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SøułSurvivør Jul 2016
"What price love?" The scholar asks
"Is it lust which breaks the bone?"
The rock he hefts leaves him bereft
Ossified as stone.

Here we have the question
As we lift the weighted pall
'Tis it better to have loved and fully lost
Than to never love at all?

(C) 7/2/2016
"Jude the Obscure" is a novel written in the late 19th century by Thomas Hardy. A tale of dreams (the protagonist, Jude, was a stonemason who had ambitions of being a scholar) Love vs. Lust (Jude marries a woman who claims to be pregnant. Is divorced, then finds his true love, Sue) and the price of both. Jude has an extremely difficult life. Due mainly to his poor decisions regarding his love life. In the end it destroyed him.

A hitch hiker sits atop his

Battered leather suitcase

Layered with the stickers of

Each and every one of his destinations

Creating some kind of scaly hide

For that dead container

He drags with him always.

His head’s hung towards his shoes

Or what’s left them

And his right arm is propped up on his

Knee, with the thumb outstretched

Just resting along the on ramp for


The only thing that he wants is help

And the only help he’s had is the cool breeze

That follows the cars passing him

But just as he begins to fear heat stroke

Or sever hallucinations brought on by dehydration

A battered GM pickup slows to a stop on the

Gravel next to the ramp.

He has to rub his eyes to make sure this

Isn’t some sort of delirium

Then hefts his suitcase and rushes towards

The rusting pickup

The owner has one of those John Deer caps

Tipped up on his forehead and a rolled

Cigarette hanging from his lips

He doesn’t even bother to look at

His new guest he just stares intently at the


“Thank you sir for the ride, I wasn’t sure if

Anyone out here even cared about people

Looking to make a new start.”

The drivers head just hangs limp

But the corner of his mouth curls up

And he responds,

“Some of us ‘round here

We just want a good ending. Something

To light up the eyes.”

Then gravel sprays.

Our traveler holds his suitcase on his lap

Both fists gripping the worn handle

Just beneath his chin

And his mind it worries over this

Unusual character with whom he’s

Now trapped.

Still focused intently on the road

These two travel alone in silence

Finally the man with the John deer cap

Turns his head and quietly asks

“Do you believe in God?”

“It depends on what you call belief

I guess”

The passengers’ wary response

While the smile on the drivers face widens

And he continues

“He has a plan for all of us

Whether we like it or not

He got some great idea or mission

That we were intended to complete.”

The passenger just stares for a moment

Wondering if the man will continue

Then he feels it’s safe to speak and says

“That’s what those guys who wear robes say

That there is some divine goal assigned to each

Of us

Just sometimes I wonder what mine is.”

The man finally turns his head

And stares at his new guest

“Oh he, he has a plan for you

He wouldn’t have had me find you

If he didn’t.

Would you believe me if I told you

He commanded me to stop for you?”

“This I find hard to believe,

All I’m doing is looking for someplace

To start over

To not be judged

For my past.”

At this point the passenger noticed that

His driver hadn’t looked back

To the road

“He will forgive and you won’t

Be judged. All you need do is ask.”

Still staring dead at the man

“I will ask in my own time

What I’ve done is between me

And God.”

Hoping he would turn his head

“Oh yes, what you’ve done

He told me this too

You’re a liar, and a thief

Not a major sinner

But in need of atonement.”

Still staring at the man

And there was a turn coming

It looked like there was a ravine

Just past the rail

“Yes you need to repent and

Beg the Lord for forgiveness!

You humble fools think he is kind

But this is only for the deserving!

This God is cruel and he feels as if there

Are other gods in your pitiful life

And he is vindictive!”

The truck was gaining speed

“Thank you sir for this conversation

But I’m ready to get out.”

Hand tugging on the latch

But it won’t open

“Oh, he has a plan.”

And the laughter starts

While the truck runs forward

And the door won’t open  

The passenger starts to

Swing for the driver

But somehow he can’t reach him

Then the inevitable collision


And the vehicle is weightless

For just a moment.

Hanging from the rear view mirror

Is a rosary looking suspended in mid air

The passenger reaches out for it

And the truck collides with the earth

The world spinning is merely a blur

While the sounds of metal twisting

Fills the air


The hitchhikers’ eyes snap wide

And he’s sitting on his suitcase

Along the on ramp for I-76 with

His thumb outstretched

And his head hung towards his feet.

But clenched in the fist with the thumb

Protruding is a string of rosary

Beads with the cross dangling

And at his feet is an oily John Deer


In the distance the old man wheezes

“Oh, he has a plan.”
S Olson May 2018
being disharmonious
with the whisper of death,
my father sentiently orchestrates
his final moments.

the cancer enfolds, unbending;
inverting throughout him like a small womb
unfolding the fabric of his universe.
his torso ebbs with these insatiable flowers.
he is born again into death knowing love,
dreaming his journey into being. his children
shedding symphonies of his laughter
are woven into silence; as he dies
a fully spread bouquet—beautiful
in the face of surreptitious sabotage.
it must be cumbersome for him. to grow
backwardly. still, though—outwardly,
he hefts it peacefully. dying a mountain—
symphonic—and in bloom.
halfmoonprxnce Jun 2018
Oh God,
If you are really there
Drive me away from others' sin
and fill me with your magic
Engulf me in your loving arms
Bless me for I deserve your
Oh God, Please grasp these hands
and enlighten me on why
all the blame hefts on me,
always making me cry.
Do you ever know what it feels like to consistently be lonely? Or have everyone suddenly withdraw from you in life? When everyone starts to suddenly hate you?

Sometimes, all the hefts of the world
Were breathed in to my shoulders.
Sometimes, even the deepest regrets,
I fear why they ramble in my psyche.

Sometimes, I feel the impact of the dying generation.
Sometimes, there's no utterance of words,
Only grace has found me
To where I veiled my every secret of humiliation.

I find it hard to try things on my own,
I strained and cried with so much debts to the world.
Yet, I was never satisfied
And the past haunts me all over again.

All the time, I was tired
I was tired of running the same race
Of the adversities of the future
To which I first thought
Would be my safe haven.
For now I know,
There's no such thing as heaven on earth.

I fought the battle, so I did breathe my last now.
I died, but death kept me crying.
I thought my passion died too
But there's no such thing as death
When conceived and be born again.

I was lost, it's sounds cliché
And yes, I was found by grace.
His love I can't deny
Coz whenever loves was bound by earth,
Love is greater, more profound than the world itself.

I can no longer envision this ache
This pain which wanes,
So much that I can no longer dive in to the darkness.
There's this thing: the light has blinded me.
And so I shout, my soul has its own tears
And black and white was the color of death.

Death is victory.
Death is grace.
Death is pain.
Death is a risen star.

It was overcome!
Tyler Jun 2023
I'm convinced          
   the butterfly hefts
from here to there;          
the duck trusts me enough
to dive his head next to my danger.
webby feet
motor boat
muncy munchs
pulling feathers from my breast
freeing froggy
he let Freddy go
hoppy hoppy
splashing splishes
yoga swatches
power of a thousand winds
picture poses
doggy greetings
grouplove meetings
walk path leadings
like yearbook signatures,
baseball fields,
bike rides.
Steve Page Jun 2020
Home is so unmoved.  It stays as recalled
smelling of the comfort of the first and last
as if to harbour memories regardless
of age, refusing to release its hold,
it stands so full of heart, with echoes of dinner

with steam lifting from hefts of potatoes
and withered veg, an adamant replay
of striped tablecloths and brown orange plates,
long cracked and stacked. You see how it was
close your eyes and see the scrapes of plates, the kettle.  
And that mug.
After ‘A home is so sad’ Philip Larkin (The Whitsun Weddings)
When you date first a date-****** you expect date-**** on first date
To love profoundly we must possess an inalienable, intractable hate
while a chaste Chaz hefts gobs of food from fridge to stove to plate
☒ The truest of dead-tested-death-testing proves Robin's dead for sure
☒ By 26 August 2014: Robin F. Williams doesn't **** & doesn't snore
☒ Showing that his rotting *** is dead because it cannot **** anymore
☒ To distance Italians from Sicilian mobsters is a Neapolitan goal,
☒ so Italia: inter mummy Rosalia Lombardo to instate her timeless role
☒ as the raking gnaw of unholy museum worship exacts a Karmic toll
☒ La Repubblica italiana, bury Rosellina Lombardo to honor her soul
☒ Meanwhile a counterfeit woman lives as Michelle Obama the man
☒ Reeling in big fish, retiring with his husband and living on the land
☒ This Michelle Obama's of a neo-femininity heftily counter-manned
☒ Wail over the blubber of mercurial fish shrink-wrapped and canned
☒ Michelle's ribs are the Chesapeake Bridge over oily water spanned
☒ It's worse than what the immigration department doesn't require as
☒ the bureaucratic class charges a **** cop grid with a 240 live wire
☒ because accordingly Vatican City is the descendant Roman Empire
☒ where-from incorporated elites throw Christians on a funereal pyre
☒ 1 door-to-door monkey salesman Jim Jones of Jonestown, Guyana
☒ Died for the C.I.A. as M.I.5 murdered ex-princess ******* Diana
☒ Eerily hear '97's semi auditory disturbance: Tyson bites Holyfield
☒ No man in sox denies comforting knowledge of wearing 'em milled
☒ Patients scared sacred is the verdict on cells C.D.C.-certified killed
☒ set upon para-nucleic structures acidic pathologically-thunk sealed
☒ Mercifully a fattened Elvis crapped-out from a bloated heart stilled
☒ 2 farmers flea volcanic plains before furrowed meadows are tilled
☒ The Acámbaro Figures and Kensington Runestone aren't canonical
☒ As they're deliberately omitted from all Apocryphal books Biblical
☒ Skirts barely below mons veneris calculate lust & lure systematical
☒ Seems the totality of items round coax contraband flicks cylindrical
☒ Dirt & smudges & wrecks the sea causes, rounded to what's conical
☒ The beautiful Teresa Teng sang of “Another rainy day in Nagasaki”
☒  I have seen films of her on bikes, on skates but not playing hockey
☒ The ease in which legs are compressed & unfolded at the cat house
☒ makes me hearken for unstuck Tuesdays at ye olde Erin cork house
☒ where fish are skinned like brave men tried in a federal court house
☒ while uncracked minds get cracked up at a ****** town crack house
☒ Tex & Rita (to Memorex): Die you schizogenetic offering by dawn
☒ in the dirt-bag opting of a love stymied beneath an undeterred lawn
☒ in starving memory to Dutch: a ray-gun-loving Reagan called Ron,
☒ that war-dodging acquaintance of stage-dead mummer **** Shawn
☒ whose crap-out was viewed by attending audience as a planned con
☒ but alas the gray ******* was, medico-legally, dead and gone
☒ To negrita ****** & Albanian trulls & stenographers he's just John
☒ Lewis Mumford wasn't motherly as now Mum is his name or 'cause
☒ The Myth of the Machine Vol II: The Pentagon of Power was tame
☒ Mumford's keen intellect is marginalized and therein lies the shame
☒ Finding competent help for a homosexual brain defect ain't so easy
☒ with local brain doctors buggering sailors till they're both as queasy
☒ as allergists with red noses because allergy tests make them sneezy
☒ Many 62-year-olds get a kick out of bowel surgery when it's breezy
☒ beneath palms labeled alphabetically: tree w, tree x, tree y & tree z
☒ When you date first a date-****** you expect date-**** on first date
☒ To love profoundly we must possess an inalienable, intractable hate
☒ while a chaste Chaz hefts gobs of food from fridge to stove to plate
☒ faster than down hill on oily rails screams a train obese with freight
☒ that'll whip mufflers Oprah & Gayle at their queerest galloping gait
☒ Without toilet paper, ****** rags would be gay Clint Eastwood's fate
☒ as his ***-lovin'-Bohemian-Grove-attending *** needs an **** mate
☒ with a deep ****** receptive to bath-house Clint's masochistic trait
☒ enhanced by a brutal sadism borne of a splintered Korean War pate
☒ he got from a bumpy flight aboard an Army Air Force bomber crate
☒ dropping him into Richard E. Byrd's North Pole hollow-Earth state
☒ Viceroy Mountbatten was in tall grass fooling with his swollen ****
☒ when ****** India emerged from her foreign-imposed-grave-pit rut
☒ to absorb a parting partition shot with a death by the thousandth cut
☒ in '47 while King George VI could not keep his blabber-mouth shut

— The End —