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 Mar 2016 R Wayne
Bor ehgit
Her eyes were like black holes with galaxies spinning within them. I was eager to be a part of her, even if it meant losing all of myself in the process.
 Mar 2016 R Wayne
Saudia R
 Mar 2016 R Wayne
Saudia R
I am an Inspiration.
By being,
I am paving a pathway.
For some to follow,
to duplicate,
to improve.
But overtime,
pathways erode.
The cracks slowly become noticeable.
And the path, not as even as it once was,
breaks away,
piece by piece.
What was reliability,
is now uncertainty.
Do I step,
unsure of sound ground?
Questioning, yet I continue down this path.
Because I learn,
I learn everyday.
A path is imperfect.
There are no two alike.
Similarities maybe,
but an individual path,
for a single walker.
What once was,
will never be again.
and learned inspiration
springs determination.
To not let an eroding path,
erode the soul that forged it.
 Mar 2016 R Wayne
Dustin Goodman
Without death there would be no such thing as life.. they need eachother like night and day.. why fear anything? Fear is only a limit you place upon yourself.. open your mind and let everything in, you will not be harmed.. good and evil is like a relationship of two who make something completely different when they are a whole.. it is the start to the key to opening the door to the understanding of everything.. yet is made to scare those who are too dumb founded to let go and dance on that edge..
Two separate divided silences,
Which, brought together, would find loving voice;
Two glances which together would rejoice
In love, now lost like stars beyond dark trees;
Two hands apart whose touch alone gives ease;
Two bosoms which, heart-shrined with mutual flame,
Would, meeting in one clasp, be made the same;
Two souls, the shores wave-mocked of sundering seas:—

Such are we now. Ah! may our hope forecast
Indeed one hour again, when on this stream
Of darkened love once more the light shall gleam?
An hour how slow to come, how quickly past,
Which blooms and fades, and only leaves at last,
Faint as shed flowers, the attenuated dream.
it's too boring to be simply up to no good
vanilla skin and ashen lips, shaking hands
sly, slender nostrils that started drip wine again
convinced she's not a person without him

when she laughs that cool laugh
these straight lines that keep her
coiled and uncoiling again
she smells like absolut and lust, cheap perfume
 Mar 2016 R Wayne
A Mothers Voice
The first that you hear kisses your tears and soothes your fears
A Lovers Voice
Who's whispers of *** entice and perplex your body's reflex
An Awesome Voice
That shouts out loud stands up and is proud not lost in the crowd
A Powerful Voice
One that rallies and fights without losing sight asserting its rights
A Survivors Voice**
Riddled with pain no longer in chains her monsters slain
A Warriors Voice
Strong and controlled without being told breaks free of the mold

This is My Voice

All the above
Warm like a glove
And full of love

(C) Pixievic
Happy International Women's Day!!

— The End —