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 Dec 2014 Nicki Paige
 Dec 2014 Nicki Paige
You are everywhere
yet all at once,
gone in the mist.
Why do you hide?
The sun shines
it's brightest
in front if it's sister moon.
Let your light
seep through
the delicate cracks
in your skin.
Like stained glass,
rainbows transcend
and break barriers.
Your glory
makes itself known.
You show your heart
again and again.
I am blinded,
but do not
shield my eyes
for I would miss
your beauty.
Apparently, I wrote this in my journal on September 24... don't recall doing so? Doesn't make much sense.
For R, naturally.

Before I was happy
I was sad
Before I was angry
I was glad

Then I started to walk across the grass
And I felt each blade of grass rub gently against my feet
Then I felt a cut
And it stung

And I never walked through that meadow again
Until I learned
That there's always going to be something that's going to hurt you
But there's also
Going to be someone
Who's going to love you even more than they did

But after that first cut
It never feels the same
After your first love
You reach for this blade

You're gonna get cut again anyway
Might as well
Do it yourself

Until after all those cuts
Just like the blades of grass against your feet
You reach that blade that cut you

But this time
It heals you

So long as these blades don't **** you
Before you get there

Puddle of blood appears...draining from your corpse

I never wanted you to leave
I only hide in my room
Because I don't want you to see
The real me

The girl who's always lying
Putting make up on
Making herself look
Like she's a different person each time

But if I take my make up off
You would see the real me
And I don't want that

You get to wear make up
But I can't?

I'm not doing anything wrong
So what if it's not the real me

The real me is ugly
The fake me is beautiful

So don't tell me
I don't need make up
Until you
Stop wearing yours

Don't give me advice
About what works and what doesn't
Until you start following it yourself

I look in the mirror
It all begins with foundation
That is
The spirit that cries out inside

Sometimes we have to be a little fake
To get some people to love us
Or we would have nobody

I'd love to listen to your words which build me up
But try to do it
Without tearing me down
 Dec 2014 Nicki Paige
Et cetera
Carefully, she placed each brick
Built the walls, fixed the gates
Locked the latch, hid the keys.

Nervously, she touched her heart
She put the keys, where they belonged
To tear her walls, you need her heart.

In her heart, below the trust
Beside her love, lies the key
You get the key, you get the rest.

Find the key, pick the latch
Open the gates, tear the walls
And destroy the carefully placed bricks.

 Dec 2014 Nicki Paige
Et cetera
The little girl clutched her balloon tightly
Careful not to let it go.
She loved it and wanted it to stay with her
Alas, she clutched too tightly,
The balloon flew up to the ceiling of the room.
Horrified, she looked. Determined, she climbed
One height to another, to get her balloon.
Stretching her tiny hands out, she reached the string.
And just when she had it, she fell.
From height to floor she fell
Hurting her fragile frame.
The balloon in her hand, she braved the fall.
And just when she smiled
The sweet smile of success
Her balloon burst.
Her face fell.
The child grew up.

Written on April 12th, 2014.
To see the inspired cartoon slideshow:
 Aug 2014 Nicki Paige
3:06 AM
 Aug 2014 Nicki Paige
why are thoughts of no one but you always on my mind at this time of night
i can't get you out of my head
i etched your name in every
journal i've ever owned
my hands are aching
i'm all out of ink
 Aug 2014 Nicki Paige
 Aug 2014 Nicki Paige
I can only think of one person
That walks this earth
That fits my description
 Aug 2014 Nicki Paige
Smile etched with scars
I've been this way since birth
I only have one question to ask
Tell me, why does it hurt?
 Aug 2014 Nicki Paige
 Aug 2014 Nicki Paige
i refuse to grow old
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