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Don't know what to do in this life
I guess I'll grab a knife, slice it up
And find something in the next life
Sounds like a plan Batman
Maybe when I wake up in the next life
I'll be in the body of superman
Oh goody,  you sure are the man Batman!

I'll fly in the skies like a bird
Destroy those who are cruel
Be remembered forever and ever
Wouldn't that be beautiful

Hey captain boss man, how long is my lifespan?
I don't want to wait
Don't wanna watch my life dissipate
Can you **** me now Mr. captain bossman
Oh geez Batman captain man, thanks!
After you **** me
please give my best friend my underpants
Him having them is his destiny
Thanks, now I'll die happily.
Got blood on my hands
Sweat blood through the tears
Light and dark clash
This pain is what we share

Dear heavenly father above
I'm sorry for all the things I've done
Though I won't be forgiven
I hope I'll see your kingdom

It's beginning of the end for me
The night to end all nights
Repent, repent
Mind divided
It'll be alright.
Woke up at the end of the rainbow
A place filled with those hollow
Surrounded by a million faces
Echoing are bloodied voices
Something is in the distance, it's light
But it won't make a difference

Hands reach out from all sides
They grab a hold of me
The light in the distance fades, gone is the little boy inside
Fractured memories, lost humanity
In my cage where no divinity resides

Broken mirror, now
A sinner.
Hey there sweet bee, you are truly a sight to see
Hair tied in a knot
Knife covered in blood
What I would give for you to stab me
That would surely make me happy

I care not for your weirdness, your wickedness
I was surrounded in hatred
But you came along and made me feel connected
So I thank you wholeheartedly
(whatever's left that is)
For your very existence

Let's go to the end of the world and build ourselves an empire
Go on a grand adventure, I don't care, whatever
Anything is better than here so let us go quick, faster
Somewhere filled with laughter

If things were still normal we'd still be in the trees
Weirdness brings greatness
So we embrace it

Your soul is darker than mine
Yet you make it lighter
Light and dark intertwined
Forever and ever.
It's potent, the blood, that sits in my stomach
Darkness enveloped, body numb
This is how it is
When your the coming up
I wish things were different
But it is what it is
When you're just a product

A lot of parties, too many mollies, feeling like a zombie
I've got to get out of this place
But I've danced to their melody, seen the un-seen
and sold my soul
I will never find peace, It will haunt me
Wherever I go

I was passionate, desperate, but paid dearly for it
And all I have to show for it are blood-soaked tears
Nevermind my body
Which is covered in scars

Heart torn out
Soul gone
Look at me now mother, look at me now  father
Did your little boy do you proud?
Your presence is unholy, you pull me in slowly
I bend the knee
You are legendary
I giveth, you taketh
The only way to escape my body

I dug this grave, it's the only place
That makes me feel safe
I giveth, you taketh
Show me bliss, tear my wings
Teach me a lesson
I don't care what the demons bring

Feeling strong, finally found a place
Where I belong
I gave, you took
Soul set ablaze, Darkness understood
You were with me
All along

Thank you Lucifer for all the laughter
A true savior, a wonderful teacher
See you again
When things get darker
My insomnia is back
Mind is outta whack
This isn't really poetry
But I think you know that
Thoughts of something heavenly
Looking back on past memories

*******, I need to do something with my life
I write poetry
and have written a few stories
Tried programming as well as screenwriting
which I enjoyed immensely, but it costs too much money!
So here I am, back again with a poem
Another form of a story
I like it a lot
and have been writing them for about six months
And I'll write them again and again
Until my heart stops beating
Does this have meaning?
I don't know, it's rhyming
So it must mean something

Anyways, I don't know what to say
I thought I had it today
But in darkness comes the devil
His presence ever so powerful
Telling me I am special
But I struggle, yet he smiles
Saying that I have potential
Which I can't even fathom, not in this world of mine
That I'd like to abandon
Nah, I'm only kidding
It ain't too bad
No idea where it's heading
But I'm glad
Because I hate spoilers
Just as much as my handlers

That's a joke, I ain't controlled
I would go on and on
But I ain't going down that rabbit hole
My time is on a tight schedule, I don't got all-day
Another joke, ain't that funny?

You are wasting time though honestly
Reading this poem filled with much variety
Quite interesting though, wouldn't you say honey?
Yikes, a major yikes
That was pretty cringe, but hey
You're alive! maybe lost a few brain cells
But you already lost 6 billion from reading this poem
Ain't that swell?
You should see no difference though
You're already dumb
And quite frankly, appear to be a major eyesore
You look like something from Mordor
Now that's a joke

I'm sure you look great
A person that all should appreciate
Perhaps someone with heavenly energy
Something I wish to duplicate
But I can't, because I can't escape
Not from these snakes
I have a role I must play, which is fake
So many roles, so many faces
All  of which I can't break

I don't even know the real me, what I want to be
I thought I enjoyed writing
Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy writing poetry
But I don't really have that same feeling
When it comes to writing stories
What I want in life is to be free and happy
No worries, that type of thing
Writing poetry makes me happy
But it isn't stable, it doesn't bring money
What other thing is there besides poetry?
Maybe I'm being naive
Maybe I need to sacrifice some freedom
To have a stable income
But.. that isn't me, oh, I see!
At least I think
Help me, please

Yeah, this was one wild poem
If you can even call it that
It might be random
but that's okay
Insomnia made it whack
But also made me open about my current problem
You know, me not knowing what to be
Will poetry ever save me?
I suppose we will find out
When I wake up
From a deep sleep.
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