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you do have
and yet,
you may not

swim with me
beneath the sweet
summer moon,
sleep next to me
one lifetime,
be my playful
in this
this forest,
Thanks to my fridge magnet poetry muse, Mr. Ken Moore
it's late
we're tired
no words
just touch
you hold
me close
I rest
my head
you cradle
my shoulder
and our hearts go

you're tough
I'm not
your touch
is calm
your heart
so soft
you trace
wee circles
my arm
my mind says

it's cool
we're warm
we drift into
another realm
where we
are one
and in silent

I've had plenty of experiences with hands
Hands that wave
Hands that hit
Hands that help
To give hints
Hands that are kind
Hands that are mean
All the different ways we use our hands
Hands to welcome
Hands to ban
Another gift from God given to man
Follow Ty Harrell
 Apr 2017 komal aggarwal
For those who don't know,
And for those who do,
I have something
I'd really like to share with you.

Today marks 2 years,
Today marks 730 days,
Today marks 1,051,200 minutes,
Since I last took a blade to my skin.

I've come a long way since I was 15,
And even though I still have a lot of life left,
I'm thankful for every minute I've been alive.
And I want to thank those who have helped me get to this point.
Without you,
I'd be lost.
I'd be down.
I might even be dead.
But I'm not.
I'm stronger now than I will ever be.
And there's no one who can take that from me.
I never thought I'd make it...
 Apr 2017 komal aggarwal
I cry because I'm lonely, I cry because I'm scared.

I cry because I can't move out, I cry because I cared.

I can only tell a story, and I can because it's mine.

Although it's still a secret, and I tell you that I'm fine.

I lie because I love you, and I don't want you to know.

I bottle up my feelings, and hardly ever let them go.

I'm sorry I'm so lonely, I'm sorry I'm so scared.

I'm sorry that I can't move out,

But mostly,

I'm sorry that I cared.
When You begin to read this
Feel my gentle soul
Wrap my arms around you
Please don't lose control

Feel my energy around you
I want to make you feel complete
Feel the intensity surround you
From your head down to your feet

Feel my hands upon you
Electric on your skin
My passion from inside your heart
Feel it deep within

Feel the perspiration
Coming from inside
Our spirits wrapped together
There is nothing we should hide

Now we're stuck together
How it feels Devine
Two body's pulled together
Angel Face and Sunshine
She sees heaven in his eyes
He sees a hell in her heart
Too many times she's been hurt
and torn all apart
He sees her suffering
She sees that he's trying
But something inside her
Feels like she's dying
She knows it's worth fighting
He knows how much she's struggling
Struggling with pain versus time
Never knowing if she'll make it through
Like she's blind, walking a twisted path
He guides her towards the truth
She falls behind, she's just too tired
He turns around, sees her lying on the ground
Adrenaline kicks in
He has to carry her out of this place
A heavy load to bare, he struggles through
He takes the weight on his shoulders
Pain, sorrow and a lifetime of despair
Knowing she's his one saving grace
He pushes on until he sees the light up ahead
The final stretch, but he feels heaven on his side
Wondering if he'll make it after how much he's bled
And how much he's cried
The bright light awakens her
She holds on tight, crying tears of joy
With a kiss and a laugh they move on together
Cause love is something even hell can't destroy
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