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Briar Ren Jan 2019
Apart from the isolated confines of my own mind,
the warm comfort of your embrace
is the safest place I know.
My thoughts are still my own.
Justin G Nov 2015
Whispering eyes
You tell me no lies
  You speak my absence
You know my truth
I'm dying to be inspired
I long to see what you see
  I need you immensely
Like education
  Teach me your liberty
I want to be enabled like rain
Release me from cloudy skies
  Quiet my thundering blue

Your tranquil breath
    Envelop all of me
   Your heavenly touch
Soothes the beats of my heart
  I crave for solace
In your wings of warmth
  Take me with you
Into the deep serene
  Engulf me with  
Your duvet of love*

My lunar eclipse
  With shivering lips
What you sung above
Leave me lost for words
  I search from within
Just beneath my skin
  I discover a gift
A sanctuary of roses
Volcanic in nature
Your presence erupts
  A scent of divinity
May you clip these wings
  Only here with you
Is where I rather be

Let us soar
As the empyreal embosom
  Beyond the universe
Outside the realm of
   Embracing the seclusion
Trunks of our hearts entwined
   They beat as one
Without qualms
Exhaling carefree
Slowly sipping eternity

Justin G
This is exceedingly brilliant
Special thanks to the most
Sensational wonder,
Miss Lady Eudora!
I couldn't have done it
without you.
: )
Chitvan Sharma Mar 2015
I'll fall in your embrace
With my droplets mizzling upon you,
Dear, would you let me embosom?

I'll wander around your infinite contours,
Gluing to you in your rugged facets,
Dear, would you let me explore?

I'll dance with your essence
And liberate your scents imbibed in me,
Dear, would you let me adrift?

I'll mingle with your hues
Without loosing my limpid self-hood,
Dear, would you let me defy?

Under the glaring sun, under the gleaming moon,
I'll shine back our entwined zeal,
Dear, would you let me scintillate?

I'll quiver and twitch when the breeze hits hard,
I'll cling to you with my sinking heart,
Dear, would you then let me depart?

I was lost to infinity, you'd thought.
But here I am, in pieces, but caught.
Dewy loam lets me in.
To unite us again, for love must win.

Dear, would you let me be you?
Dear, would you let me be us?
Pouring clouds never stimulate the writer in me, but today it did. I gazed at these water drops on the purple heart plant for so long & captured the moment in my camera and in my writing too. This poem talks about two individual beings that unify as one yet are separate identities. Life exists in a constant state of change and I tried to connect their story with the reality of life. Its about their endearment moments, their separation, their reunion, their infinite love, their infinite existence.
Julian Nov 2016
Adventures in Decent Music

I swerve and careen among universal minds aggregated at the lode of a touchstone bride
A Potemkin village of a pillage to pillory but never to grind
So whet and wet the desiccation of distant future plight
Moribund with the distractions of aimed secrecy hidden in plainest sight
Imbibe the bluish glaze of softened confection
Razors are Occam’s without seminal defection
They praise my words before they are spoken
Wheels fork over bifurcated lesions before the chosen ones are token
Frisk and foment, risk and moment, all consequence is the same destiny
All robbers gravel is gravely disabled calumny
Doormat cleaver brandished by Eddie the Eagle
Trying to distance humanity from precious Smeagel
Fluttering like a poltroon rather than a lampoon
Mustering the might of nations an OK often said way too soon
The tribesman and people from other lands, amputate the appendages some might consider hands
The humanoid sentience of genetic malfeasance gets scientism an ace even poker that pokes has no better mandatory land
Drivel rinks that cushion the gelid ice and the imbroglio of three mice blind and thrice wine price
We cannot surmount the cretinism of a sycophant society
We cannot use erasure for swallowed decency
****** sprinkle riddle spar how I wonder when you are
How I wonder where you were, who I wonder is known to have known for sure
Buried six feet deep or two yards off the left tackle
The tight end is tighter than the noose appended to rabble
Charlatan trim conceals a memorialized hymn
Of the feral clippers and their zephyrs browsing the lot of sin
So climb with me, notch by notch, up the butterscotch ladder
**** and Wing spin the doctors grouch, and a kangaroo has too many wielded sentients to embosom each pouch
Rescue the tyrant from the tyranny of the forgotten’
Rescue the trident from the flippers that pinball is verboten
Everyone or no one has fangs
***** the abducted humans who versify my integrity with mysterious injections
Twice bitten, temporal anesthesia is quite crude
Sharp traversed pain collapsed like the unrefined Croods
But yet I awaken to dawning answers on alpenglow sunsets
A prospect of regal license and craven bets
To the moon and back, I’ll be back in time for truth
I’ll be forward in time for loot
Alzet Weideman Nov 2017
I wish our roles could be recast
then you would be the one hanging on my lips;
charmed by my eloquence.

I would have a higher consideration for it
that simply a childish infatuation.
I would embosom it, treasure it,
cherish it until my last breath.

The moment that I first laid eyes on you, I can't remember
but every second since then your tune plays incessantly in my head.

My heart bleeds when I think of your face
and I realise that it's because I know that I would've held it so gently in my hands.

Your story I'm not acquainted with.
How burdensome the impedimenta of your every day, I don't know.
Nevertheless, with every ounce of my might I want to help.

What should I have done to catch your eye?
Who should I have been to win your heart?
Steph Portuguez Jan 2020
She persuaded the curvature of the seam. A dressmaking utterly agonizing, to reach the smoothness one must perceive, it has a regret with the difficulty of repetition of a trend.

Her foul purport carbonated the clear intent. But an impecable illustration did provide them with the warmth they intend.
The cycle lacked precision but their pliancy was a treasure so **** filled with her preciousness.

Velveted silk portrait embraces and confines a cause within a retrospective, a muse divides with a major uproar, one with the furor of nature uncontrolled.

The spell of glamor enchanted the failed dorks. They daydreamed fuzzy temptations to achieve their doomed ******. Of their antagonised exchange was born an incurable rage. The vexed source became cursedly recruitable for their loveable tremors, she had no knowledge of their cultivated adoration.

This will be our temple to our redemption and acceleration. It has consumed us all, encased conscious with translucent locked up doors.

The excitation has endure the incommensurable, the deluge did occur in the future. The scorn we throw to each other is acceptable if I desire to engorge her, it'll wear off your vile will, it'll grant me her savoury thrill.

Velveted silk portrait I beg you not to demise and ascend. We'll ravage the essence of your pure command, although, our adoration is the realest love spell.

I was snarling when I saw you embosom him, it felt like you were entering something delightful and never ******* ending. What was behind the blinds it wasn't supposed to be appreciated, we were always stood in a horizontal line and pulling harsh, all acts performed were a praying for your preference.

Velveted silk portrait, we encouraged you to revoke your beauteous den, to an addictive merriment. We'll howl with devotion to this new founding arts, her paint sparkled in the now dusky lane. A palace never menacing to our welcoming, an unfair entrance to the terribly but tender embodiment.

The gladness finally dragged us to our unfair refinement.
Travis Green Oct 2021
Even if you don’t love me
I can still make believe
That I love you
That when you take
Off your shirt and pose
In the bathroom mirror
With your spectacularly
Sparkling golden chain
Hanging around your neck
Your fresh fitted cap
Over your head
Flexing and mesmerizing me
With your addictiveness
I could undress you
Take you away to ecstasy
Embosom you in my soothingness
In my plethora of scintillating adoration
As I devour you through and through
Travis Green Dec 2021
I want to taste your fascinating treasures
Taste you with swirling whipped cream
And radiant red strawberries suffusing your body
Lick your charming chest, thrill your *******
Make blazing parlance emanate from your mouth
Mesmerize your intellectual thoughts
Embosom you in soothing passion
Manipulate the equations of your breathtaking existence
Kiss you sensuously until your world explodes
Until your body and soul is mine

— The End —