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She saw her watching him;
her eyes filled with the greatest desire and affection for him.
It was too much for her.
She saw the love she held was obviously greater than hers.
And so she let him go; refusing to hold onto him when he had a greater love waiting for him.

She believed her love as not great enough.
That he was not worthy of the little that she could bring him.
So now she waits,
So now she heals.
Her love could never be enough.
Her love was never enough.

But she knew that she was enough.
Because unlike herself, her God knew
true love, Agape love.

And her God was willing to teach her how to love others.
But first,
He taught her how to love herself.
Have you ever given up on a person you like because you noticed someone else liked them?
Have you ever given up on someone because you thought they deemed you as unworthy.
My sisters, my loves.
I'm entranced by their smiles,
Their laughter,
Their Joy,
Their essence,
Their ability to storytell.

My sisters, my loves.
The women who know
me more than my own

My sisters, my loves.
I pray the best for you.
I pray that the Lord's
Spirit will always
guide you.

My sisters my loves.
Your love will forever
be with me.
Your advice will shape
me to become the sister
I need to be.
I am not complicated.
I am not hard.
I am not tough.
I am broken, desiring affection, love from all those who desire to give it to to me.
But you God, you hold me down.
You fill me up with your love everlasting.
My eyes are filled with wonder and appreciation.
You embrace me.
Your touch ever so light.
You are the brightness in my life.
I pretended to have it all together, I pretend to have it all together, but you lord you hold me down.
You restore my mind, you teach me what is right.
You keep me sane.
You are my sanity.
Thank you.
Thank you lord that you are my sanity.
Tell me, who's most at fault?

Me; for believing you?

You; for doing whatever it took to fill up your loneliness?
So I did it again,
once again I played the victim.
I did it ever so slightly but her eyes are too clear;
as she knows better.

My Character is my greatest fault yet my greatest beauty.
I am working on it, we are working on it,
He is working on me, He is working through me,
yet when I fall, I fall so blatantly that all can see.

I lock myself in my mind.
Replaying moments of:
what if I did; what if I did not.


I am wrong.
I have come to the conclusion that most times I am wrong.
Growing older I must accept that I am wrong and seek to change
this mindset that causes me to act out of line.
When I say 'He' I am referring to God.
This is all apart of my walk in relationship with  Him
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