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Nadia May 2019
Oh glorious sun
Shining down on me
Hello marvelous birds
Sing your joyful melody
Cotton candy skies
Don't mind if I do
It's not every day
The sun is shining for you

Why, hi butterfly
What fabulous wings
Keep on buzzing little bees
We all know what that brings
Is the air extra sweet?
Are we floating around?
On charmed days like this
Why stay on the ground?

What a beautiful world
What a gorgeous day
I’m drinking in sunshine
While wandering astray
I’m passing out smiles
Take one, they’re free
When it’s your lucky day
I hope you’ll have one for me
Nadia Jun 2019
We have a flower!
A cute, scraggly, little flower
Delicate, white petals unfurling
Over a yellow-dusted center
Future strawberry
Our little garden
Might yield some
Nadia Sep 2019
For the first time in a long time
I grab a plastic sandwich bag
Out of the drawer.
Wracked with guilt
I try to tell myself
It’s not the end of the world
And I’ll try harder
To be greener tomorrow.
I wonder
If that’s what the oil companies think too

NCL September 2019
Nadia Aug 2019
Home sweet home
Where I can sit on my ***
With no need to roam
And no need to ask
Or research
What to do next
A good sesh of nothing
Sounds like the best
With no need to worry
About where to eat dinner
And when to meet friends
Order in trusty take out
Throw the kids in bed
Time to binge on light shows
Then sleep like the dead

NCL August 2019
Had a lovely vacay but it's always so nice to get home.
Nadia Sep 2019
Greta sat alone that day,
Presence more than words could say.
And in the time that's passed since then,
Greta's warned us again and again
The time is now, we need to act;
Earth is in danger, that's an urgent fact

Power tells us there's nothing we can do,
We're too small to see changes through;
But Greta won't cower for lying buffoons,
Their disdain of her only self impugns;
The earth is for all, from tiny to massive,
Those who can speak can't remain passive

If one girl's message can gain velocity,
One girl's uncensored words unveil atrocity,
It's hard to feel that hope's not there
When together we act, together we dare
To demand action, demand accountability;
Then maybe we'll survive past this century
Nadia Jul 2019
I would like to recline, rest
these weary limbs of mine
- head down, feet up,
giant sigh -

Resting for a moment, really,  
I'm not going to sleep right
now...  I just need to rescue
these poor feet... only a

I’m not sinking deep into
the couch... one little show
and then off to bed I’ll go...

Yes, that last blink
lingered… and the next
more so - another sigh -
and I sink deeper…

One more blink… weighs
heavy on… dreaming
eyes… too late to fight…
good… night...

NCL 2019
Nadia Aug 2019
My love is sour, it isn’t sweet;
It walks along on its own two feet;
At times it might seem far away
Maybe you were a **** that day

My love is quiet but never shy;
It won’t idly watch the world go by;
At times it might seem overbearing,
Yet who among us lives unerring

My love is fierce, it won't withdraw;
It fights with word, tooth and claw;
At times it might seem bellicose,
But it’s too late, you already chose

My love is flawed but it is true;
It filled its scars with golden glue;
At times it might seem too unsightly,
But love should not be taken lightly

NCL August 2019
Nadia Aug 2019
My son absconded with
Half of the sandpit
In his sneakers
It happened to hide
Until it was safely inside
And, even then, it waited
To spread all over
Freshly scrubbed floors
(Sand is diabolical,
You should know)

I would happily
Return the mess
But at the time
It seemed best
To clean up
Before it progressed
(sand craves to
spread untidiness)

I can further attest
That this latest theft
Was unintentional
And this confession
Unnecessary but
Sometimes it feels good
To confess something
Less outrageous than
The darkest of truths

NCL August 2019
Nadia Aug 2019
Buzz mosquito, buzz ineffectually
Cruel, bizarre and crudely placed
Your hatred stings but momentarily
Leaving only your buzz disgraced
has anyone been slipping into your comments with nonsense and malice?
Nadia May 2019
At the bottom of the Mariana Trench
Scientists have found plastic waste
Isn’t it amazing, aren’t we incredible,
Humankind will never be erased
Look at all the wonders we pollute
The natural reserves we can deplete
Giving our earth a one finger salute
No other species can possibly compete
Nadia Apr 2019
Into the dark hours of morning
I run
Weary and aching
Falling forward
Step after step
Street after street

Until I find
A familiar curve in the road
Surrounded by trees
I used to know
Then pain and glass
Slippery sharp
Embedded in my sole

I pull for a lifetime
Slowly guiding out
Shard after giant shard
Until I am bathed in reflected sunrise
Now I can go home

NCL April 2019
#dream #dark
Nadia Aug 2019
Into the tornado,
   blasted and tossed;
In rapturous throes
   of adventure and chaos;
In the name of curiousity,
   of needing to know;
Of going to places
   you weren't supposed to go,
Biting off mountains
   more than you can chew;
And doing the things
   you weren't supposed to do

When you emerge,
   battered and bruised
You may not have conquered
   but you sure didn't lose
You met every challenge,
   you tried every slide
And while you were at it,
   you had a great ride
Now heading home,
   wielding thunder and lightning,
The journey may not be safe
   but it sure is exciting

Off into the tornado,
   jumping into the great abyss
Find a spaceship to hitchhike
   - hurry don’t miss
Your chance to discover,
   your time to explore
To find that mystical
   wardrobe or secret door,
Arches uncanny,
   magical bottle or stone;
Go on, get in there,
   maybe there’s a throne...
Feeling a little Seussian.

Above inspired after reading Sue Huff's Storms
Nadia Jun 2019
I pass without effort
No one would know
I’m not even hiding
It just doesn’t show

Privileges unclaimed
For prices unpaid
If judgements are coming
I won’t make the grade

Is it fair to claim rights
I haven’t fully earned?
Can I still raise a flag
When I haven’t been burned?

If I haven’t lived the life
May I still sing the song?
Even though I’m unseen
I do yearn to belong

Regardless I will cheer
And fight the good fight
Because everyone deserves
To live their life in the light

NCL 2019
Nadia Jun 2019
I watch those numbers
     Every day
Is it insanity?
     I’d rather not say
Is it necessary?
     Can’t imagine how it could be
Will it matter to anyone?
     No one but me
I should stop
     And yet...

NCL June 2019
Nadia Apr 2019
Your words echo
Beautiful and violent
Deep within my everything
I ache
Wanting, needing, yearning
Words and feelings
Impossibly out of reach
Thank you
Nadia Aug 2019
I remember the sun kissing our
neon zinc-ed faces, heating tiny cubes
of red track until the rubber,
warm to the touch, clung to resting
palms and thighs.

I remember the smell of watermelon,
hot dogs and gatorade mingling with
the acrid smoke of the starter’s pistol
and the feral horde of butterflies
fighting in my stomach each time
the gun would blast.

I remember ghosts of friends from
back then sharing laughs as
we warmed up, muscles strong,
nerves tight, bravado bared to all.

I remember his folding chair,
right there at the end of every race,  
rain or shine, he showed up, coaxing
tired bones out of his favourite
recliner and into his giant, blue
oldsmobile, the interior littered
with cigarette holes and
werthers candies; he showed up
with pride, without fail.

I remember overhearing the boys
talk about the old man smoking
by the finish line, how gross it was
and why was he even there anyway,
and I remember shame taking root
and spreading: I knew the old man
was there for me.

I remember the day I stopped running
through the ribbon, straight to that
striped chair, to that time bowed man,
with his precisely combed white hair,
wearing ironed jeans, wrinkles
and a smile that could charm anyone.

I remember his funeral, not long after,
sitting in a room stained with
dust, tears and time arrested;
shame and sadness lodged heavy in
my throat as I wished for just one
more chance to say I love you.
I went to my first poetry workshop today. This came out of nowhere; I didn't even realize the baggage I've been hauling around for years.
Nadia Sep 2019
But I’m not
I guess
I’d better get started
Nadia Jun 2019
I would give you the world,
I would give you the stars
Stealing each one from
this big, bad universe of ours
I would destroy all the monsters
who dare bother you
For you, my children,
there’s nothing I wouldn’t do

I would sell my soul,
with absolutely no hesitation
If it guaranteed you a lifetime
free from devastation
There’s no line I wouldn’t cross
if you needed saving
When you need me, there’s no
danger I won’t be braving

I would give you the answers
so you wouldn’t struggle
If you had too much going on
I would help you juggle
I would hold people back
if it meant you would win
When it comes to my children
there’s no shame to sin

I would find all the shortcuts,
unlock all the doors
For anyone who wronged you,
I would settle the scores
I would pluck out the eyes
of ill fates seeking you
With your happiness at stake,
the things I would do...

I would steal from a baby,
I would cuss out the Queen
If I’m doing it for you,
it can’t be obscene
If you need another chance,
I will shatter Time
Even if it breaks the universe,
I’d do it for mine

NCL 2019
Nadia May 2019
Kitty says she has not been fed
Is this claim false or true?
Her plate is half full, her water is clear
So why does she chirp mee-yoo?

Kitty says we are starving her
Though to pick her up is a struggle
The vet says she’s hefty but we both know
There’s a lot of fur in that snuggle

Kitty says she would like attention
Or to play with the laser pointer
A belly scratch begs for trouble
But I hate to disappoint her

NCL May 2019
Nadia May 2019
Even after all this time
Impossible as it seems
You don’t know
The colour of my dreams

You don’t know me
Marrow deep
But why should you know
All the secrets I keep

You don’t know
What my heart can't admit
Or the darkness inside
I can't talk about it

You don't know
The stories i tell
The things that i do
When i'm feeling unwell

You do know how i like
To sing while I clean
And when I'm anxious
I can be kind of mean

You do know I'm always
Getting lost in my mind
Plotting and planning
And dreaming combined

That should suffice
You do know me quite well
But if you want to share
Love, please do tell

NCL May 2019
Nadia Sep 2019
Life didn't give her lemons
It gave her a whole ******* grove
She made oceans of lemonade
From an early age
Serving it with flair
In pretty glasses with umbrellas
You never taste the pain
When she serves you
We don't deserve her
But that's not how lemonade works
Nadia Sep 2019
She hugs like an octopus
Long, slim limbs
Wrapping around
With surprising force
Until fully bound
Too late to react
You are trapped
By her love
Nadia Sep 2019
They prayed to porcelain gods
In pursuit of imitation beauty;
Blithely sacrificing their youth
At the altar of fraudulent immortality

On hardened knees, they offered pleas
And the remains of their unconstraint;
They worshipped at magazines,
The gospel of each shiny, shallow saint

They believed in their inadequacy,
Failing scales, they purged their dreams;
Feeding hollows with empty fantasies;
Less is more is not always as it seems
To all the lost girls, I hope you've found your way
Nadia Aug 2019
In a moment of defeat and despair,
we begged, “What will you eat?!”
"Noodles!" She declared.
"Noodles," we agreed, "noodles are fine."

And so noodles upon noodles upon
noodles we’ve tried: noodles boiled,
steamed and fried; strings, tubes and
swirls; noodles shaped like bunnies,
unicorns and dinosaurs; in sauces
and soups, in cheesious goops;

noodles with veggies (until veggies
were banned); noodles with
mushrooms (only from a can);
noodles made of wheat, lentils, rice or
corn - noodles made of everything
noodles could suborn.

Noodles for lunch and for dinner -
noodles again and again and again
- and what then? How many times
can one noodle? How many noodles
until brains begin to spill onto plates
in a braineous-noodle-ous state?

Noodles for breakfast - can’t do it.
Noodles for lunch - can’t get thru it.
Noodles are banned! Noodles are
not welcome near here - never again!
At least not today anyway.

Ok, fine...

NCL August 2019
Nadia Apr 2019
I love you, my sweet, little bug
We lazed this morning, cuddly snug
Hiding from a drizzly day
Warm and giggling as we lay
Hearting art, space and cats
Asking questions, having chats
Watching mag lev trains on screen
Learning magnetism for the keen
A picture couldn’t hold this bliss
Nor any words fully reminisce
The two of us, affectionately enspooned
Love, peace, curiousity, cocooned

NCL April 2019
Nadia Jul 2019
Running on mad
It’s not the best fuel
Simple interactions
Turn into a duel
Everyone *****
They’re annoying and lazy
They’ll drive me quite nuts
If I’m not already crazy

Running on mad
I know that’s not good
It’s hard to slow down
Even when I should
It’s tough to feel empathy,
Impossible to forgive,
Forget about another shot,
Let’s just live and let live

Running on zen
Or trying to find it
Taking slow breaths
Until I get behind it
Counting to ten
Or even much higher
Until the mad disappears
and I'm no ball of fire

NCL July 2019
Nadia Oct 2019
It’s ok to be mad
You’re right to be worried
Don’t tamp down that fury
Don’t talk yourself down
You don’t have to turn around
or be quiet
You can stand your ground
You don’t have to
stay behind
There's no need to
watch it burn

There is hope
in mad -
Awareness of
a better way -
Demand it

NCL October 2019
Nadia Jul 2019
Standing immense, limbs wide
an entire universe exists inside

Rooted deep, fast and strong
Under these branches I belong

Sitting solitary but never alone
On a moss-cushioned throne

Lit by sunshine or moonbeams
Through lush green canopy seams

Songs of leaves dancing on breeze
With birds & insects as they please

Observing nature’s many faces
Honouring her myriad graces

Breathing out peace and bliss
This magnificent tree is happiness

NCL July 2019
Nadia May 2019
Dear mama bear
Now that I’m a mama bear too
I better appreciate all
The things that you do
And the things that you did
That I didn’t even know
The places you went
When you didn’t want to go
Thank you for guiding me
For helping me grow
Thank you for giving up
More than I’ll ever know
Thank you for loving me
When I wasn’t at my best
Thank you for everything
I am truly blessed
Nadia Jul 2019
A poem is calling
And I can't attend it
I'll seize a few strands
To later extend it

Because life is running
Demanding a chase
No time for daydreaming
Til the end of this race


A poem was calling
I hope it’s still near
If I sit still and quiet
Perhaps it will reappear

NCL July 2019
Nadia May 2019
Spring is here
My little dear
Collects flowers
In every colour of the rainbow
From trees and fields
But not from gardens

On our walk
We saw fifteen worms
Enjoying a spring shower
My boy told us
He once ate a worm
On a piece of cheese
He doesn’t eat worms anymore
Nadia Apr 2019
My coffee was stolen
With half a cup left
This unfair atrocity
Has left me bereft

He wasn't at all sorry
Not a bit of regret
“It was just a few sips
No need for upset”

“Sleep with one eye open”
I tell the brazen thief
“Finders aren’t keepers
That’s a false belief”

I need my espresso
I need my caffeine
I’m a monster without it
Not a human bean

NCL April 2019
Nadia Jun 2019
The words weren’t coming
They just weren’t there
I did try to find them
I looked everywhere

The words weren't coming
No answer to my plea
Nothing was working
Though I fought valiantly

I had to surrender
So I napped instead
When I awoke they
Clambered out of my head

I have no time for writing
No time to break rhyme
But if I leave them right now
Will they be there next time?

NCL 2019
Nadia Jul 2019
It doesn't hold up
Not like I remember
Every few years I try again
To see if it tastes the same
It never tastes the same
But maybe some day
I can feel that way again

NCL July 2019
Nadia Jul 2019
“***, human,” she says
With her whiskers and tail,
“This no name brand soup
Is definitely a fail.
No wonder the children
Only ate a bite or two,
The soup is so bad
I’ll be lucky to spew.”
The soup must be legitimately bad if the garbage cat won't bother with it
Nadia Aug 2019
Fixed with wings
We were made to fly
For one fine day
To command the sky
The wings won't last
They fade away
But we'll always have
This one fine day

Like birds we swoop
And then we soar
For this one fine day
There's nothing more
Than napping on clouds
And roaming the skies
Nibbling stolen pieces
Of departed sunrise

Breathing in sunshine
Chasing rainbow treasures
Riding the breeze
The ultimate pleasures
When the time comes
Our wings fade away
Leaving one sparkly feather
To remember this fine day

NCL August 2019
Nadia Apr 2019
One foot in front of the other days
Long, slow and ponderous
Grey with clouds that rest
Heavy on my heart
And drag along behind
Nadia Sep 2019
Orb weaver
Of the gorgeous webs
By the courtyard gate
We don't go through
That way anymore
It is all yours now

NCL September 2019
Nadia Aug 2019
You are being distracted with parties
and teams while the distribution of
power is not what it seems.
But let’s fight about teams;
wear their colours proudly, spout
their talking points,
unverified, loudly

Meanwhile, positions are bought
and positions are sold
- But don’t worry about that,
you don’t want to be told the details,
they’re complicated and boring.
Instead, check out the new player
everyone is adoring.
Isn't he cute,
isn't he smart?
Show support
with your wallet, not with your heart.

Unseen, decisions are made
preserving power and wealth,
ignoring bold new ideas and
community health - but really,
you should know, my team is better
than yours,
just look at them go:
look at them argue, look at them
- wait, don’t look at those
things going on in the shadows

Come on, join our team - I mean,
join the fans. We’re all in this
together, we’re all part of the plans

- as long you’re not different; but hey,
be one of us, don’t worry about them;
don’t think about incredible minds
discarded to maintain status quo
for corrupt family lines.

Our team has brand new merch!
Check it out at these ridiculous prices;
get your uniform, be part of our herd,
sync your values and devices, swear
allegiance to our team,
it’s more
than just words.

It's all fair game when it's parties
and teams.
You want us to win
and follow our dreams.They need
your support, they need you
to cheer,
and when we need
them, they’ll…. pretend not to hear...
Nadia Sep 2019
Mama always says
The wicked live forever,
Preserved in a brine
Of their own selfish acts

She says the wicked
Never die; if they fall,
They bounce somehow;
They always come back
Nadia Apr 2019
Poetry was
Something she did
When she was young
Playing with rhyme and reason
and honesty
Scribbling words and feelings
On scraps of paper
Absently scattered throughout her world

As she grew
The fragments collected
In piles, boxes, drawers
She wasn’t proud or ashamed of them,
They were nothing,
Just bits and pieces
Of a person she used to be

Poetry is
Something she never
Planned to continue
There was no point really
But when the words take over
Escaping in a raw and rushed form
Pieces of her bleeding onto pages
She can't help but let them go
Maybe someday she’ll stop

NCL April 2019
Nadia Aug 2019
I was ma’am-ed - not once, but twice,
By the same person - it really wasn’t nice
What did I do wrong? I wasn’t being rude
This is just my face, not a bad attitude

NCL August 2019
tbf, pretty sure she was from somewhere where ma'am is polite but it just made me feel old. also, where I'm from, ma'am is a polite insult when you are not in a position to be insulting.
Nadia Sep 2019
In my head
There is a mirror
A time travelling mirror
Smudged and cracked
Reflecting a past
I didn't fully appreciate

NCL September 2019
Nadia May 2019
That desperate breath
A prayer you made to yourself
For control over your own body
To bolster crumbling emotional walls

That futile breath
An attempt to restrain unexpected tears
To pretend nothing is wrong
To delay the inevitable break down

That disgraceful breath
Air rushing in, too strong, too fast
Raggedly, filling frozen lungs
Nowhere to go, impossible to stay

That savage breath
Fails stupendously, resoundingly
Releasing half of a gasping sob
And the last remnants of control

That vital breath
Too weak for a disguise
Strong enough to break you open
When you thought you needed to hide
Nadia Jul 2019
Huggles and snuggles
To get through the struggles
Spooning and mooning
When the heart needs fine-tuning

Moaning and *******
To relieve the worst itching
Dreaming and hoping
For balancing the moping

Running and jumping
When plasma needs pumping
Wishes and kisses
To ease the near misses

Singing and dancing
When life needs enhancing
Making and creating
For the soul’s validating

NCL July 2019
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