You visited me. I want to say it was because you loved me but even I know it was just because you had a kind heart and just wanted me to start going to school again. You smiled. But it seemed... Fake
You left and all I noticed was that you avoided using your left arm. And when you did, you cringed in pain.
I called you. You picked up. You sounded exhausted. You just wanted to sleep. I knew you were lying but I hung up anyway.
I saw you after school. You avoided my gaze. You had two cuts under your eye and your knuckles were bruised and bloodied. You "tripped". Ran through a forest like area and "tripped". I'm sick of the lies.
Something is wrong. Horribly wrong. You said you needed to do something for someone special. I could guess who that was. I didn't see you after that.
I know something is wrong. You flinched when I touched your shoulder as I greeted you. Your lower leg was bandaged and the white bandage was a dark black. I'm worried. Your glasses were chipped. You weren't resting well either. You had serious dark circles and a crazed look. You seemed almost like a zombie.
You left. And didn't answer my calls after that. I hate you.
Liar Liar Liar
I hate you
Just a rant. I... needed to get this off my chest.