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The saddest noise, the sweetest noise,
  The maddest noise that grows,—
The birds, they make it in the spring,
  At night’s delicious close.

Between the March and April line—
  That magical frontier
Beyond which summer hesitates,
  Almost too heavenly near.

It makes us think of all the dead
  That sauntered with us here,
By separation’s sorcery
  Made cruelly more dear.

It makes us think of what we had,
  And what we now deplore.
We almost wish those siren throats
  Would go and sing no more.

An ear can break a human heart
  As quickly as a spear,
We wish the ear had not a heart
  So dangerously near.
 Sep 2017 Chey Ferrill
stop sending your son to do Atlas' job.

or else.


One ******* Demi-Goddess
 Nov 2016 Chey Ferrill
"It's not you, it's me.
If I could, you know I'd stay.
We're young,
I'm dumb.
You deserve so much more"
And then you walked out the door.

"Let's give each other space
And then maybe be friends"
But we both already know
how that's going to end.

"Promise you'll be okay,
I know that you will,
It just doesn't seem it today"
You fed me every cliche that you thought I deserved,
But *"I don't love you anymore"
was all that I heard.
i loved you
and i love you still.
you never did,
you never will.
 Apr 2016 Chey Ferrill
love me
im hopelessly in love with you
you're not making it very easy
I think you should love a girl that writes
Live her many different imagined lives
In her vast collections of created worlds
Find her somewhere buried beneath them all
And when you find her pressed between
Scribbled pages and coffee cups filled with pens
Kiss her ink black fingers
Let them stain your lips so when she looks at you
She won’t forget
You’re the hero her books are about.
 Mar 2016 Chey Ferrill
i'm missing a home
and it took me too long to realize that foundations aren't lovers or whiskey or blame
but support beams are made of hearts and i manage to take a sledge to every one that i've gotten
windows are gazes that look on me and love and care but i seem to go through life with eyes closed and brows furrowed
i'm missing a home that was once littered with flowers and herbs and safe
crisp lawns and gardens full of welcome and solid ground
who's walls were cemented together with ache and pain but healing and growth
who's patience capped off on high ceilings until i blew the roof in with dynamite expectations and explosive temperament
it once had scars but an eviction notice later & a few months time &, though they still echo under touch if you're searching with gentle fingertips, they've been painted over
and are over and it was a beautiful home then and a beautiful home now and
well- i moved around a lot as a child, i guess i just don't know what it's like to expect to keep a home of my own, but
**** do i know the pain of missing one.

i'm gale force winds against shutters that have already fallen off so many times and, as a level 5 hurricane, damage is my middle name
i'll move through life trying to be a breeze or a breath but i kind of feel like i'll never be anymore than this
so i guess what i want to say is congratulations to that home, grown stories already and under construction still but better than it ever was under my occupancy
but i think about it a lot and i wish that welcome mat was worn down by my footprints and my liquor spilled on its carpet, my secrets in its walls
but i understand that we're welcomed under roofs for reasons and removed for others and we can't kick holes into walls and expect them to ever be the same.
your 'private property' sign has been duly noted, months ago in fact
but i've never been homesick like this.
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