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 Oct 2016 Andje
Poetic T
I am enveloped in the sanctity of my
own destruction and I revel in it coming.

Can you hear the footsteps that seem to
collect behind me? their my own....

Shhhh..... said the voices in my mind as
each pulled the trigger on each other then silence.

I don't tip toe through my life I'm stomping,
and then I stop and realize their those holding my coffin.
 Oct 2016 Andje
Genevieve Wakutz
plant my feet firmly in your soil
quench my thirst with your rain
warm my body under your gaze
carry my seeds in your wind
The elements of life
 Oct 2016 Andje
storm siren
 Oct 2016 Andje
storm siren
I am the blue of a bruise.
I am the black of the bags under your eyes.

I am the tar in your lungs,
I am the acid in your throat,
I am the venom in your veins.

I am shivering out of fear
And insecurities.
I am shaking out of hatred,
And all the rage you possess.

I am making the music louder
Too loud.

I am curled in a corner,
With a blanket pulled over your head.

I am the poison you know
All too well.

I am the reason you say
You're probably going to hell.

I am disgust
I am rage
I am the reason
You don't make it
To the end of the day.

I am all your deep seeded
And I'm coming out to play.
 Oct 2016 Andje
Haydn Swan
How we love to paint with our eyes
pictures distorted with angst reprise
judgement made by a fleeting glance
media sporned advice to make us dance

Peel back the outer layer
as blinded faith to make a prayer
steal yourself an opended view
look within with thoughts anew.
Blurry blurry graying sky
Weep the tears that I hide
Shelter me in rain and storm
Another day has come and gone
Oh blurry blurry graying sky
Why do you weep? Why do you cry?
Take another day away
Drown me in the sounds you make
Blurry blurry graying sky
I'm afraid it's time for me to die
The gun's already to my head
Don't you see? I'm better off dead
Don't weep for me, oh graying sky
My time has come and gone by
I pull the trigger without a second though
But don't worry it won't be for not
I'll add some color to your mind
So I won't be leaving you behind
Now blurry blurry lilac sky
How the days have gone by
Lay your weary head to rest
Don't worry about a thing
This was for the best
 Oct 2016 Andje
Eleanor Rigby
Love me until God
Is made into a man.
Love me until the sea
Gives birth to a sun.

-- Watercolour
 Oct 2016 Andje
Liz And Lilacs
 Oct 2016 Andje
Liz And Lilacs
It's days like these
where I sometimes wonder
Who loved who first?
and who will stop loving
the other first?
It's always there in the back of my mind.
 Oct 2016 Andje
my hands play make believe
casting shadows over
all the flickering blue promises
you couldn't keep.
 Oct 2016 Andje
 Oct 2016 Andje
My mother was a writer.
I remember her,
papers spread out upon a bed sheet in the sand,
stacked pebbles protecting her work from the wind
as I made drip-castles at the water's edge
and braided crowns from wild poppies.
I would run to her so she could
rub grape sunscreen into my sandy shoulders
and I asked her once,
is that poetry?”
and she said “No little one,
you are poetry,
this only tries to be.”
and I thanked her,
and ran back to the water
to search for flat stones to skip,
and thought no more of poetry.
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