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rk Aug 22
you left
and suddenly i realised
why we started naming storms
after people.
- i wonder if the scent of thunder meeting earth haunts your memories.
rk Jul 8
it's july
and we're falling out of bars
incense clinging to our hair
chasing the last
of the saccharine sun
each strawberry stained kiss
introducing us to god

it's july
and we're hiding under satin sheets
moonlight dancing
upon naked flame
sticky fingers
trying to hold us together
your teeth find my skin
and i can never find the words
to tell you how you've marked me
like spoiled fruit
in the summer heat

it's july
and each amber scented day
leaves me longing
for the month we stole
your eyes met mine
and it felt like a wound mending
before slipping away
with the autumn breeze

it's july
and all i can see is you.
rk Apr 25
you said
we were a destined love
just right person
wrong time
and so i loved you
in that space between
sleep and awake
where the weight of your kiss
still lingered
like peter losing wendy
wondering just how long
i was meant to wait
for you
to come back to me.
rk Apr 22
you placed a crown
upon my head
making me feel
like i was the queen
of your castles
little did i know
they were made
of nothing but sand
then the tide crashed in
and swept them away
hushed promises
forgotten by morning.
- my kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder.
rk Apr 11
you were the moonlit shore
and i had been drowning at sea
nothing had ever been
more beautiful
as if poseidon
had moulded you himself
the storm in your eyes
my own salvation.
rk Apr 10
i feel their eyes on me
and can't help but wish
they were yours
your stare always enough
to set me alight
pinning me in place
a lamb longing for the wolf
for only you
can capture me so wholly
like prey greedily awaiting the hunt
their eyes find mine
and all i see is you.
your name on my lips in a fervent prayer.
rk Apr 9
this river of time
spreads out between us
like the styx
threading its way
through the underworld
one soul split in half
by a jealous god
destined to search
through stars and oceans
for the missing piece
cheated by fate
allowed only a blink
before left with a longing
so deep it burns
yet that one taste
was so much sweeter
than any treasure
olympus has to offer
and still, after everything
here we are;
each word we write
only for each other
living for the fantasy
the ever present dream
that maybe this time
we'll defy the gods
our love reaching further
than even the fates
dare to go.
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