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  Apr 2016 y i k e s
Austin Bauer
Becoming human does not require
Writing sad or dark poetry.
Rather, it requires rejoicing
Amongst the darkness
That can so easily
Encapsulate us all.
  Apr 2016 y i k e s
I listen to music
And i’m tempted
To rush over to your
House and run away
With you
Because i’m in love

It’s four am.

I’m sorry.

I sound like him
When he talks about
That baby mama

But i know we’re different

Because we're not whole
If we’re not together
I just scribbled this down because when i hear music i hear you. Us. And my heart just wont stop until i get something down
y i k e s Apr 2016
i'm back at home
and you welcome me with open arms

"welcome home, we missed you!"

a warm embrace leads to a tender kiss
a night in bed, very well missed

a one day stay, leads to a week long stay
eventually, i pack my things, it's time to go

you stand in the doorway, holding the **** firmly

"you're not going anywhere, you BELONG here."

you're right, i do belong here.
i can't argue that.

i unpack my things, get cozy in bed.
you lay next to me, place your arm on my chest

everything wells up, the feelings set in
the familiar settings, the normal mindset.

darkness welcomes it's self around me
it's my second home, i can't argue.
I'm back, I missed you.
  Apr 2016 y i k e s
Caitlyn Dee
my psychology teacher asked us to close our eyes
i saw nothing
he told us he was now going to say a word,
and for us to think about the first thing that came to mind
i saw you
  Apr 2016 y i k e s
To be sad does not mean to have scars
y i k e s Apr 2016
Being in your arms for those ten seconds was the most wonderful feeling in the world

more beautiful than a spring flower blooming,

the sound of laughter in an elementary school yard,

and the smile on your face when you see me
You make me so happy
  Apr 2016 y i k e s
You better stop trippin'
or you might
fall in love.
Well I'm still writing cheesy poems and you're still on my mind.
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