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Dec 2019 · 407
Sindhu Bhavana Dec 2019
Having you enthroned in my heart, My Prince!
I still look out in search of you.
But I see you nowhere within the expanse of my sight.
Why the one who is within is not without?
Are the tears that layered my eyes obstructing me from beholding you my love?
How much ever I let them roll out of my eyes,
they still well up resembling an ocean.
My face sodden with the weight of bursting tears
Lost its lustre, wearied of searching for you.
Listen O beloved! I need no eyes if they see not you.
Grant me eyes to see you within.
My perishing body if causing this distress to me,
Let it fall off this very moment into the arms of mother earth.
I have nothing to do with a body which hurdles me
On the path of my union with you.
There's no other day auspicious than this moment
To merge me in your heart,
I can wait no more my dear!
Oct 2019 · 227
Sindhu Bhavana Oct 2019
Entranced by your charming smile my heart's ablaze.
My eyes, dazzling with the flames of heart's desire
Madly want to lock themselves gazing at your captivating eyes
While waltzing with you hand in hand and foot after your foot.
But your sight is elsewhere facing my opposite,
Your hands held the hands of an impassive face,
And O your feet walking away from mine.
Are you enamored by the face empty of any emotion?
O love! Look at my burning feelings spilling from the brink of my heart and tears of love from the edge of my eyes.
This stream of tears heart born, knows no ocean nor any so called sea besides the abyss of sweetness dwelling in your heart.
Before the last blink of my eyes,
Before the spark in my body fades,
Fill my nothingness with the fullness of your existence
Deluge me with the flood of sweet light of your life dancing in those ecstatic eyes.
Oct 2019 · 528
Beginning of my absence
Sindhu Bhavana Oct 2019
With my Unfaltering admiration for you,
In my heart I have enshrined you.
That's where precious things are treasured,
Worshipping you in my self built shrine renders utmost pleasure.

I surrender myself to you in veneration,
Hoping my existence would come to a cessation.
The pleasure of self Cessation is known only through surrender,
Surrendering is inevitable when caught up in your splendor.

I weave exalting poems to sing your praises,
To make sure my devotion for you raises.
I drip tears of ecstasy in your presence,
Those tears ensure the begining of my absence.
Oct 2019 · 230
That's how I ended up
Sindhu Bhavana Oct 2019
I stood on my toes to kiss the sky,
But I ended up kissing you.
I dipped my toes in the ocean to measure the depth,
But I ended up drowning in your deep blue eyes.

I swayed the brush on canvas to draw the luminous moon,
But I ended up drawing your glorious face.
I stared at night sky to connect the shining stars,
But I ended up seeing your enchanting smile.

I walked into the wild woods to find myself,
But I ended up finding you in the earthy scent of woodland.
I wrapped myself up with curly creepers for warmth,
But I ended up melting down in your soul soothing hug.

— The End —