Till yesterday I was his darling,
His angel, His miss perfect,
To whom he could devote his whole life,
Those soft tender touches,
Those silent talks,
Those exchanges of glances like butterflies.
But as days passed storms kept
On breaking on the shores,
And one day my words annoyed him,
My concern made him feel irritated,
Thats when I knew I have to leave
And walk away
With stones and rocks on my heart,
His lies which used to be truths,
I was left wondering
Whether all the things were illusion of mine
Or just another nail which peirced my heart ..
Telling me to shine,
To let go the pain
The people
The fake world
I left him and he said he didn't care.
I said Im okay
But everyday I want to hear his voice,
See him
But I know I can't.
Because its just too early to go back
Too early to decide
Whether he is worth the pain or not.
I cannot see him cry.
And I hope he is wishing the same,
Because if its meant to be
It wil.