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Sep 2015 · 3.3k
august Sep 2015
i fall in love with
the boy who picks up
my book in the crowded hallway.
with the girl who
gives me one small smile.
every day, every minute,
there is a new love on my mind.
the love is involintary,
you have never
done so much as to give
me the faint idea of your feelings.
one 'hello', one look my way.
5 minute love.
the girl who opened my door
is forgotten the minute
your glance meet mine.
i dream in black and white,
your hazel eyes breaking the color barrier.
i think only in lyrics,
and every thought of you belongs to a love song.
if home is where the heart is,
then your smile is my home.
and if true love was split at creation,
then you are my third and fourth leg.
your eyes stay focused ahead,
but i cannot keep mine off of you.
you radiate 'love me!',
the mating call to a lonesome lover.
a boy tells me he loves me,
i hear it in your voice.
i get my first kiss and i am only
thinking of the curve of your upper lip.
i find someone new every day,
i find a new reason to love you every minute.
keep me in love.
keep you close to me,
all the way across town.
keep you on my mind.
"i love you,"
and i am awake, brightly printed on my eyelids.
i can feel the words sinking in.
make you want to want me.
i really need to stop thinking i'm falling for people. i need to stop loving people who don't know me.
Sep 2015 · 2.5k
august Sep 2015
i am the frostbite
spreading through the frozen fingers of your new lover's
hands, transferred body heat
burning the skin.
i am 3 am drinks in the
pouring rain, swerving onto
oncoming traffic.
i am the ship lost at sea of our love.
i am a broken bathroom mirror.
i am an unidentified purple bruise
on the neck of your ex-lover.
i am the fork in the toaster.
i am an untuned guitar in
a filthy venue.
calloused hands against soft skin.
slam the whiskey shot down on your neck. wash the blood off in the kitchen sink.
broken blinds forcing unwanted sunlight into your nightmares.
i am the definition of breakup ***, i am the
aftermath of self-hatred and one more go around.
**** just for the fun of it, just to ****.
pretend you are making love. pretend this matters.
i am late night emergency room
visits for rope-burned necks.
i am the car alarm blocking out your
one night stand's profound moans.
organize your bookshelf to spell out my name in the titles.
every song on the radio
will sound like goodbye.
i am the perfect time for a first kiss. swollen lips. swollen throats. inevitably calling your name on my deathbed.
i am under-the-bed-shoeboxes filled
with ripped photos that
still smell of his cologne.
i am one more dose of ambien
to get you through the night.
overdose on love, starve your lover.



i am the first glance in a coffee shop.


— The End —