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Brewomble Oct 2020
Don’t coddle me.
I don’t like to be coddled.
In fact, I don’t like to be held.
I don’t like to be touched.
In fact, don’t breathe my air.
I’m coming down with something, it must be from here or there.
And please don’t try to conversant about the news like its traverse
You cannot sit at the table without a place to put it first.

Don’t coddle me like a child.
We both know we lost our way
Don’t speak to me in such numbers
Where it seems I’m not okay
Don’t twist my words or quarry
About my younger days
As if I don’t quite ponder what will become of my wicked ways

Don’t coddle if I’m so intolerable
Don’t call if the time is not just right
Don’t feed me to the world
Just to hide me from viewers sight

And grace reflects my mere impeachment
Lets not forget about my lucky stars
Don’t count them in their glory,
Then question where they are

Don’t nurture me into success just to strip it all away
Don’t treat me like a doll
Then give me of which no house to play-

In fact, you shouldn’t coddle; when heavied from all of which I’ve weeped
What use is it to coddle- when the wicked get no sleep.

-Bre Womble
Zack Ripley Sep 2020
I don't want to talk about the world.
I don't want to talk about the future
Or the past.
I don't want to talk about how old I feel or how the years fly by so fast.
I don't want to talk about my day.
I don't want to talk about the weather.
What I do want to talk about
Is what you need to make you feel better.
Zhavaed Haemaed Jun 2020
And away they go
The tender few
A voyage they
cannot return from

Eternal sleep
That beautiful soul
Relieved of all
hues and form

Embodied no more
Ever so impersonal
A life lived not full

And of families
and acquaintances
And memories left behind
The gentle face is no more !
**** depression. It has consumed way too many.
Amanda Mar 2019
Liquid flow
Of sentences versed
Emotional and expressive view
When diplomacy fails
Anger draws
Faryal Feb 2019
I remember every step I took
every breath I’d take
It would still be a bad day

I remember how I made one bad day
treat me like my whole life was bad

I remember the sudden frightened look
I’d get when trying to do something normal

I remember how every dark thought,
dark moment would take over
trying to be my friend

Only to realize
It wasn’t trying
To be a friend

But I also remember that I’m not alone,
I don’t let loneliness or a bad day break me anymore

I hold myself together and just keep going,
Why feel alone in a world full
of people, when we’re not alone

You are NOT alone

so lets start talking #BellLetsTalk
Gagandeep Jain Sep 2018
I wish I could tell you
That it's a nightmare
And it will pass
But alas it is not
It's your life
I wish I could tell you
That everything will be okay
But it will not be
All I can do
Is to be here for you
Good or bad
Happiness or sadness
All I can do is promise
To walk these with you
to be there if you need help
But in the end it's your battle
You have to fight

It may seem like you are alone
This i can tell you
You are not
Even if it seems everybody is miles away and busy
Believe me when I tell you
We all are there for you
Talk to us
Let your worrys and problems be heard
Self doubts and anxiety destroyed
Let us help you through this difficult time
TKO Jan 2017
I've heard talk of speech that warms the cold,
-- it cures the soul -- when hope's foretold.
I've seen those who preach
but cannot behold...
Leave depression unchecked
as if it would be too bold
to say something..
Meanwhile, the other is suppressing
the urge to ask.
Why do we retract?
We're often afraid that they might push back,
and they may....
But one day, if they look back,
they wont be able to say
that noone cared.
They won't be able to turn off the light
saying "noone will despair".
It may save their life.
*Is it not human to care?
Mental illness: don't be afraid to talk about it. Although you may never experience it yourself, you could make a world of difference in the life of another. We should all learn to be aware... and to care.

— The End —