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David Proffitt Oct 2016
Twist ye not the tendrils of time
frame dragging by any other name
black holes ergosphere sublimes
pulls spacetime to its slow down game

Those clocks and our clocks not the same
Time's vector smeared along its timeline
speeds along its X axis game
Remains longer on its own line rhyme

Then around and around she goes
For this clock so smitten runs so slow
And where the hands stop nobody knows
Spacetime's drill bit twisted so

This black silken dress of spacetime
Wrapped around this gravity vortex
Twisted infinity sublimes
on the singularities’ cortex

Redshifts starlight to infinity
Photons below values of C
Their orange trails of light I see
These curved, stretched, these twisted banshees

Frozen in space these tendrils of time
My heart beats on ever so slow
This time signature of space aligns
reality to its queer clocks of woe

In front of me coasting along
a singular photon it’s brilliance
flitting like a firefly’s lonely song
wave-like in its own resilience

This photonic duplicity
particle now and a wave the next
surrenders its reciprocity
to this block of spacetime so vexed

Such are the tendrils of time here
to the black holes seductive embrace
These time signatures skewed so queer
From the Dark Mother’s fingers trace

As she smiles at me saying:
“Oh my beautiful child of wonder”
“Blessed be your love and curiosity”
“Of all my spells that you fall under”
“To you all of my precocity”

“So I bless thee and thy lady “Star”
“Your undaunting love of Michele
“Shines on in O Class from thee so far”
“I release thee from this spacetime spell”

These tendrils of time wound round
These whirlpools in space
These wonders of space found
In Michele’s beautiful face.

Dave Proffitt
3:01 PM
how frame dragging from a black hole affects spacetime and time itself.
preston Dec 2020
D Vanlandingham

Death only has power  when entwined with flesh;
as it is the pathological.. and its need to be propped up
--which is all there is   to embrace the illusion.
Yet, no flesh can stand  before the Face
and so  is burned-off  in an instant.

Now, with nowhere left to hide--  
the hidden..  becomes, fully known.
                   (the illusion,  and it's deception)

And so  separated,  (but not really)
all things  known
will eventually be brought  back home--

A boat, now empty of its captives~
the last to step off;  

                shining  as  bright

                         as the Morning Star

Pleased to meet you--
hope you guessed my name,  ah yeah
'Cause what's confusing you,
is just the nature of my game

"Tell me, baby.. what's my name.."
Brandon Barnett Apr 2012
prepared for any kind of fight; rifle, helmet, knife, even glaring teeth
she comes at me like I'm a hive of bees
but who can blame her, after all, who's really adequately prepared to handle me

she only cuts shallow and jabs, never stabs for the heart
unlike me, she won't ****, unsuited to play that part
she's a survivor, she heals, I'm a comet in it's one bright radiance before breaking apart

anxiety makes you shudder like a dump truck coming down a bumpy street
depression dictates who you call, when you work, what you eat
if you're not bipolar then i'm afraid the three of us will probably never meet

punching clinched fists through doors is a cheap circus trick
but taking out the anger is dangerous without something to hit
because it pours it up, tries to drink itself down, and drowns everything around it

my remorse stiffens me in bed next to her sleepless I wear the darkness, rigamortis and black suit
I feel my poison wilt her, bend her stems, dull her colors, shrink her roots
i have burned all the wood in her pile just getting started a fire the size of my selfish pursuits

carrying sandbags roped onto me one parent and sibling at a time
dragging the chains of days barely survived still hooked into my skin like the other memories of their kind
I stall her pace, hold her back, make her trudge uphill, I make her climb
but her undaunting patience somehow persists in her, in me: still, calm waters sublime

She comes at me like I'm a hive of bees prepared for any king of fight
only wanting to save me, to heal me, to give sleep back to my nights
bread for it, I show teeth and cut for blood and she continues to be the definition of grace in my life
Katlyn Orthman Mar 2016
Remarkable love
The word in which I choose to describe love

Tangible love
The way you feel it graze your skin
And stare into the depths of eyes
That share such a vigorating feeling

Undaunting love
Love has brought me through the dirt
Yet raised me from the ground and kissed my wounds
The beauty is regal and untamed
A vicious foe yet filled with an undying loyalty
It is uncapturable, as fluctuating as the erratic beat of my heart

Formidable love
Love knows me yet I am a stranger
Staring wide eyed at the looming colossal figure
The beast that calms me
The only one that tames my fiery heart  
Until my flame is a soft flicker against the moonlight

Desirable love
Until fingers graze skin
And lips tremble in the proximity
Chests press a hard thud against familiar flesh
And pulses raise

Remarkable love
traces of being Oct 2016
Wandering silently
though the wilderness woods,
far and away from the potholes
of well beaten pathways
The soft breeze slowly moves
the shadows cast in the moonlit night,
past the thorny bramble vines of time.
Wildlife paths illuminated by starlight
adorn the alluring wooded trail
Secluded pathways foraged by natural instinct,
ancestral prudence and intuition's guide

Each shadow drawn willingly
into a deeper enlightening journey
As if synchronicity united hearts
learning to speak minds
The depths of undaunting transparency
rendezvous with awakening breath
Looking back .., softly questioning
life withdrawn in discontent;
exhaling an unashamed freedom without regret
Lost in perpetual motion, found in heart
Separate souls illuminated by the moon
stood alone yearning for the touch
of healing light

Ardor of hope shines an inward light
as moonlight restlessly slumbers,
passion blushes in radiant colour
The night has a thousand coquettish eyes
shining on practical mysticism
The laughing owls of midnight
Echo allusions of crystal clear reverie
Stirred by swirling tempest breeze
showering down from high endeavors
where treetops  pierce the constellations
Wisps of the twilight sky unfurl stardust dewdrops
drunk by earth’s thirsting sod
Nocturnal Cricket’s rhythmus acoustical wings
very quietly chirping a bashful courting song

Laughter rings out,
blissfully released,
like the joy of a shameless child
Nature sways with a gentle motion
Her leafy arms groan and moan the silent toil
as she holds up the weight of the celestial unfoldment
Moonlight moves across the dappled shadows
budding love born beneath her branches.

Two shadows embrace as one
emerging rapturously
from the tantalizing wilderness oasis
Reborn as naked as the free
mesmerized by the enchanting forest's spell...
stepping in a bit deeper for an adult swim
under the enchanting allure of a full,
blossoming, hunter moon...
She is a river.
Boundless, undaunting,
Rosebuds, she blossoms
Through her gentle stride
Knowing not of Eden
That of which is lesser

I can no longer
Fear life,
For I shall die of thirst.
No liquor or brine
Is sweeter
Than her ebb ,
To my vapid quarters,
My steamy mind.

Upon my end,
My only regret
Will be that I’ve never
Learned how to swim.
-Juan Carlos Gomez
Sally A Bayan Dec 2021
(Black Tide)

My finger touches water...imagining,
tracing...the contours of a face, undulate on the
wavy mirrors of the water, reeling
on the blue luster of the rising tide,
shimmering streaks, reflecting
splotches, as sun rays are waning,
~~~~~this late afternoon.
i stay, unflinching, un-intimidated
by the lapping waves, violently
caressing the sandy shore.
The dimming sky blurs
your sketch into an enigma,
Your hair, your face are vanishing
leaving your open eyes, glimpsing
around, glinting like silver, through
the rhythmic ebbing and flowing
of the now black tide.
November sky's an undaunting view firm as dark navy blue,
a few stars in sight,
la lune is still queen of the night,
so determined in her scant glow 🌒
~~~telling me, it's time to go,
~~~to live through this night,
then, face a new sunrise 🌕
(#silly love poem)

sally b

© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
October 17, 2017
(from my collection of silly love poems)
Nik Bland Jan 2013
Crowns of mortal kings last longer than their wearer's life
Standing firm as their rulers bend in earthly strife
Such are symbols of power and worth
Molded jewels and gold
Tyrant or triumphantly just, power they do hold

People are guided or trampled by feet that rule atop the throne
Outstretched hands strangle or stretch to the future, either loved or loathed
Who will guide and who will run through
To ruin or history
Such are the woes and wonders of the people guided by mortal kings

Crowns of mortal kings you stand, undaunting in your shine
The only etchings in history of your wielder and the exploits they leave behind
Adorned with blood, with fingerprints
Of dynasties come and gone
Crown of gold, ages old, as history rolls on
Nik Bland Jul 2013
Break the glass encased around
Hear the loud crashing sound
See amidst the shards you've found
Is a secret long since forgotten

Read the words upon the scroll
Etched in ink derived from soul
From half of one which once was whole
Thrown into bottomless sea

Pass each letter with your gaze
See this love, a trivial maze
Unfaded by a undaunting phrase
Oh sweet love, return again
Neeloo Neelpari Oct 2018
Your Love for me
I know Is but for sure
But to make it known
Would you Write it in BOLD
For my sake make it Bright,
With just the leftover
Charcoal in your fingers.
Don't make it lavish
Just keep me in your perceptions
And in your undaunting smiles
Oh my Beloved !
Just write LOVE
Wid all the hues
Stolen from the butterfly
Just make it crisp n shine
Just make it everlasting
Your Love for me....

© Neeloo 'NeelPari'
Mike Hauser Jul 2019
I don't need you
In case you haven't noticed
Yes it's true
To bring this all in motion
If you've no clue
In this Saga on going
It's nothing new
Courageously undaunting

If there ever was a doubt
I can stick it to myself

So hold tight
Here comes another round
With all my might
Beat myself up downtown
Do or die
Not hard to figure out
I can not lie
Don't pity me the sound

If there ever was a doubt
I can stick it to myself

I can be late
When turning clues by chance
Don't hesitate
I've come back with much less
Call it a day
This day of circumstance
I give away
More than I've ever had

If there ever was a doubt
I can stick it to myself
Sarahi Lopez Dec 2018
Like Howls to the Moon that Echo against the Cosmic Crust
Struggles and Tragedy and the Triumphs ..
Internal Screams, Deep Tissue Scars, Abandoned Trust
What Rhymes with Tragic Feels like Black Magic
A warm winters Day ..
Let go before it molds you like Clay
Anger, Pain and treachery grow if you feed it
Becoming an Addiction and you badly need it
Cries in the night , Silent Lucidity ..always wondering why
Hopping on that Gypsy Train , Never saying bye.

A way of Life a time of Day and  No absolute reason to …Stay.
Its not your back that is Broken , it is the Burden you Carry
Just a Catholic girl they often called Mary.

Let it go gifted Sister , they have forgotten and will have never missed her.

A daunting tale , a poisoned Dream
A Naïve chance it will never be as it seemed
An infinite Haunting that turned this Orphaned girl into a Queen.
Faith required Fierceness and an undaunting grace to Forgive.
A sacrifice dually notioned for the will to Live.
A Life of Servitude her Story told
A small price to pay for a Love worth more than Gold.

— The End —