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George Krokos Feb 2018
I remember reading somewhere that one thorn
can be used to extract or take out another thorn
which has pierced the skin and body of a person
so the pain experienced for a while does worsen
and only after it has been taken out is heard a sigh
of relief regardless of the method used to come by.
Written in Jan. 2018
Marie Dec 2017
Is this what they meant
when they told her love was a hurricane?

                     (it destroyed her cities
                      making her a refugee
                      inside of someone else's body)

If so,
she might have done without.

                     (and she was never any good
                      at building homes in new places)
Brianna Aug 2017
I had my own dreams and goals before I met you.
I am going to find those again.

Driving down a a road highlighted in wildflowers and the sun shining bright ahead of me I take a moment to reflect.
I see the dark clouds in my rear view mirror and I scream --
Here's to new beginnings!

I can see how close my future is.
I can feel it on the tip of my tongue when I start singing the songs that remind me of last summer.
I can feel it in every sip of fresh water and every time I jump into lakes with my friends.
I can feel it when I smile with real passion behind it and every time I say "I'm trying" and actually mean it.
I can feel it as I watch the memories of you and every other person who hurt me burn in fire.

I had my own dreams and goals before I met you.
I regret nothing but it's time to lock those doors and lose the keys for good.

I take a long drive, music up and I scream as loud as I can--
Here's to new beginnings.
Shofi Ahmed Aug 2017
He looks like the moon from the sky,
His radiant eyes would steal the sunrise,
His shoulder stood high,
Heartbeats as if he smells his likely world
on his arm, there is everything but a tie!
He just doesn't have a job, been interviewed,
He expressed his qualities, many quantities,
but lost, walked out without a offer!

His sunny face was still shimmering.
The successful one, murmured 'my friend
you wasn't smart enough selling yourself!'
I don't think I wanted to do that, he replied:

Am is willing to serve to earn the means
to be served, don't mean to sale and buy.
If ethic has no value maybe then
a job is nothing but 'sale and buy'!
Ron Richards Jun 2017
Chained on endless pleasure,
trapped between reality and fiction,
all these  passion that i couldn't understand,
that made rebel,
they say life is so cruel,
we got drenched into pit of confusion,
and a cesspool of hate,
there's rarely a desire.

it was burden for me to think of you,
although you not expecting my love,
you realized that i'm   just  standing on ground,
it took me long to understand what it mean.
tag a meaning if you know what it means.
Arcassin B Jun 2017
By Arcassin Burnham

Flying High with a bucket full of dreams and a bright purple coat getting ready
just to paint the town.
Caught you hanging around.
Hormones in a life worth searching for a soul that could never get replaced
Walking on the street.
With a swarm full of sheep.
Fresh water fills your stomach as the taste grows thicker than the boy you
Liked in gym class, he was a fool.
He couldn't get with you.
Searching for what it means to be a female teen in the united States and worry
About degration.
It's your imagination.

When **** hits the fan and you think that nobody would care about your feelings
You have a friend in me.
I learned from empathy.
That boy in gym class never gave a **** about who you were and what you
Represented as a person , his fault,
If I were with you I would've gave it all.
I can see , I can see all the flaws and all the weight held on your shoulders, I just
Wouldn't blame you , only time could tell.
Don't live your dreams in hell.
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