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Adelaide Mar 2021
I can't forget you
If I still hope for you to come back
Adelaide Mar 2021
You brought me
my life
Adelaide Jan 2021
It took
one look
to notice
you were falling in love -
I mean,
I knew that.

I also know
you don't know you were,
but you know
I was.
Adelaide Jan 2021
I heard you
screaming without any words

I felt you
thinking you were walking all alone

I tasted
your chance given to me to come into your life

I looked at us
while we were falling in love
Adelaide Jan 2021
No matter how
No matter what
No matter where -

You will always be
My happily ever after.
No matter what
Adelaide Jan 2021
I don't know about lots of things,
I know very few of them.
I really don't know
how to live, how to love
or who I want to be.
But I know the reason why I'm here,
why I'm hardly breathing -
and this reason is you.
Adelaide Apr 2021
I'll stay there,
Where my heart is at peace
and where it smiles.

I'll stay there,
Where my soul has a mate
And where it shines.

I'll stay there,
Where my stomach has butterflies
And where it fills with your love.

I'll stay there,
Wherever you are
And wherever you'll be.

For ever -
With you.
Adelaide Jan 2021
You made me fall in love
with my life

— The End —