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AllAtOnce Dec 2014
You slipped a rose into my chest
But love like that I can't just forget
Even roses have thorns that tear everything apart
The petals dripped red from the bleeding of my heart
I never thought anything could be killed with love
And now nothing can be as it was
So I'll pluck the floral arrow just to bleed even more
But I don't regret anything I said or did before
With every memory of your warm arms or your voice
A rotting petal falls to the ground like morbid confetti in a sickly rejoice
And now whenever I see your face in reality or in my minds eye
The scar starts to burn and I turn out the lights
I guess that's what I get for welcoming you and your roses
So now I'll take my shots of love in smaller doses
Because thorns don't outweigh bitter words and fleeting love
When everything seemed like more than it truly was
AllAtOnce Dec 2014
it's strange to feel
like nothing to anyone
when you were
everything to someone
and it makes you
wish that you
had cherished
that feeling
  Dec 2014 AllAtOnce
if the past is over
and you love me now,
tell me how long
now is
so i can cherish every
cherish your "now"s..
AllAtOnce Nov 2014
Maybe she needs to stop dreaming about what could happen
Because-really-what good did that do before
Late night ponderings of a different love
Leave her crying on the bathroom floor
Maybe she should stop trying to be heard
Because no one really listens
When they do they punish the wrongs
And all her freedom goes missing
Maybe she needs to stop being responsible
Because everyone treats her like she's insane
She might as well be failing school
And sneaking out because it's all the same
I'm so sick of trying to be perfect
And never getting a glance
Maybe I should stop vying for attention
And just fade into the background.
AllAtOnce Nov 2014
I'm going insane
What was colored fades to grey
Silence getting harder every day
Screaming just to get my way
No one knows the words to say
Maybe I should stay away
AllAtOnce Nov 2014
i can see the dark outside
but, trust me, it's darker in this room
every feeling hovering like a dark cloud
and i pray for sweet sleep soon
the stars outside sparkle with pure insanity
because the sane are always dimmer
i'll take a sharpie and draw stars
everywhere they don't belong-even on my skin
because they say i can't
and i'm a poor reincarnation of a rebel
but even so i'm tired of reaching for the best
and rising to "my own potential"
i want to be like the stars
where everyone notices their collective light
one just as beautiful as the next
all in the sky, ready to take flight
i want to be insane
and make my own mistakes
because even stars can get burnt out
and pave their own fate
if i'm going to go out
it will be like a star
twinkling one minute but not the next
and no one noticing at all
but people make wishes on stars
and what would ever wish for me
the sky makes everything overwhelming
and i'm on the brink of insanity
the stars are going insane
and i'm simply burning out
stars and hearts, all the same
and no one hears the shouts
It's late...
AllAtOnce Nov 2014
Late night questions that make us both feel and paper airplanes dance to the rhythm of a Taylor Swift song
The fridge is open and it's dark outside
But the only light we need is from each others eyes
Because not even the stars believe what they're seeing
On late night walks the snow dusts our hair like confetti
And the sky smiles down on us and wonders why we didn't think of it sooner
Our shared hot chocolate has red lipstick on the rim
And I still can't believe that I'm looking at him
With linked hands we cuddle on the couch with a movie we intended to see
But just end up talking through the entire thing
But one can't forget about the screaming and fights where you won't feel enough
And I'll feel a little too much
Your eyes are a rainstorm and I am the sea
Both fighting to win and fighting to release
I swear we'll be a hopeless mess in every way
But I think I wouldn't want it any other way
You guys think it's good enough to keep up? cause idk.
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