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Amanda Kay Burke Mar 2023
I think it is time I finally give up
Many years I have tried
Ugly habits plucked like weeds
They just grow back inside
Singing melodies to help sleep
Never gets easier alone
Bed feels colder every night
Missing all peace I've ever known
Demons play games inside head
Bouncing around bonfire
Laughing at my suffering
Nerves wrapped in barbed wire
The weight of past mistakes drag down
Shoulders breaking under stress
Searching for dream to salvage
Cannot find it within the tangled mess
It's too chaotic in my mind
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2023
A couple years from now where will we be?
Sometimes I am scared to wait and see
New methods elude us though we try to grow
Future seems darker than feathers of a crow
A far distance up to go for us to make it to the top
The higher you are the further you drop
Emerged from the rubble before
Must dig my way out of debris once more
I am not a warrior
Only worn-out
Too hoarse to whisper-much less shout
The end of suffering I worry not ever will come
Too many months spent looking constantly glum
I remember eternity when it was a dream
Presently the idea of forever makes me want to scream
My companion you may be
Compare I cannot
We are too contrasting
Or so I have been taught
Our pieces fit together where nobody else's will
Empty spaces designed for your parts to fill
No matter how long failing to stoke flames
Embers keep burning stubbornly just the same
When left in rain our circuits don't rust
Corners of our minds know not one speck of dust
Forgiveness holds me with heavy chain
Through blackest nights in place I remain
Every bone in body craves rest
Fueled by loyalty
Carry on hard-pressed
Remnants of tarnished moments tie heart in knots
Euphoria fossilized in nostalgic thoughts
How I yearn to restore the sparkle in your eye
Glistening with teardrops
No glimmer when dry
Serene silence had now flooded with fear
Cry for intimacy no longer living here
I sense freedom is your secret desire
Your software too complex to rewire
"I love you"
Simply a promise you were fated to break
Asleep dream of the happy ending we'll never have awake
How could chemistry feel so right yet turn out to be so wrong?
Maybe below surface you were a stranger all along...
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2023
Life is no charming fairytale
Even on easiest days
Most blessed person you know
Has demons to keep at bay
There's no such thing as perfect
Beauty eventually will all decay
The only hope we have is to hang on
Find happiness within the disarray
And there is no such thing as happily ever after
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2023
And should the darkness reach you
Seeping around soul
Be ever still
Silent too
I will lift you from that hole

For wakening stifled sin
Soft and weary sighs
Heal this wound created within
Make it numb with lies

The sand burrowing deeper
Every grain burns like fire
Fears fed to the grim reaper
Spirit growing tired
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2023
Between us is a distance
In body and in mind
Wish this was a movie
I could press rewind

I left goodbyes hanging
On clothesline in the wind
Watch them from the window
As they catch gusts and spin

Hoping moon will pull you home
Like it corrals tides
By power of some invisible force
I will wake up with you by my side

But only echoes return
Voice a boomerang
Where hopes once gallantly soared
They now just limply hang

I was closer than I suspected
Suddenly taken by surprise
No idea how much I'd miss you
Even ******* and lies

Before brain mingled with yours
Balance wholly my own
Inadvertently stole my independence
Now it is hard to live alone

With memories to enforce
Misery every day
Reminding of gravity
Of words I failed to say

Before I became fading image
Passing thought in your mind
If somebody told me I wouldn't have believed
Would one day no longer be aligned

I was more naive in my youth
Took pain to help me see
Regardless how cemented something is
In blink of an eye with no warning can flee

Back when I had journey figured out
Answers seemed so clear
Simple solutions turned fuzzy with time
Steadily came undone every year

I did not notice the gap between us
Was all my foolishness got wrong
How did we stray so far apart?
I am not sure but now you're gone
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2023
I am having hard time accepting truth
No clue how to survive
World without your presence Is not a world
In which I long to be alive
No one cares the way you did
Space in heart nothing can fill
Numb myself with substances
Sorrow impossible to ****
No hope for better tomorrows
Barely make it through today
Room shrinking with each breath
Choke on each word I try to say
Pass the time getting high as I can
An attempt to avoid dwelling on greif
Temporary band-aid to cover wound
Relief always too brief
Move only when necessary
Every step exhausts my feet
When walking I slowly trudge forward
As if legs are stuck in concrete
Around others maintain composure
Can even manage to smile
Inside back of my mind pain throbs
Prowling all the while
And I bottle up tears within
My eyes never stay dry for long
For my effort is ever in vain
Failing to be stable and  strong
This is more difficult than I ever imagined
Nightmare manifested in one blink
Depth of my agony cannot be captured
In range of sound or intricacies of ink
Box of memories stored in brain
Mustering courage to close
Replay past moments until my head spins
Speeding in circles train of thought goes
Is there end to the madness I feel?
Chaos warps perception into knots
Drive myself crazy examining events
Can't quite connect the dots
I miss my mom I used to confide you ûhhh in her often
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