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  Apr 2018 Alexis Freethy
people change everyday
so i vow to fall in love with you
every time the sun rises

  Apr 2018 Alexis Freethy
What gives
with the asterisk?

Does anyone

is it broken for good

or did it just stub its toe?

I remember feeling
so good
when I learned
how to use it

I didn't use it
I didn't
abuse it

It seems to work sometimes
but never for me

is there something I'm missing
does it charge a fee?

Oh, never mind
I found out the issue
it doesn't compete well
if other "marks" are there too
Didn't post this because I thought I resolved it...but found another place it didn't work. So here it is.
  Apr 2018 Alexis Freethy
and poet?

love letters in mail

and poet?

precision, detail

and poet?

sifting for feelings

and poet?

a jolt
leaving one reeling

and poet?

drafting with words

and poet?

singing of birds

Bus driver
and poet?

observing life's roadways

and poet?

perhaps how he prays

and poet?

though about win or lose
her poetry just might amuse

and poet?

Aren't we all that?
though we wear different hats
distilling things downwards
saving on words

whoever you are
whatever you choose
listen, observe
welcome your Muse!
A rewrite to add one. :-)
  Apr 2018 Alexis Freethy
Saudia R
Today was a bit easier
I realized that I didn't cry when I thought about you

Instead I was laughing at something stupid that I did
Remembering that moment I spilt my drink everywhere
and all you said was


And even though I rushed to clean it up
you were right there beside me mopping up my mess

Laughing and commenting on my cleaning abilities

I felt bad that I made you wait
but you didn't care
cause that's just the type of guy you were

An easy smile and an open hand
ready at any moment to reach out
and help

I wish we could have helped you
I wish we saw something sooner
I wish I had the power to give you some of my years
cause Lord knows you would have used them wiser

But I know I shouldn't say that
think that
because it wont make the hurt go away

It wont bring you back
but that hope that you'll walk through the door is still there

I don't think it will ever go away
Today we did a tribute piece for Paolo, he was a dancer, and they redid some of the pieces he choreographed. It was...soothing, happy. The pain is still there, but it's not as sharp.
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