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Mark Wanless Feb 2023
they say and therefore
we are imaginary
blind money makers
Carlo C Gomez Dec 2022
undecipherable loss
  • [it's steeper near the roses]

  • [the mystery in the trees
  and the mistral sound of your breathing]

dreams of perfection: floral dress summer
  • [the apnea and the scream]

a touch of labyrinth to this world
  • [in the fair and harmless light]

imagine somewhere close by
  • [imagine him waving as you say goodbye]
for Jasmine
Vishal Pant Jul 2022
My blue bicycle breezing over the grass
silence surrounded, colors faded
I saw the void gaining mass
knees went weak, I pled
What lay beyond the darkness
of the mysterious black sphere
I didn't fathom what I saw, not even a guess
The green grass went sere
Should I surrender to the sans-khrôma
maybe it was free of war and worries
utopia itself opened to us
or was it an otherworldly bleakness
I took a step into the vacuity
There wasn't a deity
nor the promised eutopia
Tried a sci-fi inspired mystery poem.
Radhika Krishna Apr 2022
There’s a bottle of my mother’s love
Sitting on the kitchen table
It’s gone sour
It’s Sunday morning,
In the piercing comfort of a place
I once would’ve called home,
And the world woke up and walked out on me

The aftermath of July grows right outside my bedroom window
While I sit on a desolate strip of imaginary sand,
With my head in a water cooler
As significant as an ill-fated horsefly
Mark Wanless Mar 2022
if if only is
imaginary why not
stop playing the game
belbere Jul 2021
call me your imaginary
lover, miss pretend,
your concentrated fantasy,
a night that never ends,
the prettiest delusion
your mind ever made believe,
a pocket full of pixie dust,
your self-prescribed reprieve,
the sandman tried to warn you
not to get lost in a dream,
you took your wishful thoughts
and said, “they look real to me,”
your mind could only conceive
what it thought could never be,
felt better to be trapped there
than lost in reality,

under a pretend sky
in a myth you made believe,
it’s just imaginary you
and imaginary me.
Andrew Rueter Jun 2021
I had that dream again
the one where I'm floating in space
stuck in a box that looks like where I sleep
I can't control my container's course
as it floats towards a black hole
I try to push my cell in another direction
but I just make the room spin
faster and faster
until I'm holding onto the floor for comfort
then I look over and see you
laying next to me
making me feel safe and warm
we kiss and cuddle
forgetting the spinning cosmos outside.

I know you're not real
you're an amalgamation of everyone I know
friends, family, suitors, lovers
you may not be real
but the safety you provide in my nightmare is
so I thank you for that
and for spending time with me
which is how I know you're not real
but I enjoy our nights together all the same.
I wake up at 1 a.m
There is nothing
This room is full of darkness
The light only leaves a little body for me,
for sure she is very ****, pure, and touches my eyes softly
The windows open
The wind blows my hair
I lit my last cigarette
This room is still full of darkness
I look around
I look outside from my window
The trees are too tall to see the tops
Too cold
Too quiet
Too heavy to every breath
This is the time that I love
When the night comes to my soul
I think this night is so scary,
But nothing is scarier than the thought itself,
It is so strong and real
Be ****!
I forget to buy cigarette stock for tomorrow
I **** myself
I **** nothing
Indonesia, 28th June 2021
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, when you know you know :>>>>

in the window pane
nature white brided its head through its bewildered veins

a sonata to the heart that breathes a blessing in a pile of much
a locking of a chain that believes in no such

of an ending that green around eyes of jealous presence
and a million miles tall table of a wooden necklace

                                                      ­                 ------ravenfeeels
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