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 Nov 2014 Maxine Rife
The bussier we are
the faster time passes.
Where better than a bar
to fill our glasses?

My eyes meet yours,
between the  masses,
and within the drunk choirs
your smile, my heart crashes.

Got you name, got number,
and from your lips a kiss I borrow.
And then I wonder...
Will you answer the phone tomorrow?
You didn't.
 Oct 2014 Maxine Rife
Luna Montez
Fake a smile, fake a feeling.
Pretend that this is over now.
Staying strong, like a soldier, with a convincing smile.
You know it's not real, you know you want to give up.
But you will not lose hope on yourself.

You keep reminding yourself that all the bad stuff, happened for a reason.
So you keep going, into the life again with a bright, fake smile on your face.

If you smile hard enough maybe one day you will believe its true.
 Oct 2014 Maxine Rife
I wish i could be talented or pretty.

To  be noticed, not rejected.

All I've ever been is that loser who sits by herself.

The girl who never fit in.

Sure,maybe in my pictures I'm smiling,

But did you ever stop to think that this smile might not be real?

Did you ever think it was possible to look like everything's going for you,

But on the inside, nothings right?

All i really am is this empty shell who walks around looking lively, but feeling lifeless.

I know there's more of you out there.

Maybe we understand each other to a certain extent,

But we're all fighting are own battles.

We are all alone.
 Oct 2014 Maxine Rife
Luna Montez
The one day, we can be anybody.
Look scary, ugly  and terrifying.
The true monster isn't the costume.
Its the soul and person behind.
After the halloween night, we undress and clean off makeup.
Then we are confronted with the real monster.
music fills a sweet soul when
life grows from fingertips.
shreds of the uninspiring
words painted across skies.
The dead metaphors with ink.
life into the unturned stones.
the bright flowers of imagination.
your ink and your blood alike
 Oct 2014 Maxine Rife
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Tattoos and purple hearts,
Their there for life,
But you can have it all,
In the seeds of paradise,
Tattoos and purple hearts,
Their there for life,
But you can have it all,
In the seeds of paradise,

Eyes black like tar,
I can show you the other side of reality,
Revolver to your brain,
It doesn't matter if you live eternally,
You would have seen the inevitability,
In the words that you speak,
But instead you act senseless to thing that you hate mentally,

Tattoos and purple hearts,
Their there for life,
But you can have it all,
In the seeds of paradise,
Tattoos and purple hearts,
Their there for life,
But you can have it all,
In the seeds of paradise.
Who wants to be on part 2 !!!!!!!!
 Oct 2014 Maxine Rife
Just Melz
"Being lonely
In a crowded room"
You've heard that expression,
Have you?
Well, it's so much more than that.
It's down to your core,
To your very soul.
Never having more
Than the thoughts you already know.
No hand to hold
No one there to hug
No voices around
Except the voices in your head
Laying alone in a big empty bed
Sleeping all the way on the edge
Saving room for...
The "one" you think will never show
No friends to call
Knowing no one will be there
Falling deeper and deeper
Into despair
"Lonely in a crowded room"
That's just the beginning
When your still lonely in your head
The voices stop
Your every thought is dark, death...
Let me just tell you..
You think you're lonely?
Think of that empty grave
No room to scoot to the edge
No crowds to even feel alone in...
I promise you
There's nothing more lonely
Than dead.

Think about it.
I've felt this way, I don't know how,
But I've managed to pull through
I'm sure that YOU...
Well, you can too.
You made me smile
You made me laugh
You made me blush
You made me forget all my problems
You made me feel better about myself
You're the reason why I'm happy

         but, little did I know,
  that the reason for my happiness
                  could also be the reason for why

   **I am broken
 Oct 2014 Maxine Rife
Give me a minute
To read the stars
Lamenting in their stories
Their laboured twinkling far and sparse

Give me this moment
To stumble and swoon
My branches reaching for
The faraway moon

Give me a while
To be one with the universe
Hear the colliding planets
As they spill their mournful verse

Give me some time
To plot my rightful place
Within my uncharted galaxy
And collapsing space...
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