In a period where the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit becomes my meal and meat,
there the grace to glory in repentance and independence from sin l will embrace.

In a moment where revelation becomes my feast and vision of heaven my yeast,
there the grace to glory in salvation and ressurection from death l will embrace.

At the throne of grace, there the grace to glory in my salvation and restoration from ******* l will embrace.
At the shone of salvation, there the grace to glory in my happiness and forgiveness from sin l will embrace.
At the stem of restoration, there the grace to glory in my freedom and depletion from sorrow l will embrace.
At the realm of freedom, there the grace to glory in my redemption and petition from shame l will embrace.

In the day when my feet is lifted up above the sky and my eyes groomed in white  robes,
there the grace to glory in salvation and restoration l will embrace.

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Gifted Poetry Foundation

  Sep 2020 WordPlay
He doesn't burn photographs
He doesn't join therapy sessions
He doesn't smoke too many cigarettes
Nor he drown himself into alcohol
He scratches his wounds daily
And never let them heal
He doesn't try to get rid of the pain
Instead he let it grow on him
He waters the seed of sorrow with his tears
He feeds it with the manure of old memories
He takes it to sleep with him
And nurtures it in himself
Till the moment when every single drop of his blood gets replaced by this pain
Until his fragile heart can bear no more
And his soul starts overflowing with emotions
That's when he dip his pen into this pain
And empty his heart on a piece of paper
He bares his soul for us to feel
He creates poetry that the world would cherish for centuries to come
That's how true poetry comes into existence
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