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What is the meaning of Spiritual Initiation?
It is a start to reach our ultimate destination
The guidance of a Guru can take us there faster
But for this, we need an Enlightened Master!
Initiation is the beginning of our Journey to the Truth
It is the way to get to the bottom of the root

Why Spiritual Initiation? Why must we go on a Quest?
Why must we put our beliefs to test?
Because of ignorance, what we were taught in schools
We continue to believe and live like fools!
It's time to question, 'Who am I?'
'Am I this Body that will just live and die?

To Initiate the Journey, we must still the Mind
It is our enemy, this Truth, we must find
Along with the Ego, it becomes Mind and Ego, ME
It tells us, 'We are the Body,' in the mirror that we see
It hides the Truth that we are the Divine Soul
We need Initiation to reach our Goal!
Initiation is a Journey to Self-Realization
With the help of the Guru, it is Purification
Then, we move forward and there is Illumination
Till we arrive at the Truth called Realization
But Initiation is just the beginning, what is the end?
Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening, ignorance to transcend

Many people are seeking only to be initiated
They blindly follow the myth and make life complicated
Initiation means to question everything and ask, 'Why?'
'What is my purpose on earth and who am I?'
'What was the reason that I came to earth?'
'What is the purpose of my human birth?'

Initiation often needs the help of Meditation
When we still the mind, we start Contemplation
We reach a state of Consciousness
It is Mindfulness, it is Awareness
In this state, it is the Intellect that will shine
We will Discriminate and Realize that nothing is mine

What is this world? It's just a show
We are just actors, we come and we go!
Until there is Initiation, nothing we know
But with the help of a Master, spiritually, we grow
We Realize that the Purpose of life is Liberation
And after Realization, Divine Unification

How do we know, we are on the right path?
Are we fooled by rituals in a religious bath?
Do we believe in the universal lie?
That God is an old man, who lives in the sky?  
Initiation will take us to the Truth of Realization
But for this, we must do Self-Certification

Nobody knows if we are Spiritually Awakened
But the Guru can guide us to be Enlightened
Unless we are honest with the Guru and in him, we trust
Self-Certification won't work, so this comes first  
Obedience to the Guru is a must
To give us worldly desires and give up lust

Other than the Guru, nobody can know
Are we truly Enlightened or we're putting up a show
If with the Guru, there is a Divine Connection
Then, truthful will be our Self-Certification
Otherwise, the Initiation will cause confusion
And we may never reach our destination

What are the things that we must certify?
We must first, find out the truth, 'Who am I?'
For this, we must find out, what we are not
Escape from the Mind and Ego, that ties us in a knot!
When we Realize, these, we are not but we are
'Who are we?' We certify, we cross the bar

Self-Certification is about endorsing, we are the Soul
But this is the Beginning, not yet the goal
The Soul is nothing but the Divine Power, SIP
The Supreme Immortal Power, must be certified on our lip
When God, we are able, in all, to see
Then we can certify, we Realize the Divine energy

The Soul is but a Spark Of Unique Life
This Certification liberates us from strife
But the Soul is nothing, it is God, it is SIP!
We must certify and move forward in this trip
Now, we are sailing on a Spiritual ship
One by one, the Certification saves us from a slip!

Ultimately, what must we get in sight?
Finally, we have to switch on the inner light
Certification is to reach that state of Inner Enlightenment
It is transcending pleasure and achievement
We will pass by contentment and fulfillment
And certify, we are no more slaves of entertainment

Spiritual Awakening is Eternal Bliss
It is a state of Truth Consciousness
It is Divine Love for one and all
And this is certified, when the Ego has a fall
As long as the Ego stands tall like a wall
We can't Certify Enlightenment, we will fall!

Therefore, it is important to read this book
One-by-one, each Certification, will change the outlook
We must be sincere in our Initiation
And with honesty, do Self-Certification
The process is long, there will be Realization
And ultimately, there will be Liberation!

Life has a meaning, it has a purpose
Without Initiation, it will just be a circus
If we just live and then we die
If we are not Enlightened, 'Who am I?'
The Body will die but we will be reborn
We will suffer and this will go on and on

Therefore, today, let us start our Initiation
Not delay our Journey of Realization
For this, we must first get an Enlightened Soul
Getting the right Guru achieves half the Goal
Then, the Spiritual Journey must go on
Nothing must stop us from dusk to dawn  
Ultimately, at death, happens one of the two things
Initiation is the one that Peace and Bliss brings
If there is no Spiritual Awakening, there will be reincarnation
But Enlightenment is the result of Realization
We have time, let us make a choice
Let us not delay, let us be wise!
It was 31st August,Two Thousand Fourteen
I was on a Quest, to get answers I was keen
That day, I boarded a Divine flight
There were stars twinkling in the sky that night
Who am I? Why am I here?
These two questions rung in my ear!

I too wanted Success, I wanted Happiness
But my life was filled with misery and stress
I had several Questions that I put to the test
Ultimately, my Guru sent me on a Quest Who am I?Why am I here?
To find answers to these questions and to be clear

I was always jumping from yesterday to tomorrow
My life had so much fun but also a lot of sorrow
I was running a race trying to become an ace
I was caught in a maze, not knowing what is grace
Who am I? Why am I here?
These two questions when answered, would change the gear

For twenty-five years I chased achievement
Then, shut shop and took an exit to fulfillment
I went on a Quest to Realize the Truth
Went on retreats to get to the bottom of the root
Who am I?Why am I here?
I attacked these questions with every possible spear

I Realized that I am not this body, one day it would die
At death, I would pass away, disappear in the sky
Then, the ego asked, 'Am I the mind?'
When I went on its search, the mind I couldn't find
Who am I? Why am I here?
I couldn't be nothing, I was right here!

I am not the body, ego, mind; I am the Soul
I am the Spark Of Unique Life; I achieved my goal
Not This Not This, I realized I was That
There was no doubt, it was a fact!
Who am I? Why am I here?
Wow! In the 'Aha!' moment, I was absolutely clear

I was nothing but a manifestation of God
I was not 'I', I was the Lord
For years, I believed that God lived in the sky
On that Divine flight, I Realized that it was a lie!
Who amI? Why am I here?
O Lord! I am you. I got it, my dear

The purpose of life is not just to live and die
Not to look at the sky, to cry and ask, 'Why?'
Who am I? We must realize without doubt
And who I am not, that we must throw out!
Who am I? Why am I here?
Once we know it, we will live with cheer

I will never die. I am the Immortal Soul
Made of carbon, I am a diamond, I am not just coal
But for this, I needed Realization,
Starting with Purification, I needed Illumination
Who am I? Why am I here?
If I was still, the Divine voice I would hear

This journey is different, it is a voyage within
To discover we are not the ones made of bone and skin
It's taking an exit, not going from peak to peak
It is the higher things of life, when we start to seek
Who am I? Why am I here?
After decades, we get the answer and we are clear

I too wasted my life for nearly fifty years
Then, with the help of my Guru, I Realized with tears
Life is not meant to be lived like a rat in a race
We have to Realize the Truth and get out of the maze
Who am I? Why am I here?
I Realized the Truth and was free from stress, worry and fear

Life is not meant to live with a crisis
We must realize the Truth and get a Metamorphosis
We must move from Self-Realization to God-Realization
Our ultimate goal is Liberation and Unification
Who am I? Why am I here?
That's all we need to know, let's not wander like a deer

Now I am awakened; I have a new Mission
To help others overcome ignorance and have a clear vision
What is the reason that makes us all come to earth?
Why did we all take this Divine human birth?
Who am I? Why am I here?
To make people realize this, I am sincere
We all have an Ego, it is there in our head
It will go along with us till we are dead
It is the one that, 'I', 'me' and 'mine', has always said

It is the Ego that causes anger, the Ego that causes hate
It brings in agony, pushes peace out of the gate
Alas! We suffer through life with it and it’s too late!

The Ego has a best friend, It is our rascal Mind
The Mind fools us to believe that the Ego is 'I', we find
Together the Mind and Ego become ME, in which we grind

As long as the Ego is ignorant, we will live as 'I'
We will not go on a quest, we will just cry and die!
It's time to ask the valid question, 'Who am I?'

Am I this Body? No, I am not! One day, it will go
I came 9 months before, after that the Body did grow
As long as I don't Realize this, I'll suffer through the show

We all suffer the triple suffering after we come to earth
It is the Ego and the Mind that makes us take this birth
If we Realize we are the Soul, then there is no rebirth

How can the Ego be Enlightened? We must Realize the Truth
We're not the Body or the Mind, get to the bottom of the root
We'll Realize we are the Soul, that will be our fruit

The Ego can't be annihilated, it can't be killed!
But it can be Enlightened, if the mind is stilled
This will never happen, if with ignorance, we are filled

It's the Ego that is responsible for revenge and greed
It makes us proud and selfish, this happens indeed!
But when the Ego is Enlightened, we can pull out the ****

'Who am I?' we ask, when we go on a quest
'I am not 'I',' is the rest of the test
Then, I will never die, this becomes our crest

When from man, you remove the Ego, you will Realize God
As, when to God, you add Ego, you get man and lose the Lord
We can be Enlightened with this equation, which we forgot!

The truth is that we are not the different Bodies, we seem to wear
We are in fact, the Divine Soul, the Supreme we all share
But to realize this Truth is truly very rare!

When the Ego is Enlightened, we Realize, we are all Divine
Manifestations of the Supreme, we are all that Sunshine
But we are lost in ignorance, in pleasure and in wine

When the Ego is Enlightened, there is Bliss, Love and Peace
When we let go of the Ego, agony and anguish will cease
Little do we Realize, the Ego's big disease!

'Not this, Not this,' The truth is, 'We are that'
Not the Body or Mind, we are the Soul, in fact!
The Enlightened Ego is the one who bells the cat!

The Ego that is not Enlightened, believes, 'I am 'I' '
It lives and it suffers and it cries till we die
But the Enlightened Ego is blissful, Realizing, 'I am not 'I''

The Enlightened Ego saves us from all misery on earth
When we Realize the Truth, then there is no rebirth
So, Enlighten the Ego, priceless is its worth!
Are you in search of Happiness?
Do you want that state of Eternal Bliss? Then, begin the Journey from Yoga to Moksha
And you are sure to achieve this!

Who am I and why am I here?
Have you pondered this, are you clear?
We just live and cry and die
We don't discover the Truth, we don't live with cheer!

We listen to many, the right path we don't choose
And the valuable Journey of Life, we lose!
We wander through Life and soon we are gone
And then, we blink and we are reborn!

Is it not certain that there will be death?
Every living creature will lose their breath
But we don't discover what brought us to earth
Why did we take this human birth?

We just live through Life and face trauma
We don't realize that it is just a big drama
We don't know what is Yoga and Moksha
And don't discover that everything is Karma

It all begins when we start a Quest
When we put all our beliefs to test
When we become free from this material world or Bhoga
And learn to live as a Yogi, in Yoga

Then, we are not perturbed by this earthly show
We live as an observer, watching people come and go
This world is nothing but Maya, an Illusion
We discover the Truth, attain Realization

After we are born, we all learn and earn But then, ultimately, we burn and return Those who live a life in Yoga
Attain Moksha as they turn and yearn

We live in this world with desires and greed
We don't learn to be Happy as we fulfil our need
Our passion makes us seek everything as 'mine'
And ultimately, we lose the treasure Divine!

The fact is that we are nothing but Divine energy
We are not this body, or Mind and Ego, ME
But because we don't embark on this journey
We live like slaves, we are not free!

The biggest enemy is our mind!
It is the one that makes us blind!
And although when we search, the mind we can't find
It causes ignorance and makes us leave the truth behind
We must learn to decipher what is wrong and right
Activate the Intellect and see, black and white

We must flip over from Mind to Consciousness!
Then, we will be free from all misery and stress!
Our ultimate destination is Ananda, Eternal Bliss
It is living in truth Consciousness
It is living like a Yogi and seeking Nirvana or Moksha
It is moving from one state to another, of Yoga

Can everybody attain this Divine Realization?
Can everybody attain Moksha or Liberation? Only those who start a Journey of Purification
Will be Enlightened with Divine Illumination

Because we are lost in this material world or Bhoga
We don't live in Divine Union, in Yoga!
We experience pleasure and pain on earth
And then to suffer, take another rebirth!

The truth is there is no heaven and hell  These are fairy tales that scriptures tell Heaven and hell are right here on earth We experience them, as we take birth!

The only way to attain God is Realization
Going from Self to God-Realization
Then, we will attain Moksha or Salvation
So, let's start with Yoga and reach our destination!
Who is God? Where is God? What is God? We ask
Then, we think that this is an impossible task
And we go to Temple and we go to Church
Desperate to find God, we continue our search
Little do we Realize that God lives within
God is not far away, God is just beneath the skin
But because we don't Realize that the way is Self-Realization
We live and die without God-Realization!

Some question, 'Is everything about God, a bunch of lies?'
Others blindly believe that God lives in the skies
Then, some people Pray and live with Hope
They need God so with problems, they can cope
We Pray, we Chant and we all live with Faith
We believe that one day, we will go to Heaven's Gate
And so, we live, waiting to meet God face-to-face
We don't Realize God, we don't get Divine grace!

Only the one who lives with Love and Longing for God
He Realizes God who has a Yearning for the Lord
He questions his religion and puts all beliefs to Test
He wants God so much that he begins his Quest
He doesn’t believe the'Big Bang' and the Theory of the Ape
He Realizes God is in every Soul and things of any shape
His journey of God is a journey of God-Realization
He Realizes God after his Self-Realization!

God is not God, God is SIP
The Supreme Immortal Power that brings life to our Lip
Because we believe in lies, most of us slip
We don't love God enough, we don't get a grip
We are lost in this material world on this earthly trip
We don't go in Quest of God,
We don't go aboard the Divine Ship
When we start to live with the name of SIP on our lip
Then we will begin towards God, our

To Realize God, first, We must Realize, 'Who am 'I'?'
We must Realize that one day, this body will die
We are not the mind that we can never find
We are not the ego, Let's leave this lie behind
If we are not body, mind and ego, then, who are we?
We are none other than God's Divine Energy
When we Realize that We are a Spark Of Unique Life, the Soul
Then, we will Realize God, We will achieve our Goal!

It's strange but True but God stops us from God!
The belief in 'our' God stops us from Realizing our Lord
We just blindly believe in the religion we learned in school
And so, We don't Realize God, We live and die a fool
All Religions are good but we need Spirituality
Like after school we graduate from a University
We must let go of the myth that the Scriptures tell
If we want to Realize God, We must get out of this spell!

God is not God, God is SIP
The Supreme Immortal Power. Let's learn this and flip
God has no beginning, God has no end
God is birthless and deathless, Forever, he does extend
God is the Soul that gives life to You and Me
God is in every molecule, God is energy
This world is nothing but God, Everything is an Illusion
Everything in this world is God's manifestation!
Why should I worry, it was just a Dream
It is not real, no need to scream
A Dream is an Illusion, though vivid it may seem

But Life is different; Life is real
Don’t we all suffer, don’t we all swirl?
Very few go deep to discover the treasure, the pearl

What is this Journey of Life on earth?
What is the Purpose of our human birth?
Is there a way to live with Joy and Mirth?

We all live with suffering and strife
We laugh, we cry, we endure Life
But we don’t cut through to the Truth with a knife

Just like a Dream, Life is an Illusion
Very few of us get this Realization
We don’t use our power of Discrimination

Just like what happens in a Dream is not true
Life is nothing but an Illusion too
I am not ‘I’ and you are not ‘you’

Little do we realize what is our role
Dreams and Reality will take us to the goal
Which is to discover we are but the Soul

When are we going to start our Quest?
Not just Dream, but get out of our nest
Realize Life is an Illusion, get to the crest

Just like Dreams are not real, so is Life
Needlessly we suffer, we cry with strife
With misery, pain, sorrow, life is rife

But we can be Happy if we Realize the Truth
Overcoming sorrow, getting to the bottom of the root
If we realize it’s a Drama, we can enjoy the fruit

Do you worry about the Dream that you saw at night?
You wake up to realize that there was no fight
Life is good, it's shiny and bright

But Life is different, we continue to cry
We suffer, we question, we look at the sky
We cannot differentiate between the truth and the lie

Just like a Dream, Life is an Illusion
It is a long Dream that ends in disillusion
Because of ignorance, there is no Illumination

We think Life is real, it’s not just a Dream!
And so, we suffer, and so we scream
When we realize the truth, life will flow like a stream

If only we Discriminate and open our eyes
Life is just an Illusion, once we realize
We can be in Bliss with nothing to analyze

Life is a Journey, we come and we go
Little do we understand this earthly show
Our goal is to realize the truth, and not just know

We are not the Body that goes to sleep
We are not the Mind that makes us weep
Nor are we the Ego that wants everything to keep

When we realize what we are not
In Thought no more will we be caught
The Truth in front of our eyes will be brought

The Journey of Life has a Purpose
Not to jump like a clown and make Life a circus
Once we realize the Truth, we will never be nervous

We all commit the Greatest SinWe don’t realize that God is within
How will this battle of life we win?

When Dream and Reality, we contemplate
And the difference between the two, we discriminate
We will arrive at heaven’s gate

Did you decide your human birth?
Did you decide how you came to earth?
No, it’s Karma that governs the earth

When we realize that the earth is a stage
The Drama unfolds by Karma, page by page
Then, we will be free from the misery cage

Those who realize that Life is a Drama
Those who discover everything is Karma
Realize that just like a Dream, there is no trauma

Just like a Dream, Life is an Illusion
Once we get this Divine Realization
We will know that everything is a Manifestation

We are different Souls, so do we see
The Truth is that weare Divine energy
Everything is one, there is no you and me

Life is like a Dream, when we realize this
Like after a Dream, there is no unhappiness
But for this, we need Consciousness

As long as in ignorance we are bound
We will suffer as we live on the ground
Till the ultimate truth is found

What is the Purpose of reading this book?
It is to change your Life’s outlook
But first, you must be free from the ignorance hook

So, it’s time to start
And pull the myth apart
And this is to learn the Spiritual art

The Ultimate Truth is everything is an Illusion
Even Science has declared with Discrimination
This world is nothing but a Manifestation
Is there a way to eliminate all Fear?
Can we be Happy and live with Cheer?
Can we stop Worrying and living with Stress?
Can we eliminate Anxiety that makes our life, a Mess?
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

Is your life filled with Depression?
Do you want to make your life a Celebration?
The culprit, the enemy, is your own Mind
It’s robbing your Peace and Bliss, you will Find!
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

All our miseries are rooted in Thought
When in toxic Thought, We are Caught
Then, we are filled with Rotten Thoughts that are Junk
We lose our Peace, can’t live like a Monk
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

We all suffer this Triple Suffering on Earth!
These miseries are for all those who take Birth
But there is a way out of this Mess
We can eliminate Fear, Anxiety and Stress
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

To find Peace, Let’s get to the bottom of the Root
To be Blissful, we must Realize the Truth
The Mind is a crook, it acts like the King
But in fact, it causes all Suffering
Let’s discover the secret of Peace and Happiness!

Not one or two, it’s fifty thoughts, a Minute
The Mind bombards us and we are Lost in it
Then it becomes our boss, rides our Life Horse
We are controlled by it, this is a big Loss
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

The first secret is simple, move from NEP to PEP!
From Negative to Positive, Take this First Step
Then, we must move from Mind to Consciousness
And live a Life of Peace and Happiness
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

How do you do it? Try to find the Mind
Where is the Mind, You cannot Find!
Still, this Rascal makes us Blind
Let us discover the Truth, leave the Mind
Behind Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

What is the way to **** the Mind?
It is simple, we must still the Mind
The Mind with the Ego, becomes the ME
Then from Misery, we are not Free
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

The ME creates Anger, Revenge and Hate
There is Jealousy and Anguish at our Life’s Gate
Together, the Mind and Ego, ME, make us Cry
We then look at the sky and ask, ‘Why?’
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

Those who Realize that Life is just a Drama
That everything is Karma, for them, there is no Trauma
They realize that Suffering is nothing but a Choice
They choose to be Happy, they choose to be Wise
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

The fact is, we are not the Body, Ego or Mind
We are the Soul, this Truth we must Find
The Soul never suffers, it radiates Peace
In Consciousness, there is no Sorrow, Miseries Cease
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

Those who think that Success is Happiness
They run behind Pleasure, live with Anxiety and Stress
They don’t realize that the Foundation is Peace
Where there is no Peace, our Sorrow will Increase
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

The Secret teaches us to go beyond Entertainment
It gives us Ultimate Bliss with Enlightenment
When we Realize, we are the Divine Soul
In Eternal Bliss, we achieve our Goal
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

The journey starts with Illumination
Then there is Purification and Realization
From Misery, there is Liberation
In Bliss, there is Divine Unification
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

There is a way to be Happy, all day
We can eliminate Misery, take Sorrow away
Though the skies are Cloudy and Grey
We can be Happy, whatever comes our way
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

So, let’s start and remove all the Junk
Tame the Monkey Mind, make it a Monk!
Let’s make the resolve to Suffer No More
Push the Mind out and Lock the Door
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

What is the way to Eternal Bliss?
It is living in Truth Consciousness
When we overcome the myth and Realize the Truth
Then Peace and Bliss will fill our Root
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

There is no need to live with Fear and Stress
Remove Anxiety and Worry that is causing the Mess
Live in Consciousness, live in Peace
When there is no Mind, Miseries Cease
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!
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