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Lowkie Nov 2020
Everybody wants change
But not everyone wants to change
Lowkie Nov 2020
Hold me closer
I feel like I'm losing myself
I feel I'm getting colder
As I grow older
I realise my life has no order
Or maybe it has
I'm just not the controller
Hold me closer
I feel my heart becoming colder
I don't see the need to cry on someone's shoulder
I write down my feelings hoping for some closure
People think I do poetry for exposure
Really I'm just trying to numb the pain
And keep the tears away
Hold me closer
For years I've been called a loser
Now I'm stuck with the voices in my head
I want them to shut up so bad
Just so that I could go to bed
Lowkie Nov 2020
Love Poem
It's been a minute since I've been here
In my feelings cause lately I didn't care
Much about love
Much about being curved
Lately I haven't been in love
You left with my heart
So I had to create a new one
Through my crafts and art
Ever been in a crowd
And feel like you're the only one
Ever felt so empty
And everyday is a constant battle
Between your mind and inner self
The title is "Love Poem"
Lately I haven't cared much
Since my queen left her throne
I removed all your pictures from my phone
But it's time I removed your memories
From my mind
Set myself free and focus on loving me
Lowkie Nov 2020
We all need something
Something to feel
Something that's real
Something that helps deal with pressure of life
Some people pop pills
Some people smoke ****
Some people drink alcohol until they can't feel
There are people who think they're clean
People who don't substances
Great life choice
But you're still hooked on something
The deadliest drug of them all
I tend to think I know life
I tend to think I'm in control
I tend to relapse and smoke ****
Just to escape to my little world
There's too much to deal with
In the real world
Lowkie Nov 2020
She had no snake heads as hair
But when she walks in
You could sense the danger in the air
She would turn your heart to stone
And walk away like she didn't care
People asked me why my heart was so cold
I froze and couldn't speak on what happened
The story remains untold
People asked me why aren't we together
I froze and couldn't speak on what happened
The nature of our relationship to me remains unknown
Madusa did what she was destined to do
And I fell for her hook, line and sinker
How could I be such a fool
I was just a student of the game
And Madusa took me to school
She left me broken in two, what a shame
Looking back, I see nothing was the same
Lowkie ®
Lowkie Nov 2020
Fake Smiles
I tried being happy for a while
Everything was going fine
Until I realized
It was all just a lie.
We all come from somewhere
We all got a story to tell
We all try to hide the pain
But does it seem to fade away?
I looked in the mirror
And I saw a broken me looking back
I thought the mirror was cracked
I decided to cover the mirror with something bigger
But wherever I saw a reflection of myself
It was still cracked.
I realized there's no use
Trying to hide behind
A fake smile,
While I'm broken inside
Lowkie ®
Lowkie Nov 2020
I look outside
The gentle breeze of ignorance
Stimulates my brain cells
Some of these thoughts
I can't tell
So I write a poem
And hope it knocks at someone's home
I am a artist
And I write what I see
I look inside
The walls are covered in ink
Its not graffiti
I just needed to think
The untrained eye is too blind to see
All my hopes, goals and even my darkest dreams
Please don't open the red door
Please don't start that war
For I'm only human
And I can't take much more
Lowkie Nov 2020
I tried to forget about you
But you are all that seems to be on my mind.
I thought I lost myself in you
But the closer I get to you
The more I feel like myself.
I don't believe in love
But with you I feel something special.
This feeling is beyond ******.
This feeling must  be unnatural.
I can write poetry about you all day
But sadly you won't notice
Because you don't feel the same way.
I wish I could stay
But the more I see you
The harder it becomes for me to love myself.
Lowkie ®
Lowkie Nov 2020
They say humans are social beings
Thats how we survive on this Earth
But I've realized some people will treat you like dirt
But that's cool
Because others will make you feel like you have worth
Being asocial does not mean
I don't communicate
I just don't want my life
To complicate
So I observe everyone
Trying to figure out who's real and who's fake
I know what you're probably thinking
"He's judging a book by its cover"
I don't judge, I do a simple reading
Kind of like skimming
Trying to figure out is the book really worth reading
Or am I gonna waste my time
Trying to complete it
Choose wisely
Lowkie Nov 2020
Dear Diary
Dear Diary.
These voices are trying me
They don't want to go down silently
I feel them becoming violent
They want release the monster inside of me
Dear Diary
I'm becoming someone I'm not
Dear Diary
I think I'm losing myself
Dear Diary
I'm gone.
Lowkie ®
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