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so the dancing dust bunnies gleam
in the soft light of the noontime sunshine
as it smiles down on me through
smudged second-story windows
bringing with it a reminder that even
the most ordinary everyday moments
can sparkle like stars in the midnight sky
Amy Perry Nov 2020
The more you look around
The more you realize
Every day people are doing
Everyday things,
Things they don’t really want to do,
But must, to get ahead, to stay afloat,
To not get knocked down.
But the more you look around,
You see the hurt, you see the failure,
You see it imminent within you, too.
You resist and you pull away, and you
Tell yourself that you are different,
You will lead a different life and have success.
But the more you look around,
The bleaker it gets.
Sometimes life is better with the blinders on.
Man Nov 2020
it hails in late july
and it gets hotter everyday somehow
enough, here's a cold front
your eyes-drooping
your mouth
grueling everyday
seeing your whole life before you
and laughing
uproarious laughter;
evanescent euphoria
prim' Nov 2020
It’s one of those messy days
When nothing is quite right nor wrong
But ain’t life just a bundle of a lot of those messy days
andTilly Oct 2020
my love, daily,
my daily bread,
falls on my
down daily

my love, daily
my daily dish,
pour over my
flimsy flats
for that I wish, daily

my love, daily,
my daily dial,
pick me mine
pricked up ears
the line is deaf, daily
BSween Oct 2020
Looking down
A spent ******
On the ground,
Giving appropriate gut
Reaction of disgust;
Youths can’t control their lust.
As you consider the preface to
Your dawn discovery
(Made on your everyday
Medial life constitutional).
You remember
Two lovers who
Were careless -
Because young love always is.
Mystic Ink Plus Oct 2020
Only if you have
Been through
8:30 version of me

You know me well

When I am high
Not that high
What you may have thought
Ink is blue

When I feel low
Not that low
What you may be thinking
Ink is dark

And mostly
Yes mostly
That is my diary
Not camouflage
Genre: Self
Theme: Day in a history
it seemed like
the sadness
overwhelmed her
so much
so often
that she couldnt
even describe
the feeling
all she knew
was that
she was sad
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