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Mar 2020 · 52
jas Mar 2020
blinding by the thought, of love
wanting to care about someone,
other than me

L is for me loving the worst of you
O is me, overreacting the things you did to me
V, is very very, vindictive amongst the times I've tried
E is everyone who always knew
Mar 2020 · 88
jas Mar 2020
I know my demons by name. Guess you could say we’re friends. Well more like frenemies. Do you know that popular girl in school? And if you do then you must know the outcast that she diminishes for her lack of self-esteem or whatever.
Well, I’m the outcast. Walking the halls with my headphones to drown out the constant bickering running around my mind. Hiding behind my cozy black hoodie. Comfort never felt like home. At least that keeps me safe.
Until I reach the chills of the cafeteria. I enjoy being alone so I’m grateful to be ignored by the general population. Stuffing my face in a book while I eat my cold sandwich is such an easy way to avoid eye contact. Why would I ever want to make contact with mindless humanity?
And yet I am somehow noticed by the “clique” run by little ms. popular. Judged by the clothes I wear. Is black even a color? Am I too broke to afford the name brand? Nails aren’t done, must be broke. Who even does make-up like that?
Don’t get offended, I just want to help you, sweetie. She says as the others giggle away. They’ve tortured me all my life, that I unwillingly learned their names. Yet, I am known as a “weird girl”.
You see there’s ‘Ann - xiety’, and yes she is as fidgety as her name sounds. She may seem like she has it all together but on the inside is a wreck of a world. Fear of living day to day surrounded by her social peers, judging. You see I’m not the only one who gets judged. And there is always a massive panic right before the big test. She had nausea constantly that it was rumored around that she might be pregnant.
Of course, I knew better, because, well, I knew better. Then, there is a tall langley dude, I think his name is ‘D... - Pression’,? Although I never figured out his full name. He’s new but my mind boggled me when he was accepted into the “clique” because he seemed as dark as me. Maybe more. I guess it was that chiseled jawline and soft black hair. Or I’m guessing it’s soft like I would know. His pale skin reminds me of a vampire, and who didn’t ever want to be bitten by one?
There is ‘Al - Cohol’. He/ Him is transgender. The only reason he fits in is that he is the little brother to Ms. Popular. How convenient. She defends him to the fullest. He either has two personalities. One is loud and ambitious daring the inevitable and the other shedding tears reciting his lost love from before. Or a changing world. Always a puzzle with that guy.
Out of all the bunch, the loudest is ‘Coco’ aka ‘White girl’. Her name is the definition of controversy. No matter how much she goes she stays in the sun I swear she never tans. She is the person to describe a party all night and sleeps when you’re dead. Although I swear she has the worst of allergies.
Oh, and don’t let me forget the queen bee herself ‘Mirror’. Strange name I know, but her parents are like self-righteous hippies or some ****. I bet if I dressed like her we could seem relatable. I mean, she was my best friend growing up. And I know, everyone has heard that story before, but it’s true. Ride or die up until high school, or perhaps it started before that. I could never pinpoint.
Life happens suddenly and if you don’t happen with it then you’re left behind. What can I say? I looked at life with depth and somehow had a deeper understanding than your average. So, yeah they left my *** behind and I developed into society as being the “weird kid”.
Somehow, these people never fail to haunt me every waking day. Just like shadows following my every move, I could never exist in silence entirely. Could I? I just want life to end sometimes. I don’t really know if it’s just this life or in general. It could be both, don’t question me.
So yeah, demons exist. I mean if you’re a non-believer then good for you. Matter fact, I applaud. I do, really. I think, well I wonder, what would it be to live a privileged life? A life with no demons, nobody to haunt you. No chills down your spine when you walk the halls. And for sure no ‘clique’ to torment you every day. But, in my book, you are living life. And tell me please, what could be better than that?
Mar 2020 · 42
jas Mar 2020
Me and you
we are not the same
I say this because we don’t share a brain
you know nothing on me
don’t you dare say
you relate
inside of me is what keeps me
breathing but breathing isn’t living ..
is it ?
hearts are pure and love is gold
******* I’ve heard from stories
but this is reality
this is my life not my story
you get the two confused and have already lost the view
stepping into quicksand
never was your biggest fan
Mar 2020 · 59
jas Mar 2020
i’m supposed to be asleep right now
but somehow I can’t seem to get my mind right just because I close my eyes
doesn’t mean
I’m in the right mind to sleep if anything
it’s just a dream but all I ever  dream is  nightmares
forever in the dark that leads to the day
the sun shines with his shade
burning on the outside reaching in
the fire and his flames
have found me
Mar 2020 · 51
jas Mar 2020
asking for attention
begging for forgiveness
at the end of the story
tell me , what’s the difference?
between you and me
to love one another
a far fetched dream
a common misinterpretation
easily dismissed
forever , i will miss
the worst
Feb 2020 · 227
jas Feb 2020
Do you ever feel like no one can hear you? Haunted by our consciousness, leads to peculiar disguises. Distancing yourself from the commonwealth is just one of the many talents you have overcome. Yet, camouflage can only go so far.
             Gloom fits the setting gently, at first, casually dimming the skylight. Your skin no longer detects the warmth from the sun rays. Trees that are doomed are no longer mount with poise and leaves once flushed with green no longer dance in the wind.
           Imagine being at a standstill while the earth spins indefinitely. Time lies petrified yet inconspicuous to the problems that we face. Inevitably, in our path, the more we try to escape is the more it snags onto any narrow existence.
The death of dreams develops into nightmares which gradually phases to reality. Although, reality tends to contradict itself. Can one really live if they're afraid to die?
writing one's thoughts.
Feb 2020 · 72
jas Feb 2020
idk how to live when all I do is die
every day I'm always someone new
just gives it time
time to realize all the demons in my mind
is anyone even by my side?

time to fall apart
to drown in the dark
can't seem to find the light
that everyone talks about

if only I could find the missing link
what would it take to be free?
standing at death's door
I don't wanna cry anymore

these demons
chasing me
no escape
from reality

I don't wanna cry anymore
my heart never felt so sore
if you listen closely
you can hear it in my voice
the demons they live here
deep inside my head

it would be so easy being dead
based off of falling in reverse - the drug in me is you reimagined
Feb 2020 · 59
jas Feb 2020
enjoying you from the start
the start of something new
no one could have ever predicted
the thought of me and you

you distanced yourself from the beginning
before I knew what I was feeling
how could you know what was real?

time continued to pass
yet you remained the same
love knows the truth
Feb 2020 · 38
jas Feb 2020
our heart and mind send signals to keep us together
or it could be veins and organs functioning as one
but I know deep down inside that it is our souls
that keep us from breaking apart

you could have a heart attack and not another will to live
a brain aneurysm can lead to a coma where there is no longer interaction
veins can be clogged and organs can easily shut down
one without the other can be dangerous yet two or more can cause death
a death that cannot be survived

yet, you can never **** a soul
it may inhabit a body for a timely manner
or many past lives
but it cannot be messed with
a soul lives forever within objects and people

differential outcomes can exist

to be continued
Feb 2020 · 44
jas Feb 2020
*it ***** waiting on love
to heal oneself takes a lifetime
waiting a few weeks is nothing compared to hours
and yet it all feels the same
patience is a valuable lesson
although it is hard for me to maintain
hurt is all the same *
Jan 2020 · 48
jas Jan 2020
you are my light
you're the sun
and I'm the capture
keeping you locked away
is why I love the nighttime
when I realize
that you are the only one
Jan 2020 · 35
jas Jan 2020
to inform me
on a subject
so delicately

the hatred

all the bad
Jan 2020 · 40
jas Jan 2020
driving through this long crowd
can't imagine
the peace and quiet
all I ever lived was so loud
Jan 2020 · 61
jas Jan 2020
it's hard to be sober in a world this dark
remembering every second of pain
wouldn't you rather be drunk?
the desire to be content
lingers around my perception of so-called " happiness"?
Jan 2020 · 19
jas Jan 2020
reeling me in from the depths
hard to catch my breath
waves of emotions crashing into me
swimming away from my problems only to be washed back to the shore

a failed attempt
over and over again
face in the sand
bitter taste in my mouth

struggling to escape
as the tide grows higher
reaching for the sun
as it burns me

eyes burned red from the water
is it too much?
Jan 2020 · 61
aging like the moon
jas Jan 2020
i am the moon
that sent you through
it all
cam you imagine?
can you believe?

living together is not what it seems

i wanted you to know
i am capable of learning on my own

if you could imagnie
Jan 2020 · 54
jas Jan 2020
do you ever wish that you could go back in time?
a time before you existed
although, there is no time placement to figure that part out is like trying to figure out a maze
if there was another direction towards my life falling into place, then i wish i would have guessed it.
"but be careful what you wish for"

imagine a sweet innocent girl vibing with her friend
feeling safe on the couch, playing video games
a few drinks, and the whiff of the smoke coming from across the room
strawberry vanilla kush , her fav
crossfaded around a good environment is mind-blowing
but so is a worse one

and you knew it was
you got to know her enough to think that you got so close
enough to touch her skin
to infiltrate her mind like that,
to make the goosebumps rise
but was that ever really you?
or drugs?

in order to convince her any wrongdoing is her fault
for her to awake from a slumber
and wonder how she got in this position
in the middle of the night
and for you to continue as if she orchestrated the event
that she never intended to happen
so I ask
who would hear the screams?

except limitless
only inside her head
and she acted as if nothing had ever happened
scared to come forward
even after years to come
was it ever real or just a nightmare?

so here you are, escaping
without even realizing what's wrong
and asking what's to ignore?
you have no comprehension on studying the mind that went through all of this

to nightmares
and depression
Jan 2020 · 27
no consent
jas Jan 2020
I became the careless whisper
as I withered into your bed
if only I had said yes
we wouldn't be in this mess
but it's all in my head

you'd never get it
you don't know what's wrong with the situation
or that you're in it
you're the star, baby you are

it started out from nothing
getting high and drinking
that time of my life
you wouldn't believe it

how did it get so serious?

I let myself get carried away
as I drifted off into space
it was peaceful to me
until I opened my eyes

to my surprise there you were
intimidating ..

you were the careless whisper
careless whisper - alexandr misko
Jan 2020 · 24
jas Jan 2020
are the rumors true?
will i ever understand?

breathing came naturally to me and now it's a constant defeat
would you ever understand the struggle?
not even a recollection of me
i know you don't know my name
you would never recognize me
not even slightly
why am i trying?

you never came around
time passed on by
twenty-five years, not even a bite
as i lay here, just wondering why?
Jan 2020 · 27
jas Jan 2020
an end to a struggling road of death and despair
who would of thought we would get this far?
certainly not I
if anything this is the beginning of the end

these are the scars that I cannot leave behind simply because they are deeply engraved in my soul
life could not place my final breathe
my final sacrifice
the end of an era is a start of an another
marks left on my body resembling
fingerprints of yours
wrapped around my arm like coil
blazing enormously into my flesh

I withered out like a snake shedding it's skin
to be rid of you is to let go of my demons
that haunted me not only during the night
daylight kept me inside
thoughts darkened daily
my life was nothing but a black hole

to be rid is to be free
to be free i had to die
i had to face the darkest demons buried underneath
no one should ever have access to such a thing yet somehow i managed
escaping when your'e dead is just a dream
that turns into a nightmare

if you want answers i don't have them
i drank away my memories with whiskey
the taste still lingers on my lips

to explain is to reopen a part of my past that i no longer associate with
those demons are vanished from my existence
to no longer haunt me as they please
to no longer have access to me
no longer have permission
can no longer destroy me
is this what it feels like?

i question,to be free,not entirely
although the thought does relish in my mind
perhaps just a small portion of liberty enhances my perception of reality
in the end, there is still plenty of darkness around me anticipating its arrival
but your fingerprints have now vanished into thin air just like the rest
i no longer fear you
i can't escape them all
Dec 2019 · 55
jas Dec 2019
I can't tell you how long it been
I can't even place a what or when
all I know
is this feeling
inside me
eating me softly
away I go

if only you could realize
what's happening to me inside
it could all make sense
if i
put the pieces of the puzzle together
but I seem to be missing a piece
where oh where could it be?

I'm drifting away
I'm in the sand and the moon and the ocean blue
I'm everywhere you can't be
anything to be far from you

in a snap, it could all make sense
but I see from the distance

you would never even know
id just be a ghost in your past
oh, I can't wait till we're miles and miles apart
oh no,
Dec 2019 · 38
jas Dec 2019
you'd be so surprised
if you found out about my life
it's so unreal
I can't even feel
living a nightmare
is not what I chose
how could I ever be such a fool?
if not for you
if not for me
then who?
who could it be?
Dec 2019 · 186
jas Dec 2019
caged up emotions
bottled deep down inside
my mind is a zoo
slowly eating me alive
inch by inch
I can't even begin to tell you what's left of me
if I introduced myself, you would never recognize
bruises and scars invisible to the crowd
existing just to die
is this life?
Nov 2019 · 83
jas Nov 2019
I can't come to terms that this is my life
what I'm living in a day to day scenario
of the ****** disgust and anguish
of the self depleting and small-minded likelihood
company around me
it's atrocious
to say the least,
Nov 2019 · 48
jas Nov 2019
sometimes I forget to breathe
other times, I don't want to
I'm sick and tired of struggling
it's a never-ending option
funny, isn't it?
people claim to care about you and how you're doing but who really asks?
good intentions are hard to find

nobody could ever truly understand my mind

I cry myself to sleep at night
and show up to work the next day like I'm alive,
mysterious or just well hidden?
I ask myself that every day

constantly struggling between dreams and reality
drained of this mentality
forced to be part of the unknown

strong enough not to stream tears down my face yet weak enough to feel emotions like lightning
on the inside, I'm slightly dying
I won't go down without a fight
Nov 2019 · 154
jas Nov 2019
she never cried in front of me
was I too blind to see?
if only
if only someone would believe

all of these crazy stories
sounded so interesting
hard to wrap my mind
into understanding

if only
Nov 2019 · 91
im just asking
jas Nov 2019
hell is my favorite place to be
at least here they accept me
tired of bleeding all over the floor
I don't feel wanted anymore

all I do is scream and shout
I'm just asking for some help
how can anyone show up
if they're never around?

all I ever hear is silence
my heartbeats slightly
my memories so fondly
fading away

if you're never around
who am I to call?
whose gonna answer the phone?
before I pass...

"tf out"....
to be continued...
Oct 2019 · 173
jas Oct 2019
The room fades into pure darkness, diminishing any light left. Chills start to consume my skin as my breaths tremble. It's quite difficult to describe my perception of this situation. Identifying the thin line between existence and the anonymous remains unexplained.
Oct 2019 · 78
wasting away
jas Oct 2019
it's my blood
to my brain
traveling through these veins
if anything it taught me
not to get too close

i've been away for a long time
I always try to come back
but somehow I feel unwanted
past times I've lost track

how can you expect me
to live like nothing's changed
the memories I have don't just go away

I'm wasting away
no longer living in my dreams
all they do is turn to nightmares
it's no different than reality

I'm not even looking for someone to save me

all I do is waste away,

how could you want me...?

I'm nobody good
nobody special
it's unreal,
just a touch and I melt

I'm melting away
unsure if this is the same

what am I feeling?
dove Cameron - waste
Sep 2019 · 93
jas Sep 2019
you got me spinning around
wrapped around your pretty finger
i've been too up and down
like a rollercoaster

I'm chasing you too much
and you're not reciprocating my love
I'm such a fool when it comes to us

running in circles
wishing for a miracle
post malone - circles
Sep 2019 · 285
one more night
jas Sep 2019
can you imagine
me without you
because I know I cant
my heart would break in two

i'd be on my death bed saying ' I still love you"

I'm hopeless
I can't say goodbye
not when there's tomorrow
give me one more night

one more night
is all I need
to convince you to stay with me

please, baby

I know you've been traumatized
left alone to die
well baby so have i

that's why we need to stick together
you and me,
we'll last forever
could you just do me this favor
of giving me one more night

one more night
post malone instrumental - goodbye
via youtube
Sep 2019 · 397
death is my friend
jas Sep 2019
death is my neighborhood friend
she has followed me all my life
no matter the outcome of situations
death always prevailed
speaking lightly on such a subject would inflict a mere slit on the tip of the tongue
she is genuine at all times
though some may find it hard to believe I have never caught her in a lie
to be frightened is to be frail
for tears shed, hearts break, last words are spoken
actions are derailed into a different outcome
yet through all the demise, she remains vigorous
death has no boundaries
I have learned that the strenuous way
there is no difference in those related to my own blood and water
death stops at no personal obligations nor obstacles
adolescent days dare to compare to my maturity of today
death broke apart relationships of all kind
sometimes spiritually she drained me of love I could no longer bear witness to the outside world
she drained me of my close ones,
'family,' if you will
left me to anguish and mourn like a deserted soul
isolated from society, the world, love, or any such interactions were just extreme to divulge in
building up a tolerance to agony was just a challenge to her for the near future
other times she lacked me of mental termination
friendships of such were burned and buried beneath the ground
someplace called hell
for they would never return and if they sought out to intervene in my life once again death would appear and rip the soulless creatures right out of their existence with me.
I could barely bear witness on either or, nor did I want to comply but I, myself, had no say in the fate of life.
my mind, body, and soul were alternated
never will I be a carbon copy of my old self
death is my friend
she remains synonymously unpredictable
if I, myself, were to die, I would, in turn, welcome my friend.


                             , eulogy

   "Hello my dear, for I have not missed you for an abundance of time it seems you have missed me. whereas I contemplate over no comprehension other than the certainty of you needing my very presence. all of the atrocious things I have done is diseased along with the misery of atoning to every thought and situation dealt with my life on this earth. let alone the well being that I also obtained in a timely matter has now released me into a never-ending dimension"
still more i need to add, please accept this rough draft.
Sep 2019 · 85
i can't breathe
jas Sep 2019
fading away into thin memories
why do you still drag on?
attached to me

failing away
struggling to breathe
you take my breath away

you're just a stranger now
say goodbye to the past
leave it all behind
away from me
Aug 2019 · 98
jas Aug 2019
staying up late
i just can’t sleep
can’t resist the thought of me
staying out late
it’s predictable
it’s more than you should know

i’m dying
straight up i can’t breathe
if the world were to end
at least i’d be beneath

my life in ******* cycles
Aug 2019 · 128
jas Aug 2019
feeding off your energy
hard to maintain these memories
Aug 2019 · 130
jas Aug 2019
living so hard to breathe
I cannot believe

after all this time

finally, we confront each other
it's never over
till they say

my heart hurts
Aug 2019 · 163
the last time
jas Aug 2019
she didn't even know her last breathe
he didn't worship the time that he had

somehow fate got intertwined

these two beautiful souls
had no idea it'd be the last time
the last time that anyone knew                         -repeat-

grew up a sweetheart
that everyone adored

was the homecoming king
that everyone pursued

little did you know
the battle behind it all
struggling imperfections
little to no affection

life contributes to derail downwards
no train to stop
this never-ending war
both seeking a way to soar

battled by a deep indignation
left the two with frustration

one way
two deaths
whose talked about more?

... the one that you care for...

it's not the last time
or committed crime
to be going up against
not d
Aug 2019 · 331
jas Aug 2019
buried beneath the doubt
it's so hard to find a way out
digging myself out of despair
when all I ever wanted was to disappear

it's painless to descend into the aftermath

at times I could convert to a sociopath

but here I breathe
trying to discover what I need...

if ever I fall again
it's catch and release
because I can't bear the glance on your face
all I'm reminded of is a big disgrace

existing is my last chance
looking back at my past

for just a second I can't escape
but something is telling me
there's another way

if I go down this path

what will that do for me?

who am I to question?
when the answer is inevitable

so I keep chasing
until I run out of breath
until then...
*breaking benjamin - give me a sign- instrumental verse*
written off of what I felt went with the song

*** screams***

another half of beats came from --
Jul 2019 · 104
don't make me
jas Jul 2019
don't make me
go down that road again
i've lost all directions
can you imagine?

the pain...

always knowing I'm no longer the same

you can't make me
you can't break me

the suffering you did in disguise
hidden by lies
i struggled to even put up a fight

to be continued
Jul 2019 · 247
jas Jul 2019
crying myself to sleep at night
all I want to do
is disappear
every thought that goes thru my head
wish I didn't hear
Jul 2019 · 227
can you imagine?
jas Jul 2019
i can still feel your breathe on me
i can still your heartbeat
i can feel the sound of your voice traveling underneath
my skin

can you imagine
if you werent here because i cant
i cant
can you imagine
me without you
oh i cant
i cant

its too much
its too late
the stars have already written their fate

the way that your skin brushed across mine
i'll never forget

never be forgotten
the actions that you did
lost in paridise-  evanescense
Jul 2019 · 90
jas Jul 2019
as I struggle to take this shot of whiskey
I realize this is not the worst thing
being drunk is better than dealing with reality
especially when I have you to bully me

you're the one who told me not to drink
who tried to raise me
yet so effortlessly
it backfired into nothing

I'm tired of trying to follow peoples ways
my elders
those who knew more knew nothing of the sort
most was a lie

not everyone's experience is the same
although there is a line drawn
between knowing and learning
what do you know?

if you do not experience any of the sorts
what have you to offer?

the day I take your advice
honestly, could be on my death bed and I would never
who are you?

age does not matter
authority does not matter
knowledge does not comply unless wisdom knows the difference

when someone is asked, please listen?
take these thoughts into consideration.

Jul 2019 · 136
heart eyes
jas Jul 2019
your eyes
captures me very deep inside
I know you see my soul
usually, I hide, but not from you

my heart
never opened up this big
love could be a plot twist
i've gone off the deep end
does this really exist?
Jul 2019 · 98
jas Jul 2019
to the misfortunate eye
to the uncovering ear
to an undeniable story
to skin piercing reality
to new upcoming
Jul 2019 · 179
jas Jul 2019
just pick up the lighter and smoke this blunt
all of my problems fade away
pick up the bottle and drink jack straight
wait a minute, I don't ever remember your name

I'm faded
faded away

do you even remember me?
the last taste of alcohol on my breath
drunk off of a kiss
the taste of my lips
had you feeling some intensity

to be faded
Jul 2019 · 167
what do i even call this?
jas Jul 2019
I cry myself to sleep at night
if you only knew what it takes to be alive
if living is a crime
I'd be in jail for the rest of my life

how can you live in a world like this?
making you beg for everything

do you believe in true love?
do you believe in happy endings?

I know it's hard
it's hard to face the world alone

these tears have dried
if only for tonight
when I close my eyes
I think of a dream
                         it's you and me,
                          having the picnic of our lives
                          nobody to bother us,
                         stuck in disguise
                        frozen for just a moment in time
                         all I need is to have you here with me

what is the need to live?
the need to exist?

already stuck in this mind felt prison
handcuffs on my brain
I've already gone insane
it's too late to reach my heart
I tore that **** apart
it's all over the floor

who are you to judge me?
you know absolutely nothing

nothing about me

don't even try.
Jul 2019 · 162
jas Jul 2019
don’t know why your my problem
why do i feel so guilty to solve it
is it something i did
can i ever take it back?
why does it feel so right
when it’s so wrong
but what do you know?
that i don’t

please don’t forget
that between me and you
it’s the truth
Jun 2019 · 711
planning an escape
jas Jun 2019
this narrative has had its wear and tear
down to the last page that slips effortlessly off the book
pulling back strings to fit the ending
live action marionette

indulging in countless ways to flee
how could I ever?
eyes like a hawk vigourously watching over me
planning to escape is mind altering

hearts injecting blood a million miles per second
hold my breath as the goosebumps trickle under my spine
fingers twitching with rage
it's time to break out of this cage

sweat seeps off my face
leaving a line of dirt
momentarily, battle scars

I knew this day would come
just sooner than expected
but what did I expect?

existing, just barely
imprisoned in this jest of reality
caught between the societies realm of a fantasy
or breaking the barriers and taking a leap

numerous routes that divide into alternating states
yet the predominant remains
intimidation haunts me
crowding my thoughts

I always thought hell existed deep in my mentality
these dark memories combating to come to the surface
until one day I blinked and realized
hell is neighboring me

hell is leisures from the past that overstays their welcome
hell is energy deteriorating in souls you've attached to
hell is being starved of communication
hell is the strings penetrating your every move
hell is receiving no feedback from the energy you put out
hell is taking your last breath every day just to wake up to the same old *******
hell is repeating "go f### yourself", and its never going to stop

left for dead
in dire need of an escape
this is me sending a signal
sos, ... save me

planning this scheme for too long takes a toll on my soul
confusing reality with a dream
is this authentic or a figment of my imagination
am I hallucinating?

waited ages for an escape
overwhelmed over things I have no command over
will this justify the end?
and leave no cliffhangers to deal with repercussions
that is my chaotic life

an arrogant scenario to arise from
Jun 2019 · 112
jas Jun 2019
a shower does not wash my sins away
seeping deep into desperation
hold my breath just a bit longer
I rest my eyes
but my mind wanders

how did I make this a habit?
Jun 2019 · 100
******* day.
jas Jun 2019
how can i be asked to celebrate?
a day for you , i can’t relate
to much of anything anymore
it’s unreal to be branded such a holiday
which you took no part of

imagine a kid calling you dad
because you took part in a role
i still don’t understand

imagine we share that same person
it had to be you, why you?
why me?

i feel sorry for not getting to know me
twenty some years later,
it’s hard to believe
i’ve lived this life so long that it is my reality

i can’t have daddy issues if i never had a dad

i am still out in the world ,  not waiting to be found

a stranger in the rear view mirror
a face in the crowd

this day was not meant for you
you’d be a fool ...
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