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Aditi Dec 2015
It was not good
No, that does not make it bad.
You would find no date marked
On my calendar
Or a goal set
It was what it was
Nothing more than that
A thoughtless act of letting go
And I had finally done something well.

There were no midnight epiphanies
No, the sun still shone the same
The world was still its own paradise
We all were burning in our own flames
Nothing had changed,
Yet nothing remained the same-
Cause of
A thoughtless act of letting go
And I had done it with grace.

I had the day planned,
I had written about it to an extent
The words lost their meaning,
The pages went deaf.
It came ever so suddenly
Like the first drop of rain
From a single lonely cloud
On a sunny day.
Yes, I did not think about it
I just decided to begin again-in another place
Just like that.

It was not selfish
It was not necessarily brave
You don't exaggerate it
To something it never meant.
It was just her
Letting go of the world
That no longer made any sense
She cut all her ties-
The final act of letting go
And she had done it so well.
Aditi Nov 2015
All they need to know
About you
Is the days I was with you
I did not write
I did not have to quiet
The tumultuous thoughts
Because you were the calm
Of all my hurricane

When most anonymous heart beats
Were busy ruining themselves
You were keeping mine safe
Inside your heart.

All they need to know
Is sometimes when you opened your eyes after your daily prayer
I could see the gateway to all the churches
I never bothered to go
They made a caphir like me
Believe in heaven.

When most of the times I was sure
Earth was the purgatory
If there was ever such a thing
And how I deserved it.

All they need to know about you
Is how when you touched me
It felt like a thousand dandelions
Being touched by a breeze
So rejuvenating
Drifting to a semi lucid reality.

Your love crossing all the boundaries
Leading me to a place
Far away from the differentiation of wrong and right.

All they need to know about you;
I hope to keep turning it into poetry.
I'm, still, all about you.
Aditi Nov 2015
It's just another night
I have slain all these stars
I would hang them from your ceilings
Just to light up the paths
In your darkest dreams

It's just another night
I could not fall asleep
Without the beat of his heart
Singing to me
Sweet lullabies
I know you miss her too

It's just another night
I wrap your words around me
To shield me from the echoes
Of the goodbyes I never got
Do you sometimes beg God
To give you more time w her
But the clock keeps ticking
Into an eternity without her

It's just another night
And we both are bleeding
For the love that was ours,
For the love our heart holds still
And for the love that will always be.
  Nov 2015 Aditi
Jack Thompson
Have you ever stumbled upon someone life-shatteringly special?
You lose your breath and can't think straight.
But somehow they've stuck around.
Feeling like a stunned vegetable to your innocent charisma.

Like divine intervention we met in the most unlikely of ways.
We hit it off and spent hours together, confined and stressed.
How did we get along so well?
How did we manage to learn more together than alone?
How did we manage to find each other in this big world?
I'll always wonder if there is more to this story.
Answers to my plaguing questions that rule my emotional state.

I don't know how to describe what it is I feel in a rational way.
It doesn't serve rationale.
Writing it all down or saying it only compounds how crazy I must sound.
But I'm not a loony bin. On the contrary, you are just infinitely more special than you realise!

But I'll not skip a note nor bump a chord.
Because I see you so finely in all your elegance.
A beauty which radiates in an innocent manifestation.
I can't tell if everyone else can see it also.
They must?!
I must have no chance here.
I know I should cut my losses and move on.
Hope to find this feeling once more.
But something from beyond the blackened ether of midnight skies and space dust tells me to keep trying.
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2015
Aditi Nov 2015
You make me bleed,
If only I learnt
how to paint you with it,
This would be worth it.

You make my heart ache,
If only I could turn this into art,
I would find a way
to keep you safe

Without endangering
my fragile beats.

You make me love you,
If only I could turn you into poetry,
And have people appreciate my love,
And not object,
I would.

But I can't.

So now my pen lays there,
The paper waits to be caressed,
The words remain lost in the echoes inside my head
Pleading you to come back.

But no amount of words I write
Will be louder than this worldly hate,
5+5 makes 10 so does 2+8

So why do they have to wrong us
To prove they are correct

I guess only a broken soul can hear
The sound a breaking heart makes,
You heard mine, for that I'm glad,
But you are gone now

The words now fall,
Only to get rusted and forgotten,

You made me hear
The silent lullaby the night sky sang to its lover earth
But now without you here,
It grows quieter every night.

Please, somewhere at some point
meet me again
  Sep 2015 Aditi
Last night,
I was surrounded by people-
like-minded and beautiful.
My heart was pounding,
and I had a resilient smile
despite how shy my voice felt.
I kept scanning their faces,
when they weren't looking,
lingering for safe seconds,
searching for something.
I couldn't tell what it was
there was a lack of then.
Or why I almost felt content,
but really more like
a half-full glass of wine.
But I began to catch hints,
when people began to retire.
I caught my ride back,
and climbed into
my empty sheets,
fumbling with
my silent phone.
Until sleep
took my hands
and laid them
over a deep hole.
When I woke,
and my arms
reached out
for warmth
I knew what I was missing.
Only you can fill those places.
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