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Leah Oviedo Dec 2017
Walk to the edge of the forest, take off your shoes.
Let your feet dance on the earth, toes squiggly in rich, fertile soil.
Place your hands on a tree and feel life flowing through you both.
Walk through the cool, dark forest to the meadow, glistening in rays of sunshine, feel the warmth.
Lay in the grass, admire flowers, whistle with birds, make friends with bees.
See, feel, taste and smell what the concrete is foolishly trying to keep out.
Connect with your old mother, protect her as she has protected your ancestors.
Remember how you were created by her nurturing grace.
This is a work in progress. I want to make it longer, with more rhythm and a well rounded story
Leah Oviedo Dec 2017
I am free
like the leaf blowing away
dancing in the wind, traveling farther than I've ever been.
A new season brings change
and death so I can start anew.
I've become more comfortable with death and the cycle of life over the past few year. I was feeling sentimental in my grief when I wrote this.
Leah Oviedo Nov 2017
Digging in the garden looking for peace of mind, peace in my heart.
A heavy day from seemingly nowhere.
The morning was bumpy; sticky with issues.
The afternoon brought me outside.
I reach for the sun, feeling the leafs of plants and the cooling air.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
Stay in today and don't let it go too fast; slippery in my grasp.
The day is almost done.
Night has fallen on this early winter day.
Luna welcomes us all to see the stars, feel comfort in her brilliance,  love nature and step outside for one moment in eternity.
I wrote this because I felt so out of sorts today. When I saw la luna, I felt  a sense of calm. That often happens when night falls because I know a new day is approaching.
Leah Oviedo Nov 2017
Rekindling magic and wonder
Seeing the world in a different light
With a different kind of sight
A perspective turned upside down.
Creating, disassembling, learning
New ideas breaking through my shell
Sparking a revolution of improbable dreams.
Growing with self-love
Planting seeds of kindness
Loving myself unconditionally becomes my truth
Cultivating compassion for all is a continuous practice.
Rain cleaning the air and my lungs
Glittering sun breaking through storm clouds
Clearing my mind for new beginnings
Stepping forward with less weight
Moving slow with intention
Brimming with big ideas
Big ideas are coming.

11/2017, Leah Oviedo
Leah Oviedo Nov 2017
.Digging for my roots,
Through fragrant soil,
Rocks scrape my wrists,
Moving deeper,
Entangled in the maze,
Rich with the past,
My ancestors are lost in the dirt,
Their names forgotten, but they are there in my DNA,
Marking me with their gifts, their trauma, their choices,
I am not one,
I am many.

11/2017 by Leah Oviedo @

— The End —