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Aerinlia Dec 2017
Your singing voice
Your lyrics
Your piano

Thanks for keeping me alive
Aerinlia Dec 2017
In this cruel and competitive world

I'm just a dust

That no one cares about.
Aerinlia Dec 2017
O holy night
Beautiful memories
My childhood's christmas

When my family was whole
We sang this together
Because it was my favorite song

But now
I sing it alone
The stars aren't brightly shining anymore.
Aerinlia Dec 2017
I know you can't read this anymore
But I still want to tell this

There were times when I almost gave up
There were times when I had breakdowns
But I don't want to disappoint you

Thank you for all these years
Thank you for all your guidance
Thank you for supporting me all this time

I will officially graduate
One hundred days after your passing

I'm sorry I can't bring anything as gratitude
But up there, you are proud of me, right?
Please continue to guide me from now on.
Aerinlia Dec 2017
Dear my prince,
I love you
You are my first thought in the morning
You are my last thought before I sleep
You are my sunshine
You are my hope
I'm so happy that I have you
Ever since you walked into my life
I always walk with a smile
I really cherished our memories
I want to be with you forever

I put the letter on your tomb
You proposed to me just yesterday
You hold me just yesterday
You wiped my tears just yesterday
You kissed me just yesterday
On a night of christmas.........

Death will not set us apart
I cannot live without you
Let us marry
And love each other for eternity

I take my knife
Please wait for me, my dear
Please welcome me
And our eternal love.
Aerinlia Dec 2017
Stop telling me
I am diligent
A diligent girl won't
Become a NEET

Stop telling me
I am kind
A kind girl won't
Have no friend

Stop telling me
I am beautiful
A beautiful girl won't
Be alone at parties

Stop telling me
I am cheerful
A cheerful girl won't
Have such deep scars.
Aerinlia Dec 2017
I need to go back
To the start point
Like a little girl

Over one hundred
Poems that I made
Yet I still see templates
Poems for little kids

I know it's silly,
But I'm not ashamed
It's like I was dead
And reborn as a little girl.
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