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282 · Oct 2020
Quiet Life Ain't So Bad
Bethany Mahan Oct 2020
It’s Election RAGE AGAIN
Yet here I AM
Cozied into a very appreciated bed
With widely opened window and
Blue October skies
Bluest October skies waft thru
To kiss my right nostril-n-cheek

Unchanged GREENEST leaves
Cling tightly to a transient's home
Patterned harbingers of Spring & Easter
Last VISAGES to Summer
Looming doom remains willfully un-ACKNOWLEDGEd
Looking SO brave & permanently stable
We've wistfully learned this isn’t the case
Via Charlotte’s entwined web, she’s coached us quite well

That garbage truck’s beeping
I hear you
A block or 2 away
Tuesday’s circadian cadence
No amount of voter’s RAGE will stop YOU this time.

Lastly is a beautiful MAN
           Wholly LOYAL
                      GOOD HEART
Rummaging downstairs
Self CRAFTING a HOME roasted morning bean’s brew

This is the stuff of LIFE to love and LOVE well

Thank You
My GOOD guy
For ALL that YOU DO
Without Pomp
             Or Circumstance
                  Or MAJOR cultural praise
Such quietly EXHIBIT-ed LOVE
Is NEWsworthy for sure

So go ahead campaign RAGEr!
Rage on…RAGE ON
CNN thanks you MIGHTily.
Fo the past 11 months I've been really sick, doctors are still trying to figure out exactly what's triggered these symptoms. I've been mostly bed-ridden this entire time. My husband's taken up the cross of caring for me full time until I am healed. This means he's had to paren, work, cook, clean, AND care for his sick wife. He's done ALL of this without complaining even once. A health crisis quickly solidifies what's truly important-including all this election noise.
258 · Oct 2020
Death Eater’s DANCE
Bethany Mahan Oct 2020
POWER in the blood
Is no STRENGTH of mine
’Tis so sweet to TRUST in Jesus!”
I shout in  jest
            Aging way before my time

“It ain’t well at all!”  I rage
In berefted soul
I writhe and waste and pine AWAY
YET you refuse to make me WHOLE

You deny me fadeless hope
You forego my cry for PERFECT LOVE
You chastise my ask for LIGHT

You hide your HEALING HAND
You disrobe so I can’t TOUCH
I’ll never RISE AGAIN
When gifted DEATH & CROSS

Be thou my VISION
For I no longer SEE
This AMAZING GRACE I’ve once heard of
Isn’t really FREE

In this garden of silent PRAYER
I determine not to speak
Cause nothin’ but

Means nothing to a Death Eater’s
Dance with Midnight’s GRIEF
Wrote this poem on a really tough day

— The End —