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In the mildly drunken euphoria

Hey !

Cowboy standing at the bar

Talking of Liberty

Oh yeah

We are rebels

Against the USA

oh yeah

We are the Patriots

The Christians

Against the Beast

In the mildly drunken euphoria

As she sidles up to me


Talking of good vs  evil

And the war for peace

( Ammon Bundy gonna save us now )



Walking home

Of my ole hoss I dream


By the high school parking lot

And the sounds of ***

And the scent of ****


Dreamin of my rifle

And my right to pack my heat


In the mildly drunken euphoria

Of feeling I'm the Man

me and my babe together


We taking a holy stand

Going to the promised land

Going to the promised land

 Jan 2016 drowninginmiideep
It's hard falling
For somebody who
Didn't fall for

It's even harder
Watching them fall for
Somebody who isn't
It'd be Better if we chose to fall in love with a specific one
 Jan 2016 drowninginmiideep
Over that way, actually
 Jan 2016 drowninginmiideep
She* came, I conquered
I licked, I tasted
She moaned, I accomplished
I practiced, I mastered
She needed it, I supplied.
 Jan 2016 drowninginmiideep
I feel like I've started a new addiction
Weaker than herion
Stronger than *******
This **** should be illegal
But I'd still go for it
Because there is no better
Then what you can provide.
******* emotions man
 Jan 2016 drowninginmiideep
But I don't want that
I want you
I want us
I want to go explicit
I want forever
Hand in hand,
Side by side,
Sweet, meaningful kisses
And soft whispers
I want you to show me the world
And more importantly,
*I want you to show me your heart
Confusion gets neither of us anywhere.
 Jan 2016 drowninginmiideep
Dark shadows
Open feilds
Bright lights
I don't want to
spend my time in
Watching every angle
trying to untangle
my dismantled

The power is in your hands

All I can do is fight,
Scratch, Bite
Call upon God to help me
I dare not to scream,
for I cannot find the
voice to.
I dare not to tell a soul,
for I cannot find the
courage to.
I dare not to cry,
for the fear they'll hear.
I dare only to think,
for what he almost took
from me.
The Devil,
is real
He who I fear,
*He doesn't work alone
 Jan 2016 drowninginmiideep
Maybe it's all a dream
Somebody, please
Wake me from this nightmare,
This nightmare of **reality
The worst part? I've no tears left to cry.
 Jan 2016 drowninginmiideep
Strong trees also grow to weaken
They stand tall, and broad
They claim their grounds,
They are known for their astounding
beauty in nature,
As well as their shelter, and their resources,
For as much **** as they can take,
The storms they fight, The diseases they endure
They still stand strong.
When they weaken, they fall.
Same goes for a Strong woman,
compare her to a tree,
She stands tall, with broad shoulders.
Who also claims her grounds.
They are known for many reasons
Reason for which aren't always understood
For as much **** she takes,
The fights, the drama,
She still stands strong
It takes a lot to break her down,
When she becomes weakened, she
tries to brace her fall.
Nothing can brace a fallen tree.
I'm not waiting.
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