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 Nov 2019 A
 Nov 2019 A
Put on a mask
Feel your lips tugging
Force a smile,
Because they're watching
Wait until midnight--
Hide behind walls,
close the curtains,
Let the tears fall,
Pretend you're watching
a sad film,
Pretend for the sake
of your parents,
For the sake of your social
Pretend for yourself, or else
you'll realize, just how unhappy
you truly are.
 Nov 2019 A
Anthony Feng
It’s time to water my own plants,
It’s time to grow.

It’s time to bandage up
  my own wounds,
It’s time to heal.

It’s time to face my fears,
It’s time to fight.

I’m done sitting around,
I’m done waiting to be saved.

   I’m saving myself,
I’m fighting my own battles.
I’m done waiting. I’m just done with everyone.  I’m fighting my own battles. I don’t need anyone.
 Nov 2019 A
Pretty Face
 Nov 2019 A
Funny how much a pretty face
Hides what goes on inside.
No one catches the faint trace
Of tear stains on the cheek.
No one sees the lost spark
In the stormy eyes.
No one notices the mark
Of sleepless nights.
No one sees the disgrace
That troubles the heart.
But they all notice the pretty face.
 Nov 2019 A
 Nov 2019 A
Lets talk about the elephant in the room
Its dark and scary and likes to consume.
Towering over me with her ghoulish smile
She knows everything even your denial
Comsuming your heart and even your smile
Casting her shadows is ever so vile
Her name is depression and she will never go away.
Just hides in my  darkness just waiting to play.
 Nov 2019 A
Let Me Go
 Nov 2019 A
Let me go, like letting the ribbon slip through your fingers, your eyes watching the balloon dance in the breeze before disappearing into the clouds.
 Nov 2019 A
Ally Gottesman
 Nov 2019 A
Ally Gottesman
When I was younger, I used to think I was going to be a Star.
Under a spotlight where everyone knew my name...
I was five.

Now, I want shadows and to be as far away as possible.
Hidden and far from consequence,
And even further from myself.
Where my name is not a name,
But just another word without any true meaning.

When I was younger, I used to think I was going to be a Star.
Now, I want to disappear.

I should have jumped overboard when I had the chance.
 Nov 2019 A
Tabbitha Erceg
 Nov 2019 A
Tabbitha Erceg
I worry
I have spent the entirety
Of my present
In the past
 Nov 2019 A
Tabbitha Erceg
 Nov 2019 A
Tabbitha Erceg
And I loved him with the love I refused to give to myself.
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