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  Jul 2018 Revelations
     "This isn't who you are."

    "You're not the girl I used to know."

   "I don't know who you've become."

He repeats these lines
So much these days
It annoys me more than
A broken record ever could
Ever should
Ever would
Cause I told him
I warned him thoroughly

     "I'm not nice."

    "You won't like the real me."

   "I'm not worth fighting for."

But he didn't listen
He filled my head with empty
Promises that he meant
He filled my heart with hollow
Vows that he could never fulfill

     "How can a person be so cold?"

    "How can a lady be so cruel?"

   "How can you change so fast?"

He looks hurt and
I hurt a little
But I shut down
Cause that's what I always do

     "I'm nefarious, lover."

    "Had my heart broken a few times."

   "Now it's made of stone."
I hope Nefarious Breed finds this.♥♥♥
Revelations Jul 2018
The heart wants, yearn and grows weary
But is simply a vessel beating till death

The mind sees,perceives and regrets
But it's just a lump of grey matter behind your forehead

The tongue cuts,stings, luls and inspires
But it's a mere tasting tool behind my insisers

Eyes feel,reel, impose great fear
Windows to the soul or something bland and not so real

Hands shape, create, deliver hate
Used to help deliberate

Individuals or just workers running loose for awhile.

Are we not more than that for which we were created
Builders of dreams, futures and sky scrapers

Feeling, seeing and believing
Inspiring, chastising, advertising all that we believe in.

Remembering all that we know
But still yearning for all that is not

Or is it all fake?
All masked and lying in wait
Ready to pounce, Denounce

Leaving you alone to your fate.
Revelations Mar 2018
I wish I could see what you see.
That's not a metaphor.
Nor a way to ask for understanding.

I want to see the trees.
The lights
The birds
The bees

I wish I could see the colour of your eyes.
The look on your face.
The scars
The blemishes
Without almost touching your face.

I wish they could fix these eyes that cannot see.
The beauty around me.
But there for all but me to see...

I used to be fine with it
When you were my eyes to see.
Now it's just me...
Unable to see
  Feb 2018 Revelations
Let's pretend we are not in love

And go on walking

So I can fall for you

All over again
  Nov 2017 Revelations
Keara Marie
I'm the author of my life,
but, unfortunately,
I'm writing in ink and can't erase my mistakes.
Revelations Nov 2017
There's something about you
About the way you make me feel

So relaxed
So driven
So completely free
But yet it's still a reserved me

Too scared to do anything
Encase you think me a fool

I wonder what you would think
If you truly saw me.
I'm not what you tend to see
But then you still scare me

One day maybe
I'll let loose
Then you'll see
Who truly is me...
Revelations Sep 2017
I keep waking up.
Wondering where you are.
The pillow in my arms
Just isn't enough

I've changed how I sleep..
On my back.
You tucked in under my arm
Smile on my face

But you wouldnt know
How could you.
We just friends.
Not what we could be.

Everyone else sees it
Why can't you.
We work well together
I just need you.
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