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I once believed your heart to be another beat of mine
the only other consciousness I ever could define
but sooner and not later I was tried ‘til I was blue
and suddenly my memory said, “anyone but you”
I recognized the cloud your eyes once begged of me to see
now all you’ve ever been before means nothingness to me
you comforted my body and you broke into my Soul
so I considered treason be the only path to go
i hope that time isnt linear
so i can stop wondering if we could just go back.

i would keep moving forward,
keep moving on,
and eventually,
she would bring me back to you.
"im happy for them" i say
"im happy for us too"
tonight i will sleep with my windows open
and i will only lie with you when the bed is bare
Now is a gift
Unwrap the beautiful present!
 Oct 2019 AM stardust spirit
kiss me
until i
can't speak
i wrote you
a letter every day
letters to tell you
just how i feel

written in neat, curved
writing i told you
just how sweet
i thought you were
how you made my heart

letters in which i wrote
with various colors of ink
pouring out my whole being
to you

i wrote you
a letter every day.

i wrote you letters in which
i told you how you made me

i found myself
pressing harder on
the paper
than i had before.

creating tears in them
similar in shape
and size
as the ones
inside of me.

i began to send
with creases
and bumps
and stains
splattered with tears

from my eyes

as i wrote
the anger
bubbling within me.

my last letter
addressed to you
no words

but was blank.
i had none that

could reach
as far

and deep

into the cracks
of my

to describe
what you

had left
of me.
a draft i decided to finish because it took a totally different turn than originally intended.
 Oct 2019 AM stardust spirit
No more lies
or games
no shame taken

I am
what I am
and will
with no fibre of me
just to make you feel
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