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 May 2017 Agnès
You know,

  Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I hadn't met you.
You have changed my life and I can't thank you more.

  You make me so happy and comfortable, I feel like singing along
to my favorite songs just because I am so happy being with you.
La La La La Da Da Da Duummm La La La :) there i go, singing along.

  I can't even imagine sleeping without you beside me to hold onto
in the middle of the night.
When I wake in the morning, I look forward to seeing your face.
  I enjoy your music, and your passion for what you love.
I admire your honesty and trust.
  I especially admire that you are stronger than I expect.
Through our fits and snips, each time I turn around,
there you are, with a smile on your face.
                                                           ­  and that is why, I Love You.

  I say, but never truly say,
I love to hear every thing you have to say.
I love to learn every thing you teach.
I love to listen when you speak.
I just, love you.

&& I'm so happy I married you.
 May 2017 Agnès
Sam Conrad
Sometimes I wonder why I adore you.
You probably wonder why I adore you too.

Some people might say something like,
It's because I like the way the light hits your face and your hair is perfect even on bad hair days.
It's because you're so beautiful.
Every inch of you is gorgeous.
Your body is magic.
I like when you put your hands in all the wrong places.
You're the perfect height for me to kiss your forehead.
That your lips are nice too, and you're a perfect kisser.
That your smile is flawless.

Or maybe it's really because,
I relate to you better than anyone else on earth...
You're beautiful on the inside. If I could only have you back in exchange for going blind...
Every inch of you is gorgeous, but the person inside of you is what I can't let go of...
Your mind is the real magic, you were never just a pretty face to me...though your face is very pretty.
I like more when we had intellectual talks about things, so much more than the ******...
That while I love the taste of your lips,
I don't need them to survive...
That I can see the pain behind your smiles, but I see the joy in the real ones too...

I adore you because I love all of it.
In one view, you are only a lover...
In another view, you're the best friend I've ever had...
I'd do anything to have you back in my life again...
Back in my arms again...
Because I'd take you as a sister if I had to...
I'd stay away from your lips, though, I'd wrap you up in my arms, for you deserve the warmth,
Because you deserve as many hugs as you can get...and
I'd kiss you on the forehead because you mean something to me, and I'd pretend it's nothing more...

I love you.
I need you.
I want you.
I miss you.
I'm sorry.
I'll do anything.
I'll climb mountains.
I'll be waiting until the day I die for you.
If only you would see...
That I'd still come visit you
When you're out on your own,
Or someday when you're with your husband,
That I'd hide all my pain,
If you'd only let me back in...
Because I love you.
I love you with the kind of love I'll never be able to explain to you.

I don't have to wonder why I adore you. I cherish you more than anything, for good reason.
But you surely don't feel the way you used to, anymore.
I'm sorry. I'm a wreck.
In one way, I'm getting better. I'm closer to my friends. Keeping in touch. Having more fun.
Until I come home and cry myself to sleep.
I think I'm just crazy.
 May 2017 Agnès
i adore you
 May 2017 Agnès
i can't seem to find a word
that best describes you
because you are so many things
you are my angel
you are my demon
you are my sparkplug
you are my love
i can never sum you up and
i adore you
 May 2017 Agnès
Mr Xelle
Adore you
 May 2017 Agnès
Mr Xelle
Your heart is like a candle
Slowly I drip in your love.

Your smile is like a fragrance
These butterflies won't stop...

My hands won't stop shakin,
Your eyes make me melt.

Your hair looks amazing
I'm in amazement.

I truley adore you,
I lose myself in that.
I do...
 May 2017 Agnès
Graced Lightning
I'd like to believe that soulmates are forever.
That you can fall in love with someone
who is meant perfectly for you.
Someone whose body fits next to yours
like two pieces of a puzzle.
Who curves in all the right places
to fit in to the gaps between your heartstrings.

A soulmate isn't forever.

there is a kind of intimacy that comes with being a soulmate
and it's so much more than just ***
or skin on skin
with clothes on the floor
and the lights turned way down low
and tangled sheets and secret smiles.
It's an intimacy that comes with knowing
their hopes and dreams and secrets
having a deep connection that can't be replaced.

Soulmates aren't forever.
But oh, how I wish they were.
I'd really like feedback on this. I wrote this after reading many poems dealing with the idea of a soulmate and I don't really even know what a soulmate is or how to find one.
 May 2017 Agnès
there's something about the way we are
that makes me want to explore further more
just to see where the future will take us
whether our love is truly precious
as well as sealed tight, important
if it's been worth the stress
the sleepless nights
the endless days
of day dreaming
and everlasting lust
whether my lips
really want to touch
every part of your body
and whether or not
you're perfect for me
if our love fits right

i am sure its's been worth the fight
just to be in that bliss mode every night
to think of, want, need that feeling of lust
and everlasting, soothing, intense love

never felt so alive in my entire life
i think this might just be it
i've found my soulmate
the one love
i want to keep
in my thoughts
in my dreams
until the end
 May 2017 Agnès
Earl Jane

Oh my precious king,
My life and my everything,
Yes!I cherish you!
You create heaven in me,
And bloom flowers in my world.

You are that angel,
Filled with bright gleam and glory,
Blessing everyone,
You're divine and celestial,
And you're my soulmate, my all.

Oh my cherished ethereal king,
You're all I need, in rapture I sing.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

long time i have not written anything, i have been sooo busy with school since this week is exam week for me,.. i have been stressing a lot with school work , super tiring life!

although we always chat with Brandon, i still miss him every single second! i feel really sorry that I am not writing lots like before for him, i am just sooo stressed and soo confuse on what work will i do first, especially those school stuff, then my surveying make up classes wore me out a lot and makes me so tired a lot and let me just sleep directly at night, really soooo busy and soooo tiring life...

engineering life never easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i still try my best for Brandon, to show him how i love him, i might not write lots of poems for him, i always try my best to chat him ALL the time even in my classes,.. i really cherish him a lot, he is my everything and he makes my life complete! i could not ask for more, i am more than blessed!!! <3 <3
 May 2017 Agnès
You are in my thoughts and in my dreams. You are part of my ideas and the decisions I make. You are so inside me that you are naturally in the steps I take. You are far away but I can feel you, soulmate.
 May 2017 Agnès
Holly Freeman
She is like a red, thorn-stricken rose,
A beauty prized inside my garden,
Her body, like the petals, gracefully flows,
Movement preventing the coldest heart to harden.

I could be undoubtfully mistaken,
For my eyes play tricks, like mischievous young boys,
Making it rather difficult to awaken from a dream,
Or escape from a well planned ploy.

Only time will tell us, if it is meant to be,
Fate will bring my real soulmate, at a moment of overwhelming darkness,
The strong waves are beating against the shore, and back out to sea,
Until I meet perfection, wearing a white linen dress.

However, don't let the oppourtunity to find her pass you by,
Especially when it presents itself in the blue sky.
 May 2017 Agnès
 May 2017 Agnès
It's been us for a while
It's been us for years
We were just held back
But now we have no fears

There's nothing in our way
With each other, we spend our time
Hanging out all day
Not seeing each other is a crime

We have so many firsts yet to experience
I can't wait to try them all
With the one I am meant for
I have already begun to fall

Throughout my days
I am so uneasy
But when you hold my hand
Everything feels calm and breezy

It's like a light breeze
On a scorching hot day
You soothe me, and I feel calm
My lap is where you lay

I love being close to you
I wouldn't ever turn back
We were meant to be more
It was the us we always did lack

You're my everything
You're my fate
You're my joy
My soulmate
Inspired by my lover and best friend.

© Peyton 2013
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