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A-S Jun 2014
What hurts the most;

Is constantly being reminded of you,

You need to leave me alone,

We went our seperate ways,

We need to accept what happend.

But how can I ask you
to leave me alone,
if you aren't even here?

M Sanchez May 2014
You know what drives me crazy,
So insane?
I'm here dying for your attention
when you threw it down the drain
My mind's been missing for a while,
But after you left it became a hopeless case
I know you know I miss you
I know you feel the same
And if you want we'll leave it all behind
We'll start over again
I'm not asking for an apology
I'm just asking for some pain
Cause you look so human but you act a different way
I love you, present tense
But pride's always been your middle name
I've been dying to tell you how much I miss you
But I can't-
And that's what's driving me so crazy,
driving me insane
Oh universe
I love you so much
and that's why I just don't understand
why everything I touch
just seems to die
but if I could reach you
yeh if I could reach up high
I'll tell you all, I'll reach the stars
I'll reach past the sky.

And now
there's only so much minutes left in the day
and if I could reach out
I'd let my time slip away
just to be with you
oh just to be with you...
I'll tell you, that's what I'll do.

But if I could reach the stars
I'll tell you, I'd just  keep going
and we'd find out where we are
because there's a simple comfort in knowing
and the stars
yeh those little lights still glowing

We've reached the end
and now we're falling apart
can't pull ourselves together
because we don't know where to start

and now we're drifting away
from each other
no signs, no way
to find one another

if we go
our seperate ways
I'll still try to find you though
and where are you
I still don't know
but inside both our hearts are dying

if I reach out
will you reach for my hand
if I reach for yours
you slip away
we're still drifting
further and further away

oh universe...

— The End —